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View Full Version : I feel sick- Unit 731

25-Feb-07, 13:25
I have just been reading about a place in Japan called Unit 731 that was used during WW2. It was an experimental chemical wepons facilite which was used on humans.
i am not going to post a link because if people want to read about it it is availble on wikipedia.

I thought what the nazi doctors did was bad. how anyone could do such thing to people is discusting and amazing.
i really feel sick.

25-Feb-07, 13:44
Well, when you see what they call "fun & entertainment" (as seen on Tarrant on TV etc) are you really THAT surprised! [evil]

25-Feb-07, 14:59
I have just been reading about a place in Japan called Unit 731 that was used during WW2. It was an experimental chemical wepons facilite which was used on humans.
i am not going to post a link because if people want to read about it it is availble on wikipedia.

I thought what the nazi doctors did was bad. how anyone could do such thing to people is discusting and amazing.
i really feel sick.
are you reading the same book about conspiracy theories that i am.[lol]
was reading about this yesterday and its atrocious.

25-Feb-07, 15:02
no, i am reading info about WW2 etc on wikipedia. I finished watching band of brothers yesterday and decided to look at more info.

i have somehow gotten onto the stanford experiment now. other people and what they do amazes and intriges me so much.
its amazing what people will do under orders.

26-Feb-07, 22:13
yuck! sounds horrible:eek: Good series that Band of Brothers but wheres the might brave scottish :cool:

26-Feb-07, 23:44
Fluff, much of what the Japanese did in WW2 was not "under orders". Check on what they did in Nanking. I'll not give any details or sites here due to the nature of incidents you will find but any search will take you there.
Much of what happened was done for pure enjoyment or by way of competition, and that's the version of those involved.
Of course, "Officially", it never happened, that's if the Japenese Government, even now, are willing to say that much.

27-Feb-07, 15:44
Don't take this the wrong way, please, but since evil can't be undone, it's worth noting that just as the experiments carried out by the Nazis led ultimately to huge advances in preventing and treating hypothermia, plastic surgery and other surgical / medical areas, so the information handed over to the US will have resulted in a better understanding of the effects of diseases on humans - and so might indirectly be responsible for saving thousands of lives now and in the future.

Would it have been better had the work never taken place? Yes. But since it did, we might as well extract whatever good is available to be extracted from it.

27-Feb-07, 16:26
I agree totally. What happened should never have happened but it did and cannot be undone.
The disgrace would have been if the information, so evilly obtained, had simply been discarded. That would have meant that the victims of those experiments would have been made to suffer (I suspect torture would be a more accurate description) for nothing. At least those who survived and the relatives of those who died can at least try to gain some consolation from the fact that humanity gained some benefit from it.
Had I been in that position I would hope that I were still able to hold that view but I must admit that I cannot, by any means, be certain of that.

27-Feb-07, 21:32
sad thing but yes you are right some of it helpded medicne alot. others did not, alot of what the nazi doctor did (i cannot remeber his name) has little medical purpose ie trying to change the colour of someones eyes by injecting dye.

all i hope is what the people who did suffer, did not suffer for too long