View Full Version : Can we communicate with the other side using the internet?

03-Mar-07, 03:32
I was talking to ma pal in Helensburgh today and she thinks we can use the internet to communicate with the other side. She has communicated with her mother and her older sister who passed away ten years ago, or so she says. She thinks we can make contact with the inhabitants of other worlds in the same way. She says they are reluctant to reveal themselves in the flesh but they are so advanced that they can dip in and out of our supposedly hi-tech internet without us noticing anything untoward.

Can we communicate with aliens and the deceased via the internet? What do you think?

03-Mar-07, 04:38
There should be a better chance of communicating via the internet with the living. Communicating with the mind via written messages with hidden insights.

03-Mar-07, 10:12
I would be quite happy being able to talk to the living on the net. My ISP seems to think I dont need to carry out this task very often. When this problem is sorted out, then I will think of the dead.[evil]

03-Mar-07, 11:10
I was talking to ma pal in Helensburgh today and she thinks we can use the internet to communicate with the other side. She has communicated with her mother and her older sister who passed away ten years ago, or so she says. She thinks we can make contact with the inhabitants of other worlds in the same way. She says they are reluctant to reveal themselves in the flesh but they are so advanced that they can dip in and out of our supposedly hi-tech internet without us noticing anything untoward.

Can we communicate with aliens and the deceased via the internet? What do you think?

With aliens maybe, with the deceased not a hope in hell! In heaven, well God knows.

03-Mar-07, 11:46
i would think aliens would be the best bet.. *grins*
as for teh dead.. we can talk to them any time any where.. just open your gob and say hello..
ive quite often got ghosties around.. *nope not crazy.. well not too much anyway!*
but my family has always been sensitive to them!
funny enough..
when i was in hospital after having tom.. is was the night don went home.. i was laying in bed on my side praying..
when i felt someone sit down beside me.
looked up expecring to see a mw.. but no one was there..
well i was surprised.. but not bothered. but darn it was cold where they were sitting .. the whole back of my legs and thigh was freezing where they were touching.. and when they put a hand on my hip.. i could feel the whole hand pring.. very cold..
i reached down put my hand over where they were air blankets and me were freezing where they were but no where else... the rest of me was tosty!
"you know how hot it is in hospital!*
here i was trying to figure out who it was as i could see them.. or actually feel them.. you know their presence.. so i carried on with my prayers.. told God to thank who ever was visiting me turned over and went to sleep!

03-Mar-07, 14:10
I often speak to the dead on the net

They speak in an intermittent garbled incomprehensible fashion

They talk quite randomly and like they are they confused but the communication seems to be only one way.

Afterward i have this sad wave of depression apathy and despair sweep over me.

It breaks my heart everytime

Or Is that Talk Talk's Customer Help Line!!

03-Mar-07, 15:13
You are officially dead when the brain is dead so I would agree, we can speak to the Brain-dead on the Internet.

On a more serious note Brandy, I have had the same experience as you but at times when stessed out.

03-Mar-07, 15:16
I was talking to ma pal in Helensburgh today and she thinks we can use the internet to communicate with the other side. She has communicated with her mother and her older sister who passed away ten years ago, or so she says. She thinks we can make contact with the inhabitants of other worlds in the same way. She says they are reluctant to reveal themselves in the flesh but they are so advanced that they can dip in and out of our supposedly hi-tech internet without us noticing anything untoward.

Can we communicate with aliens and the deceased via the internet? What do you think?Did she explain how she managed to do it as it seems very vague?
Personally I'm sceptical but if it gets someone who has lost a loved one through the day then that has got to be a good thing.

03-Mar-07, 15:47
Many years ago I listened to a radio programme about a guy who could communicate with his dead father through a transistor radio. His father answered questions only he and his son could have known about.The recordings of the dead fathers voice sounded faint and echoey.

