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View Full Version : Missing black cat

Stephen M
11-Mar-14, 00:07
My cat went missing almost six weeks ago from the Glengolly area. Prior to this, on at least three occasions, someone removed his collar which he always wore to make sure he was visible at night. On one occasion he came back with a pink collar on! I know he would not voluntarily remian somewhere else for a long period of time so there is a strong possibility that he is being kept inside with no access to the outside. I hope I am right and not that any harm as come to him as a result of someone removing his collar that he wore for safety. He is all black with just a little bit of white on the front of his neck. I would be grateful for any information. Thank you!

11-Mar-14, 00:23
Microchip him!
And leave a message on his new collar/ tag that he has a home etc ..when he comes home.
Cat collars are made to release when trapped..so maybe if he hates wearing it he has found a way to rid himself of the collars.
Maybe after removing his collar on a tree/nail etc he has found a 2nd family that feeds him(better tasting food/quiet time or a cozy bed,etc however a cat thinks ) and they have adopted him...and they are wondering if he really has a home!..or think he is homeless and have adopted him ...or him adopting them!..

29-Apr-14, 13:30
i believe i have found this cat but cant get in touch with the owner as no details left..the cat has been wandering around mount vernon area of thurso.
if anyone knows contact details please get in touch 07854932296 thanks jake

Stephen M
30-Apr-14, 19:10
I have just been alerted to the fact you have found a missing black cat. I have looked at the photo and it is possible that it could be Blackie my missing cat. I would be very grateful if I could make arrangements to see it. I have PM you but just making sure! You can contact me on 01847 892062 or 07757767698. My very many thanks! Stephen M

30-Apr-14, 22:07
hi this person is advertising a lost cat that sounds like yours on here

Stephen M
01-May-14, 00:15
I am absolutely thrilled to say. It WAS my cat and I can't thank the people enough for caring for him and keeping safe and well fed! He is now curled up on my knee fast asleep! Once again Thank You!

01-May-14, 12:41
Aw that's fantastic news! I love a happy ending.

02-May-14, 13:04
Oh that is such brilliant news!!!!