View Full Version : Would anyone be interested in a car boot sale in Wick?

24-Feb-07, 14:26

The Boys' Brigade is currently trying to raise money to replace a flat roof and to insulate the entire hall. We thought we would hold a car boot sale for the public.

We thought a £5 per table inside the BB Hall, Wick or a space in our car park would be reasonable. If you would be interested, please let me know. A date for this has not yet been arranged.

Please let me know of any other good ideas for raising money like a car boot sale where adult help is not needed.

Marc MacDonald

Boys' Brigade
1st Wick Company

25-Feb-07, 03:00
How about a prize bingo, a car wash, walking the dog jobs?

I would definetly have a stall.

25-Feb-07, 08:33
You would certainly get my wife there if we were up in Wick.
She loves them, allways comes home with a jig-saw.
To faraway though, hope you have a good one.:)

25-Feb-07, 10:56
I might take a table as well.

Car boot sales are usually very popular, and a good way of raising money. Sometimes it's better to have them on a regular basis though, as everyone gets to know about them, and you start to get regulars then. Try to have a table yourself to raise some extra money. Tombola stalls, bottle stalls and lucky dips are usually popular. So is home baking. Or a sale of work in the Assembly Rooms - ask the parents for donations of toys, books, videos, dvd's, bric-a-brac, baking etc.

Why don't you get the lads involved in some car washing - I know mine would enjoy it.

Try some more sponsored events, as that also gets the boys involved. Contact the supermarkets to see if you can book a date for bag packing - they will be booked up for months in advance, but at least you can get your name down, and it brings in a lot of money.

Fran's idea of Prize Bingo is also good - put a note home with the boys, to ask parents for prize donations and donations for the bottle stall. We'll certainly donate a few things.

I know there is a problem with lack of adult helpers at the moment - if you can get a date for bag packing, or car washing - put my name down as a helper.

Make sure you advertise the car boot sale well, so everyone knows it is taking place. Put posters home with the boys, and ask the parents to distribute them to as many places as they can. It would be an idea to advertise in other places as well, not just Wick - some people will come from Thurso for a car boot sale. If it is advertised well, you will get a good turnout, then the sellers would be happy to come back on a regular basis, as they will have made some money.

In the Summer, how about a Fun Day? It would be great for the boys, as they could help out as well. You could hire a bouncy castle, get someone to do face painting, sell balloons, hot food, have football competitions etc.

25-Feb-07, 15:49
Thank you all for your helpful ideas. Please could you give me your details by emailing [email protected]
We will be bag packing soon anyway and the last time we tried to do a car wash, 1 car turned up. It might have been badly advertised but we will try it again!
We are having a sponsored Hush-in by the Anchors and juniors aged 5-10. I have been in the Boys' Brigade for 21 years now. I have done over 10 hush-ins and there was always 1 that never stayed quiet! He was asked to stay in a seperate room by himself so there was no-one speak to! We need over £5000 so we need as alot of donations. If you are willing to give a small or large donation, please email the Company and we can pass on our address.

The Company is 120 years old and it has never been funded by anyone other than the public and local business's. We wish to thank everyone for the support we have had since 1887.

26-Feb-07, 09:56
If the dates okay, then I will take a table at the boot sale.

28-Feb-07, 03:14
If you want to advertise this event feel free to drop a flyer into Wetherspoons as we have a new community notice board which you can advertise on free of charge.