The situation I heard this programme in is interesting.
I arrived , alone, in winter ,at a very , very remote , empty house to doss while working on a contract on the estate. Every time I had to go through the garden gate for my gear that area felt really spooky. Anyway , got the heating switced on and loads of bluebottles start appearing. I mean hundreds , having been warmed up by the heating.Loads of them buzzing everywhere. They were coming out of the window frames. YUK ! There were no curtains on the windows or any furniture and the overgrown bushes outside were screeking and tapping on the windows , looking like scrawny fingers trying to get in, as a right gale got up and heavy snowfall started .
Thinking " what am I doing here !! " , I put the radio on ( no tv reception ) and found that the reception was so poor the only way I could get the radio to work at all was to hold my hand on it. I could only get one station and that was the aforementioned programme ! Spooooky !!
The local game keeper was quizzed next day about the area neas the gate being " a bit odd " and he said the previous Hogmanay the elderly gentleman staying in the house had been dropped off at the road end late at night and watched until he reached the gate, then they drove off. Unfortunately the guy stumbled into a hollow beside the gate and was found covered in snow and stone dead the next day. Right at the spooky feeling spot by the gate. I'm really , really glad I didn't know that the previous night !!! I think that might've tipped the balance and I wouldve seriously considered trying to get out through the snowstorm. .

03-Mar-07, 16:52
huh, there are some that have trouble communicating whith those on this side let alone the other .

03-Mar-07, 18:35
I thought that you meant the otherside of the world, or even the "ET phone home" universe. Now that I am in Scotland I think that I am going to stop communicating with the rest of the world. It is just too nice here to worry about anywhere else.

04-Mar-07, 01:40
Can we communicate with aliens and the deceased via the internet? What do you think?[/quote]

Wouldnt it be great if we could communicate with our loved ones after they have died.

04-Mar-07, 01:50
Would it not be better if we communcated with the living more, before we tried communicating with the departed

04-Mar-07, 02:51
My pal is a bit "out of this world" shall we say. Still, Helensburgh is a nice place for a day out on a sunny Friday.

She says she's made contact with the Merons from one of the moons of Saturn but they don't trust us.

04-Mar-07, 03:43
My pal is a bit "out of this world" shall we say. Still, Helensburgh is a nice place for a day out on a sunny Friday.

She says she's made contact with the Merons from one of the moons of Saturn but they don't trust us.

[lol] Hahahahahahah!

04-Mar-07, 03:52
I've not voted yet - I did not find an appropriate answer in the choices of answers.

04-Mar-07, 11:41
Can anyone let me have Heaven, and Hell's, IP addresses so I can block them at the firewall? [lol]

Oh, and Purgatory's too, of course.


PS Would they use a pc or a Mac? A re-badged Dell, perhaps? (with an H instead of a D?) And since delivery charges for the Scottish Highlands and Islands are loaded because of our "inaccessibility", how much extra does it cost to get goods delivered there?

Crayola, you need an option for "my friend's as completely bonkers as a sack of ferrets" :lol: . Wibble.......

04-Mar-07, 16:34
*grins* thats funny!
but on a serious note.. spirits can easily manipulate electrical devices.. one of the easiest thigs for them to do..
i dont know all the details but something to do with the energy.. and electrical fielss..
kids battery toys are always a fun ghostie toy in my house!
i could tell you some stories!

04-Mar-07, 18:48
and i would love to read the tales people tell, because truth is most people talk of the same things.
I think that people are so afraid of what the ( normal ) :roll: whatever normal is, people say.
Life is boring when you don't have the magick inside.

04-Mar-07, 19:52
Would it not be better if we communcated with the living more, before we tried communicating with the departed

I have to agree with you there, golach! For one thing it's not possible to communicate with the dead - it's actually demons/wicked spirit beings pretending to be our dead relatives/friends. Sorry to disapoint, but they're very intelligent and have plenty of information to convince people they really are speaking to their dead loved one! Spooky! :evil

04-Mar-07, 20:00
i have to disagree with you there.
evil can not hide itself.
you can feel it.
have you ever felt spirits?
i have.. in fact i grew up with em.. as has most people in my family.
we have visitors all the time ..
just loved ones dropping in to have a peek,
belive me i have felt evil.. and its not nice.
the last time was in edinburgh.. before the kids were born we were on holiday and decided to go on one of teh tours..
went to the underground bit.. not mary kings close but to the one where the people were baked in the undeground room.
there is something nasty in there.. i can tell you that..
also in the old church yard on top of burkemont mountain back home.. there is something really bad there... been a few times in my youth.. and would not want to go back..
not nice i can tell you!
i wouldnt recommend using oijuie boards or such.. as you are opening yourself up.. but when someone comes to visit.. which they do you can tell.. and you can usually tell who it is just by their presence.. just like when someone walks into a room and without seeing them you know whos there.. its the same feeling.

