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View Full Version : E-Cigs / Vaping - EU Regulation

21-Mar-14, 10:02
A call to action: Save vaping! Hold onto our civil rights! On the 26th of February the European Parliament allowed the Article on electronic cigarettes of the Tobacco Products Directive to pass. This controversial, rushed and unacceptable legislation born of ignorance, endangers the future of vaping on national levels as well as on European level, putting the health of millions of European citizens at risk.

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Our manifesto We, the vapers of Europe and supporters of the subject, demand electronic cigarettes and its related products, regardless of its nicotine content, to be classified as general purpose recreational products through legislation, once and for all, and strictly not as medicinal, tobacco or any other kind of products that would limit or impair the vapers' access to and use of electronic cigarettes and related products.

21-Mar-14, 10:22
have i got this right? you want to class a 'tobacco/smoking' related product as a 'recreational product' to be smoked when and where you want ?

21-Mar-14, 12:02
to be fair, vaping is not tobacco or smoking related.
However I think their use should be restricted and the content of the cartridges regulated.

21-Mar-14, 12:34
i get what you're saying, but if you suck on it like a fag and blow out what looks like smoke - then in my book it's smoking related

22-Mar-14, 02:23
i get what you're saying, but if you suck on it like a fag and blow out what looks like smoke - then in my book it's smoking related

Even though there's no smoke. Ok....

22-Mar-14, 14:57
Even though there's no smoke. Ok....

well despite usually coming home with no fish, i quite often go 'fishing', maybe i'll just call it 'waiting' from now on

22-Mar-14, 15:37
well despite usually coming home with no fish, i quite often go 'fishing', maybe i'll just call it 'waiting' from now on

If consuming nicotine without smoke is considered smoking then getting your fish from the fishmonger without catching it yourself should be considered fishing.

22-Mar-14, 16:00
If consuming nicotine without smoke is considered smoking then getting your fish from the fishmonger without catching it yourself should be considered fishing.

you can play the semantics game all day long if ya fancy, but if it walks like a duck and sounds like a duck, i'm allowed to consider it 'duck related'

i bet from a fairly short distance you couldn't tell the difference between someone who is smoking and someone who is 'consuming nicotine'.

anyway, good luck to the op

Big Gaz
22-Mar-14, 16:14
[h=1] endangers the future of vaping on national levels as well as on European level, putting the health of millions of European citizens at risk.

Ahh, putting millions of EU citizens' health at risk is it? What about the hundreds of millions of citizens who have long-term or terminal ailments or even those who have died through inhaling passively then? Don't recall a petition to save all those souls!!!

I don't smoke, nor will i ever do and as for these E-cigarettes, i personally think it is a disgusting object. The vapour cigarettes are just a legal exploitation of smokers. The govt have been slow to act on this as they are losing taxes at an alarming rate so i was expecting this wakeup call. You also have the whiners now wanting to start "vaping" inside pubs again and calling for that to be made legal too, such a nice way to kill off the pub trade completely!. End of the day, it's your body you are polluting with nicotine and your problem, not mine! I want no part of it, nor do i want to be forced to inhale the horrid vapour the contraptions emit whilst enjoying a pint so forcing your will upon others by means of a ridiculous government poll really shows a selfish attitude. Quit the proper way and save yourself some cash! millions of people have done it so why can't you instead of posturing and threatening the government to try and get your own way

22-Mar-14, 20:02
The vapists will have you believe that the emissions from the device are harmless However we have been spun that story before from the tobacco companies For me there has not been enough research done into these devices over a decent length of time to make a call on if they are safe or otherwise

Kevin Milkins
23-Mar-14, 01:53
I have been in close proximity to someone smoking an electronic cigarette and it had the same effect on me as someone smoking a real cigarette. You can dress it up any way you like, but I would be unhappy if they were allowed to be smoked unregulated.

23-Mar-14, 09:57
That are unregulated as is, I thinkWhere should the vapists go to vape when out and about, will we see vaping shelters adjacent to smoking shelters?I think they are banned on many offshore rigs altogether as the fluid is deemed hazardous and not allowed on helicopters.

23-Mar-14, 11:11
i am a none smoker and a non drinker however people should be allowed to smoke or drink as they please as long as they leave others alone. however if the government is banning smoking of electronic cigarettes why should alcohol not be banned also. after all alcohol costs the national health service millions of pounds every year,and in my opinion as a non drinker and smoker i have suffered far more problems and abbusive behaviour at due to people who have consumed to much alcohol than will evert receive from a smoker so maybe its about time alcohol was banned as well in my opinion so maybe the pint drinker can see how unfair his comments are surely people should be allowed to come and go or do as they please after all its a free country!

23-Mar-14, 12:08
Yeah, pubs would be so much nicer without those drinkers!