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23-Feb-07, 19:59
Miller academy now is down to one crossing guard/lolipop person. This isnt right!![disgust]something needs to be done. I for one would happily give up my time for the kids to cross the roads safe but i cant as im quite busy during the hours that the kids cross the road. Dont you think somthing should be done? The Police have sent up a traffic warden to do it but he does have things to do. What do you think?

23-Feb-07, 20:15
I think you should find out from the school as to WHY there is only one lollypop person. The traffic warden will be covering to free up the policeman who would have to do the job. Its not a job too many people would be willing to do as the hours are sporadic.

23-Feb-07, 20:20
Yep, maybe they haven't anyone for the job!

Mr P Cannop
23-Feb-07, 20:21
i would be happy to help out with this

23-Feb-07, 20:23
I believe one Lolipop man is ill at the moment.

Billy Boy
23-Feb-07, 20:33
Surely if the traffic warden is helping out it is far better than having no one, so why is that a problem?:confused
I could see the point of complaining if there was no one to do the job.

mums angels
23-Feb-07, 22:03
traffic warden was doing a wonderful job today and lollipop lady on castlegreen road was still there so unfortunatly there was only the bottom gate that had no one there . :( hopefully missing lollis will be back in good health shortly :)

23-Feb-07, 22:13
What is wrong with the parents making sure that the kids are getting across the roads safely, set up a system between yourselves to ensure all the kids get across safely.

What with this thread and the one about heating baby foods, it makes me wonder what the role of parents is nowadays.

23-Feb-07, 22:15
What is wrong with the mums making sure that the kids are getting across the roads safely, set up a system between yourselves to ensure all the kids get across safely.

What with this thread and the one about heating baby foods, it makes me wonder what the role of parents is nowadays.

to many nowadays want to put the responsability on to others:~(
no wonder some kids grow up confussed

23-Feb-07, 22:28
to many nowadays want to put the responsability on to others:~(
no wonder some kids grow up confussed
I'm sorry, but I for one really take offence at that. My daughter has to make use of the crossing patrolers in the morning as I have to go to work and she walks down from her aunties house. I don't think you should be making generalised comments about taking responsibility for children when everybody's situation is different.

23-Feb-07, 22:41
Originally Posted by changilass http://forum.caithness.org/images/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://forum.caithness.org/showthread.php?p=194107#post194107)
What is wrong with the mums making sure that the kids are getting across the roads safely, set up a system between yourselves to ensure all the kids get across safely.

What with this thread and the one about heating baby foods, it makes me wonder what the role of parents is nowadays.

And this comment coming from a moderator.(Flaming............3 points....3 months)

I would love to be a perfect parent just like you. Someone better call the social workers because my children used the lollipop lady every day they went to primary. No matter where you live in thurso and your child attends Miller they will have to cross a road.

23-Feb-07, 22:47
My comment wasnt flaming I was offering a suggestion to sort out the immediate problem.

I have never said I am a perfect parent, I am trying my best for my child as I assume you are

Castletown doesnt even have one let alone 3

23-Feb-07, 22:53
Well sorry but i agree wi Changilass & Sam.

Not everywhere has lollipop people & yes everyone's situation is different but it is still up to us as parents to get the kids to school safely. imho

23-Feb-07, 22:54
What with this thread and the one about heating baby foods, it makes me wonder what the role of parents is nowadays

I appologise if took your comment out of context but where was your suggestion of a solution in the heated baby food debate.

23-Feb-07, 22:58
Read the whole of my original post and you will see I offered a soulution to the crossing problem, with regard to the statement you have copied that is my opinion not flaming, are you saying that as a mod I am not entitled to an opinion?????

With regard to the baby food, someone already came up with a solution to that, take a flask of boiling water with you

I chose to have a child and will therefore take responsibility for that child and not expect others to do it for me - this again is not flaming, just my opinion on child rearing

23-Feb-07, 23:13
I'm sorry, but I for one really take offence at that. My daughter has to make use of the crossing patrolers in the morning as I have to go to work and she walks down from her aunties house. I don't think you should be making generalised comments about taking responsibility for children when everybody's situation is different.