04-Mar-07, 22:52
Demons and evil things takin same shape as our loved ones. I was told this once.
I know i have an over active imagination ( great dreams must say ).
If i am feeling good then i trust myself, I would never dable with what i do not have power over.
I do not want my night time dreams turned into ones of being ripped apart.
I do however have a photo of myself showing a bit of leg, and it was taking in an old garden. There is definately something beside me in the picture and no it is not a shadow or such like. There is probably an explaination for it. I could get it looked at but that would spoil my happy thoughts of it being my Gaurdian...

05-Mar-07, 00:09
I have to agree with you there, golach! For one thing it's not possible to communicate with the dead - it's actually demons/wicked spirit beings pretending to be our dead relatives/friends. Sorry to disapoint, but they're very intelligent and have plenty of information to convince people they really are speaking to their dead loved one! Spooky! :evil

So are you saying only demons/wicked spirits can communicate with us but good spirits can't?

05-Mar-07, 00:16
Basically yes, Abalone. The thing is angels are still up in heaven, whereas Satan and his demons have been cast down to the earth to wreak havoc on it - doing a pretty good job of that by the looks of it.
Thing is they're good at pretending to be good spirits, harmless, even friendly, but it's all just an act to draw you in.
As the Bible says "Satan keeps transforming himself into an angel of light". So if you feel a spirit -good or bad- best to keep clear of it. Once they start visiting you, they won't stop.

05-Mar-07, 08:44
so just out of curiosity.. are you saying that angels cant come out of heaven? because i think you need to ready your bible if you think that.
it is full of angels on earth. that were sent here by God.
ever heard of guardian angels?
each child at birth has one.
mat 18:10 says
See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.

yes lucifer was teh morning star. the most beautiful and favored angen in all of heaven. and God loved him greatly..
yes he and a third of all of heave rose up against God and were cast down from heaven.
and Yes the do not have corpreal bodies, and take great pleasure in influencing us..
lucifer for all his wickedness.. will show himself as pure beauty and light.. but like all things that are spoilt there is a sourness to it.
and you can tell the dif.
you can not let your greed and weakness.. have hold over you so that you can be influenced.
that is our burden to bear.. we have to be strong.. and we have to percevier.. but there is nothing that says that there is nothing good in spirits.
what do you think the holy ghost is?
this is a bit off subject but goes with the standing up and perseverance..
its my most favorite verses in the whole of the bible.
and at my hardest times i remember it..
ephisians 6 :10-20
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.
19Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray
my fav. is verse 13 but the whole thing is part and parcel..

05-Mar-07, 18:36
ever heard of guardian angels?
each child at birth has one.
mat 18:10 says
See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.

It would be nice to think we all have a guardian angel but sadly the Bible doesn't say that. Matthew 18:10 is often misinterpreted to mean that we all have an individual angel who protects us. But you'll find what Matthew meant here was simply that the angels are interested in our welfare, collectively, not individually. This thought is backed up by Hebrews 1:14 - "Are they not all spirits for our public service, sent forth to minister for those who are going to inherit salvation?" So over all, our spiritual welfare is more important to angels than our physical welfare.
Another thought - if we all have guardian angels, why are some protected whereas others are not? Millions die every year due to disease, wars, famine and natural disasters (to mention but a few). Surely at least some of these people prayed for help before they died - why were they not saved by their guardian angel?
The reason is, as Acts 10:34 states - "God is not partial". Also, as I said earlier, Hebrews 1:14 shows angels are interested in our physical welfare, but far more in our spiritual welfare. Physical help brings temporary benefits but spiritual help can bring eternal benefits.
I don't believe angels can take physical bodies and be visible (as spirits) on earth, because only the demons and Satan/Lucipher have been cast down to the earth. But angels are very interested in us and try to help out when they can - especially if it'll be for our spiritual benefit. I've definitely received angelic protection from a dog that was threatening to attack me and my two girls. I prayed so hard, and amazingly the dog calmed down, and we were able to get in the car and drive away unscathed. I'm convinced it was an angel though I never saw it or felt it. It shut the dog's mouth the same way the angel back in Daniel's day shut the mouths of the lions to stop him being eaten alive! And when an angel does that for little old me, it sure makes me feel like someone's watching out for us!!!:)

