View Full Version : Dolophins

03-Mar-07, 12:08
Dear All

On a very serious note, below are 2 web addresses, one contains a video footage of the Japanese fishing and handling of dolphins which to say the least is quite distressing both in the actual fishing of these mammals as well as their totally inhumane treatment after they are caught.

The second contains an international petition that is being collated against this fishery and I would ask you give consideration to recording the your opposition to such by signing the petition as well as forwarding this e-mail to anyone you can think of.

First watch the video on the link below, and then go to the second link and sign the petition please. The practice the video shows is absolutely reprehensible.


sign the petition please:


03-Mar-07, 12:27
i saw a bit of this on sky news and can only say that i was sickened by what i had seen. do the japanese think that these lovely friendly creatures feel no pain. utterly disgusted are the only words i can think of that can be printed here. mans humanity. thats a laugh.
[evil] [disgust]

03-Mar-07, 12:31
omg there are no words..
even if they were just fish.. which they are not.. the pure brutality and slaughter.. when the streets and waters literally run red with blood..

03-Mar-07, 12:45
I actually feel physically sick after watching that!

03-Mar-07, 13:05
Thanks for drawing our attention to this, and to the petition, annie.

I've added my signature.

03-Mar-07, 14:09
I couldn't watch the video but have signed the petition.

How can they sleep at night after doing this to these beautiful creatures?

Thanks Annie for giving us the chance to add our names to the petition. Hope with all my heart it is successful and that this brutality ends.

03-Mar-07, 16:06
Seen the footage on Sky News. I and my better half were left numb and sickened by what we seen.[evil] We have signed.

03-Mar-07, 16:14
I seen this on the news the other night, one word, 'brutal'

Personally i'm also boycotting japanese products

04-Mar-07, 18:36
Never thought of that weemannie good idea.

04-Mar-07, 20:09
hi annie.watched the video and was sickened.We have added our signatures....Cheers for bringing this to light:lol: [lol]

04-Mar-07, 20:19
weve added ours ive never seen such a cruel act an so needless makes me sick.

05-Mar-07, 01:37
I have been outraged by this for years, I am an active member of The WADCS..and have on more than one occasion e mailed The Japanese Embassy.
We have a simple answer if we want to stop this slaughter and that of the whales.Scientifice resaerch..PHOOEY when they end up as high priced delicasies in the upmarket shops of Tokyo,Nagasaki etc.
BOYCOTT Japanese goods, I have delisted the few that were on my shop shelves and will never knowingly purchase another.One might think it is difficult to live without Japanese goods especially electrical and high tech. ones but it can be done.
VOTE with your wallets folk.

05-Mar-07, 10:59
OMG that just brought a tear to my eye! I love dolphins! How on earth can people do things like this? It's sick! It makes me so mad!

the nomad
05-Mar-07, 11:50
This is horrific, these are intelligent mammals, probably more intelligent than homo sapiens as they don't carry out mindless and barbaric slaughter.

This reminded me on public beheading.[evil]

05-Mar-07, 22:46
Thanks to everyone who has signed on so far. Hope you pass it on to all you know

Martin England
05-Mar-07, 23:09
Just watched the link. This is absolutely sick and MUST STOP RIGHT NOW. I have also signed the petition.
Lets hope something will be done to stop this barbaric act