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26-Mar-05, 17:28
I am looking for recommendations for getting a fitted kitchen.
Have been looking online at some ie B & Q, Homebase, Kitchens Direct to name a few but would like personal recommendations

27-Mar-05, 08:27
I got a kitchen from B & Q 4 years ago. I made an appointment for one of the sales team to come and measure my kitchen, he did a CAD plan there and then so I knew what it was going to look like. I went to the showroom to see a few samples and opted for solid oak. I placed my order and it arrived a few days before the actual delivery date and it came complete. I decided on self-assembly as they charge around £1000 for their guys to install it for you. It was fairly easy although I did get a joiner to mitre the worktops for me. The only down side was that if you are going to go for self-build, there is no room for error. If you mitre the kick board or cornices wrong you will have to order more as they only supply enough to just do the job.

Four years on and the kitchen looks as good as new, B & Q provided a good sevice and a good product. Self-built only requires a drill, screwdriver, spirit level and a bit of common sense.

28-Mar-05, 15:11
Hi, about 4 years ago we checked out all of the usual places for prices but went with Ashley Ann (Thurso) in the end. We assumed that buying locally would cost us more but this was not the case! We wanted ready-made units as we had been down the flat pack route before and could not stand the thought of the construction phase again!

Although I can't comment on their fitters as we did that ourselves, they delivered where and when required. The other benefit of using them was they made up a non-standard wall unit to house a microwave (from our sizing/sketch) and also made a couple of filler pieces for odd sized gaps. Being local it was easy to communicate with them and pop in to look at or discuss things.

28-Mar-05, 16:51
Ere's William Wilson is Thurso as well. Just west of the All Star Factory.