05-Mar-07, 20:26
I am glad i am who i am. I can go for a sleep and dream the most wonderful things.
I can be driving along and feel all bubbly inside.
Oh and just when i think i am all alone:eek:

05-Mar-07, 22:44
No idea about aliens, they don't interest me. Generally don't believe spirits can come through any electrical or techno means, but did hear a story once about a woman who died and spoke to a medium giving him her home phone number and asking him to phone her husband and give him an important message. Then again did remote viewing during the cold war use any internet means, I don't know?

06-Mar-07, 00:33
There is no "other side"

When we can accept that obvious fact, then perhaps we have a better chance of communicating better with those of us who are "here"

Too many people possess fanciful notions and forget to deal with the real issues that make or break our planet as a nice place. Heaven on Earth is possible, sadly human beings are not capable of making it so.

We have the capability to communicate with our fellow humans but refuse to do so because they are a different race, religion etc

Pretty sad that we would rather get in touch with a dead relation than go talk to our neighbour.

Attitude, rather than technology needs to change.

Penelope Pitstop
06-Mar-07, 12:13
Can anyone let me have Heaven, and Hell's, IP addresses so I can block them at the firewall?

Oh, and Purgatory's too, of course.


PS Would they use a pc or a Mac? A re-badged Dell, perhaps? (with an H instead of a D?) And since delivery charges for the Scottish Highlands and Islands are loaded because of our "inaccessibility", how much extra does it cost to get goods delivered there?

Crayola, you need an option for "my friend's as completely bonkers as a sack of ferrets" . Wibble.......

[lol] [lol]

07-Mar-07, 01:25
Crayola, you need an option for "my friend's as completely bonkers as a sack of ferrets" :lol: . Wibble.......Ha ha, it was supposed to say "Your friend is insane, crayola," but I left it as was.

Am I the first to be certified insane by half the .org? What an honour! :lol:

07-Mar-07, 01:27
I have to agree with you there, golach! For one thing it's not possible to communicate with the dead - it's actually demons/wicked spirit beings pretending to be our dead relatives/friends. Sorry to disapoint, but they're very intelligent and have plenty of information to convince people they really are speaking to their dead loved one! Spooky! :evilCrikey, I'm not the only one who's into this. Where did you find all this ett23? A book?

07-Mar-07, 01:32
There is no "other side"

When we can accept that obvious fact, then perhaps we have a better chance of communicating better with those of us who are "here"

Too many people possess fanciful notions and forget to deal with the real issues that make or break our planet as a nice place. Heaven on Earth is possible, sadly human beings are not capable of making it so.

We have the capability to communicate with our fellow humans but refuse to do so because they are a different race, religion etc

Pretty sad that we would rather get in touch with a dead relation than go talk to our neighbour.

Attitude, rather than technology needs to change.You don't have the gift to reach out acoss the dimensions so you don't understand. There's no need to come over all uppity about it. Especially when yer wrong! :lol:

07-Mar-07, 01:44
Did she explain how she managed to do it as it seems very vague?She was a bit vague. She sits next to her pc and thoughts are projected into her head from the other side via the monitor. She responds by moving the mouse to form patterns like celtic designs.

07-Mar-07, 02:19
All this 'contact on the other side' through the internet seems a bit cheesy to me. But I suppose the spiritualist conpeople would love to hijack it as it will give them a worldwide medium (pardon the pun) to con more people and they don't have to go to all the bother of dressing up in weird clothes and practising their lines and facial expressions. If they can make people believe that contact through the internet is possible then spiritualist nonsense can go global.

07-Mar-07, 13:53
how can anything get past minds so narrow.

07-Mar-07, 17:12
You don't have the gift to reach out acoss the dimensions so you don't understand. There's no need to come over all uppity about it. Especially when yer wrong! :lol:

I have a far greater gift, that of common sense coupled to logical thought. Funny how funny people always think understanding people don't understand.

