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06-Mar-07, 22:35
My daughter seems to have developed an itchy case of chickenpox. Was fine this morning, and by the time I picked her up at teatime, it's in full swing. I have calamine lotion, calpol etc etc, but do I need to take her to the GP to have confirmed / recorded or anything?

06-Mar-07, 22:38
I took my two to the doctor when they got it just to confirm and also to make a record on their notes.
Has he/she had chicken pox before? If so I would get this checked out anyway as I have heard of kids getting shingles 2nd time round. Meant to be slightly worse than chicken pox.

06-Mar-07, 22:40
No, neither of them have had before. i was a bit unsure whether I should actually take her to the docs, what with her still being contagious and all?

06-Mar-07, 22:41
chickenpox are in full swing at the local primary school ,down here in fife:~(

06-Mar-07, 22:42
I was under the impression that when the spots came out they were no longer contagious, I may be wrong, if in doubt give your doctor a call.

06-Mar-07, 22:46
I was under the impression that when the spots came out they were no longer contagious, I may be wrong, if in doubt give your doctor a call.

i think your right
i'm sure its 10 days before the spots come out that is the contagious period.
best to notify the dr just to get it on their record as someone has already suggested

06-Mar-07, 22:50
yeah, I'll phone first thing. She goes to Miller by the way!

06-Mar-07, 23:02
yeah, I'll phone first thing. She goes to Miller by the way!

What primary??

06-Mar-07, 23:04
chicken pox is rife just now in most schools across caithness. 15 out of 18 nursery school had it at halkirk - at the same time!

06-Mar-07, 23:09
Miller. Chemist was telling me today that they're in Rainbow Rascals too.

mums angels
06-Mar-07, 23:10
Am desperate to for my youngest to get the chicken pox, have been trying for weeks.:( better now than later. I'm all for chicken pox parties :lol:

Chicken pox are still contagious until the spots start to crust over. Take them to the docs for the childs doctors notes and they will probably give you a perscription for some anti histimene tablets.

06-Mar-07, 23:13
Glad i'm not the only one that thinks that. The amount of people who have told me I'm cruel for wanting my 2 to catch them is unreal. Saying that, their Dad hasn't, so he is not very impressed.

06-Mar-07, 23:16
My hubby caught the chicken pox from my niece when he was 30......it was so funny as he was more covered than her!!!

06-Mar-07, 23:42
When we were bairns mum used to add bicarbonate soda to the bath water to take the itch away, i used it on my barins and it really worked, has anyone else used this method?

Alice in Blunderland
06-Mar-07, 23:50
I gave my older children Piriton when they had chicken pox it soothed the itch and you can buy it at the local pharmacy over the counter. Some people said I shouldnt be using drugs to keep the itch at bay but I couldnt sit and watch them getting upset with the itching. Calamine lotion alone just didnt do it for them and they hated me putting it on their skin even when I warmed it up a bit. :)

07-Mar-07, 03:52
It's contagious until all the pox have crusted over. Keep the bairns cool, the warmer the room is, the more pox will pop up. An antihistamine from the doctor will really help them be comfortable, might make them sleepy but who cares, the rest will do them good and they won't be scratching and crying. I did like highlander too, bicarbonate soda in the bath water worked a miracle.

My hubby was 42 when he got chicken pox, and let me tell you, he surely wished he'd been exposed as a child. You never saw so many spots, he looked like a smallpox victim, plus he was miserable miserable and off work for 2 weeks. He was one sick dowg!

07-Mar-07, 11:03
What are the chances of getting chicken pox again, I had a mild case when in primary school. I am pregnant and work in a school at the moment and a bit worried.

07-Mar-07, 11:34
My daughter got chicken pox when she was 9 months old from her 3 year old brother and she was not really bothered by them at all.

07-Mar-07, 11:36
This takes me back. I remember my 3 kids and husband all got chickenpox at the same time. I didn't get a chance to put the calamine lotion down for days. Just spread it on - morning, noon and night. Poor husband was quite ill with it. The youngest had only a mild dose at the time but about 7 years later during another outbreak developed shingles. Far nastier than chicken pox.

07-Mar-07, 12:40
My oldest has had them, I used aqueous cream with calamine in it, seemed to do the trick for her, am very keen for my youngest to pick it up now, she is 21 months and would far rather her get it now and be over and done with, any chicken pox parties - I am game!!

Penelope Pitstop
07-Mar-07, 17:38
My eldest daughter developed chicken pox whilst on a summer holiday in France. My goodness was she bad with it (she was about 9 at the time). She still has scars from it. The younger one (aged 6) caught it 2 weeks later - she was fine with it, not much symptoms or spots. Their Dad then caught it another 2 weeks after that - my god was he ill with it, he was nearly admitted to hospital. It took him a good few months to get his strength back.

So the moral of the story is........catch it whilst you are young:Razz Party, party, party. lol

07-Mar-07, 20:25
Chicken pox can become shingles in an adult. Much, much better to have it as a child.

07-Mar-07, 20:43
My hubby caught the chicken pox from my niece when he was 30......it was so funny as he was more covered than her!!!

I've never had it before (I'm now 25) and really worried about catching it!!!! arrrghhhh!!!

08-Mar-07, 01:56
Chickenpox can be dangerous for adults. Why don't you ask your doctor about the varicella vaccine?

08-Mar-07, 02:59
http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_12_5.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZN) My daughter had chicken pox as a small child, I made sure of that, but when she was about 9 she had shingles.

08-Mar-07, 04:06
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong but I seem to remember that the spots shouldn't be scratched because if they are it can cause scars.

08-Mar-07, 14:43
Chickenpox can be dangerous for adults. Why don't you ask your doctor about the varicella vaccine?

Thanks sassylass - I had no idea you could get vacinated.


08-Mar-07, 21:24
What are the chances of getting chicken pox again, I had a mild case when in primary school. I am pregnant and work in a school at the moment and a bit worried.
My oldest had chicken pox when I was in very early stages of pregnancy I was told as long as I had already had chicken pox nothing to worry about, but if I hadn't then there is some blood test they would have needed to do.

11-Mar-07, 00:15
You should try not to scratch the spots as can scar but as we all know that's easier said than done. I found Piriton, calamine cream and then bicarbonate of soda in their baths helped with the itch. Once the spots crust over you are no longer contagious but I'm sure schools, nurseries, playgroups say to keep kids off for 10 days from onset of spots but I may be wrong with that.

11-Mar-07, 01:09
GP on Wednesday told me 5 - I thought it was 10 too

11-Mar-07, 01:17
I caught chickenpox when I was 19. I really wished I had caught it as a small child, it was a hellish experience!

Being a teenager, I wasn't concerned at the appearance of the first few spots on my face as I had assumed it was another dose of acne. Wish I had been more careful, I burst a few shaving and now I have scars :(

11-Mar-07, 11:50
My daughter seems to have developed an itchy case of chickenpox. Was fine this morning, and by the time I picked her up at teatime, it's in full swing. I have calamine lotion, calpol etc etc, but do I need to take her to the GP to have confirmed / recorded or anything?

One thing that sooths chicken pox alot is a good after sun lotion. It worked wonders for my son.... he only has one scar. The camomile did nothing.