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View Full Version : Roof cleaning - cold calling

28-Jan-14, 15:15
Did anyone have cold callers offering cleaning moss from a roof. They were around some time ago, and promised a letter of confirmation re the price.

We've never heard anything from them , not that we intended to take up the outrageous price, but being interested.


28-Jan-14, 15:41
My Father had the cold call roof cleaners round a year or so ago. After the sales pitch of the century he reluctantly agreed to have the work completed as the roof was quite mossy and they offered him a reasonable price. They then pulled out a power washer and blasted the roof tiles! Unknown to him they blew holes in the inside felt lining and made a complete moss of the rear garden, neigbours garden and the windows. He was then asked for £300 which wasn't the price first agreed, after refusing to pay (still unknown that they had damaged the roof) the main owner appeared demanding the money aggressively and wouldn't leave without payment.

Just follow this link, its exactly what happened to my Father.


The company dissapeared and he never had any contact details otherwise they would have been reported. He now regrets opening the door to these cowboys!

29-Jan-14, 18:27
They called on me about 2 years ago they started at one end of my small street[only 6 houses} by the time they got to me they had dropped their price by hundreds of pounds. Told them not interested but they kept on hassling me every time I went out side I felt quite intimidated at times.They did my neighbours roof and made a terrible mess of my house,garden,and windows.After they left he tired to contact them as not satisfied with their work but I do'nt think they ever phoned him back.And the moss is back on his roof in places.