There is not one shred of worthwhile evidence about the "other side" but plenty of guff spouted and emotional blackmailing of vulnerable people who are desperate to "talk" to someone they have lost. Sanitised Witchcraft for the Modern Era!!

07-Mar-07, 19:29
:eek: Witchcraft Sanitised Modern era.
So much that people do not know, AND i am still glad i am me.
Scorrie do you know where i can get a black bible.

07-Mar-07, 20:31
She was a bit vague. She sits next to her pc and thoughts are projected into her head from the other side via the monitor. She responds by moving the mouse to form patterns like celtic designs.

She is a bit Vague...Hmmmm. Still trying to figure that one out.
Has she had a look behind her monitor? Maybe when she last had a vague moment, (and when we get to a certain age, we all have them), she left her crystal ball behind the monitor :eek:

07-Mar-07, 20:51
:eek: Witchcraft Sanitised Modern era.
So much that people do not know, AND i am still glad i am me.
Scorrie do you know where i can get a black bible.

There is indeed a lot that we do not know. We DO know however, that there is no evidence of life after death that can bear up under any serious scrutiny. Almost all these "Paranormal" activities turn out to be hoaxes or people believing the things that they are so desperate to be true. Point a camera at it for as long as you like and guess what? Diddly Squat time after time. Ghost and UFO hotspots turn ghoulishly quiet when the Bravo channel lads and lasses roll up with the filming crew!!

I gave Aleister Crowley's book Magick a whirl in the 1980's but did not like the idea of taking less to eat and having less sleep. The Mantras that had to be recited even whilst asleep were also off-putting. When it got to the bit about a sword being an essential investment I decided to kick Crowley to the kerb and undertook my own investigations into the Paranormal under the codename Agent Cully and recorded my findings in a report called The Beck's Files. I discovered that these weird green bottles were causing Paranormal Activity in young men in particular. Superhuman strength, speaking in tongues and projectile vomiting were some of the "Exorcistesque" (TM Pending) activities displayed, along with involuntary urination. Yet, whenever I took anyone along to verify these events, these same men were sipping diet Pepsi and playing snooker. Some have said to me "right place, wrong time", who knows?

The Truth Is Out There.

08-Mar-07, 02:03
Would it not be better if we communcated with the living more, before we tried communicating with the departed

So very true Golach

08-Mar-07, 02:17
Whilst I have little empathy with the world of spiritualists and mediums, seeing them mostly as fraudsters who take advantage of those who's emotional state is fragile, I do believe that there is a certain state of place.
If I had to explain it. it would be that perhaps we have an ancestral memory that is much longer than is normally given credence and that as our culture is embewed with a folk history, handed down from generation to generation maybe we imagine more than we think.
I will acknowledge that there are places that seem to have an aura of being but cannot or would not attempt to explain it as what I experience would not be the same as the person standing next to me at the same time.
I would suggest that perhaps and just perhaps , that there are a few that can link to their surroundings who can stand by the stone and sense it's history but to do that one has to have a sense of place and a sense of ancestry.
The imagination fueled by what we read and what we observe is a strange being but never make the mistake of thinking of it as reality.

09-Mar-07, 20:55
That is what spoils it all ( fraudsters ).
It angers me when i hear of people being taken advantage of.
A daughter the other wekk found out after her elderly mother was dead that she was paying these Fraudsters alot of money in a month.

10-Mar-07, 02:49
There is indeed a lot that we do not know. We DO know however, that there is no evidence of life after death that can bear up under any serious scrutiny. Almost all these "Paranormal" activities turn out to be hoaxes or people believing the things that they are so desperate to be true. Point a camera at it for as long as you like and guess what? Diddly Squat time after time. Ghost and UFO hotspots turn ghoulishly quiet when the Bravo channel lads and lasses roll up with the filming crew!!

I gave Aleister Crowley's book Magick a whirl in the 1980's but did not like the idea of taking less to eat and having less sleep. The Mantras that had to be recited even whilst asleep were also off-putting. When it got to the bit about a sword being an essential investment I decided to kick Crowley to the kerb and undertook my own investigations into the Paranormal under the codename Agent Cully and recorded my findings in a report called The Beck's Files. I discovered that these weird green bottles were causing Paranormal Activity in young men in particular. Superhuman strength, speaking in tongues and projectile vomiting were some of the "Exorcistesque" (TM Pending) activities displayed, along with involuntary urination. Yet, whenever I took anyone along to verify these events, these same men were sipping diet Pepsi and playing snooker. Some have said to me "right place, wrong time", who knows?