I work to but my first priority is my child, I'm sorry if you take offence, but surely its the responsability of the parents to make sure their children get to school safely or anywhere else for that matter

23-Feb-07, 23:27
I have had 4 children and have taken full resposibility for all, this means not only am I there emotionally but I provide shoes clothes school dinners treats clubs, for example my youngest daughter is a prize winning gymnast my oldest boy plays football rugby and babmington for the school, and was the county school sports champion none of the equipment for any of these sports is cheap. My Husband has never since the age of 16 had a days unemployment, so we do not rely on state benifits we also pride ourselves on the fact that in the 16 years we have been married we have never had a babysitter this is because we have never left our kids just to go out. And when which is quite often we have to go to inverness to shop (have you ever tried to buy a leotard in thurso.)we take them all with us. So because of this i find your comments as insulting as any I have ever heard on this forum and yes i think you were looking for an argumentand as a moderater you should of known better.

23-Feb-07, 23:33
Don't understand your not having a night out, I have had one, got my mum to babysit

23-Feb-07, 23:45
Chaniglass i have pm you

24-Feb-07, 00:03
Since this has gone a bit off topic, thought I would put it back on!!

The traffic warden did do an excellent job this morning, he was friendly to parents and kids, which is rewarding in itself.
We mainly walk our kids to school which works out fine for our situation. Some parents do however have to work and dont have suitable hours that allows them to take their kids to school.
The fact that Miller Academy is on Princes Street (Busiest Street around 9am), it is necessary for a lollipop lady/man.
I do not think that the parents could work this out between them as all the kids arrive at different times, due to parents working or for other reasons that may be unexpected.
I would quite happily do this to make sure the kids were safe but since I have a daughter that is home at 11.30 from nursery, then I cant exactly do it with her at my side!!
As parents we want the best for our kids but we can't all be supermom/dad!!

24-Feb-07, 00:04
Sent you one back:D

24-Feb-07, 00:22
I believe one Lolipop man is ill at the moment.

Maybe they could borrow this guy:


24-Feb-07, 00:32
Excellent 98Elite!!!

24-Feb-07, 09:39
LOL cracking Vid!

Have to say to date I have been a parent for 14 years, my youngest is only 4, by the time he is 16 I would have been a parent for 22 years - Of Course I will use a babysitter - there is no way I will stay in for 22 years!!

As a parent I try to include my kids in as many trips/nights out as I can, but when it is an "adult thing" I use a babysitter who I trust - I do not see anything wrong with that at all.

Back to the topic - the majority of parents (or carers) of the younger children take their children to the lolly and watch as they cross - this 15ft trip is the start of independance and is vital to the start of "growning up". If the Lolly is ill or on leave then the police or traffic warden are always there to help the kids cross. I do not see a problem with this at all.

24-Feb-07, 10:03
What is wrong with the parents making sure that the kids are getting across the roads safely, set up a system between yourselves to ensure all the kids get across safely.

What with this thread and the one about heating baby foods, it makes me wonder what the role of parents is nowadays.

To do this, I would think you would have to go through a Disclosure Scotland as you will be working in close contact with children other than your own. Who would take the responsability if things go wrong?:confused

25-Feb-07, 00:43
To do this, I would think you would have to go through a Disclosure Scotland as you will be working in close contact with children other than your own. Who would take the responsability if things go wrong?:confused

Disclosure will be a reason
parents would not be covered by the schools Insurance

and believe it or not a parent although capable of crossing the road for a number of years would have had to be trained to do the job of escorting groups of kids across and what the appropriate laws relating to the position and its reponsibilities

Parents/Volunteers would be no use unless they complied with atleast all the above

Isnt the PC world we live in now great!! lol

25-Feb-07, 01:15
Disclosure is only needed for crossing the road if you are doing it for a living, ie crossing person, to let you help friends children cross the road disclosure is not needed.