The Truth Is Out There.Aye the truth is out there and closed minds like yours will never see it because you've already decided that the truth is what you think it is so you spend your time making fun of those who see the truth far better than you do. Your sarcasm is far far worse than your nemesis JAWS. You should be ashamed of yourself.

10-Mar-07, 12:55
For the past few months our computer has been switching its self on and off,moving settings and changing people logged on.
We try to laugh it off that its just the resident spook as there are other strange goings on in this house,that we gave them their own log in.
Its down as Spook and since then its all gone quiet.....:eek:

10-Mar-07, 22:53
Aye the truth is out there and closed minds like yours will never see it because you've already decided that the truth is what you think it is so you spend your time making fun of those who see the truth far better than you do. Your sarcasm is far far worse than your nemesis JAWS. You should be ashamed of yourself.

There is no sarcasm whatever in my post, just a little bit of fun. I would rather have a sense of humour than the ability to see across the dimensions.

I have clearly rattled your cage but since the majority of pollsters have voted you insane I think I have very little to be ashamed about. Lighten up a little, you are coming across like a little kid here.

By the way, I am JAWS Nemesis, not the other way around. I do not hide behind vague waffle or refuse to answer questions on dubious grounds.

Believe me I am a very open-minded person and I research topics thoroughly before I declare my opinion. I only ask you to provide the evidence that has not been forthcoming in all known History, despite mankind's progress in researching these matters.

"I believe in Coyotes and time as an abstract"

15-Mar-07, 18:30
I have clearly rattled your cage but since the majority of pollsters have voted you insane...
this maybe so but i still think that most people never allow the strange and mysterious to creep in.
Rattling cage's ( nope ), we all ain't that easy rattled. (protective maybe).
Anyway i just thought i would add to this thread.:eek:

15-Mar-07, 19:28

I guess it depends on whether the other side has an internet connection. I wonder who their service provider is, SuperNETural! They might be using wireless, probably stealing signal from this side the s!

I wonder if I can get Elvis on MSN, he still owes me money from a poker game we had on a Ouija board one time :Razz

I wonder if you can be reincarnated as a spam mail, or maybe a virus?

16-Mar-07, 16:04

I wonder if I can get Elvis on MSN, he still owes me money from a poker game we had on a Ouija board one time

I once fleeced Elvis at Ouija Board Dominoes. Every time it came to his turn he was Knocking!! ;o)

17-Mar-07, 22:08
Just to put an end to this debate I'd formally like to announce to everyone here that I am in fact Rod Hull.

If anyone fancies a supernatural groping from my hand disguised as a blue sock on acid, please feel free to contact my agent on:

[email protected]

17-Mar-07, 22:13
Just to put an end to this debate I'd formally like to announce to everyone here that I am in fact Rod Hull.

If anyone fancies a supernatural groping from my hand disguised as a blue sock on acid, please feel free to contact my agent on:

[email protected]
your tripping [lol]

22-Mar-07, 13:50
I was talking to ma pal in Helensburgh today and she thinks we can use the internet to communicate with the other side. She has communicated with her mother and her older sister who passed away ten years ago, or so she says. She thinks we can make contact with the inhabitants of other worlds in the same way. She says they are reluctant to reveal themselves in the flesh but they are so advanced that they can dip in and out of our supposedly hi-tech internet without us noticing anything untoward.

Can we communicate with aliens and the deceased via the internet? What do you think?

Hello - you have reached the other side already by talking to me? How do you know which side I am on? You should join us, there's a great view from this place on high.

[What a load of bollocks] - never heard so much rubbish!!

22-Mar-07, 14:24
Hello - you have reached the other side already by talking to me? How do you know which side I am on? You should join us, there's a great view from this place on high.

[What a load of bollocks] - never heard so much rubbish!!
Yep there is no way in knowin wot side ur on wen u danna know ursel[lol] ( jokin )