View Full Version : Asda ....

21-Feb-07, 10:44
The date was set on monday evening for the public enquiry to take place starting 26th June 2007 for 6 days.

21-Feb-07, 12:00
6 days for debating a local issue when other national issues need to be addressed? What a great use of time and resource eh?:roll:

peter macdonald
21-Feb-07, 14:43
Rheggers Are you one these Thurso councillors in disguise??????
Beat of luck with this Tugmistress!!!!

Humerous Vegetable
21-Feb-07, 15:47
If any supporters of this development want to write to the Inquiry Reporters unit, the email address is: [email protected] Hopefully if they get a lot of letters in support, we might get the right decision this time.

Mr P Cannop
21-Feb-07, 22:15
who will be going to the meeting on the 26th june 07 ??

Mr P Cannop
22-Feb-07, 13:54
and whos all going to be talking at the meeting ??

Humerous Vegetable
22-Feb-07, 15:47
According to yesterday's Caithness Courier, the main objectors seem to be the Co-op and Millars, who appear to have bought the Auction Mart site in the fond hope of selling it on to Asda. I expect all the anti private individuals (living in Pennyland and surrounds) will probably write in with their objections, so we won't necessarily know who they are. I am definately going to try and attend some of the inquiry, but I'm not sitting there for 6 days.......

22-Feb-07, 16:36
I can understand the Coop objecting and the people from the Pennyland housing site as their view will be spoilt. What I find extremely strange is a major company objecting because they are trying to force Asda to buy a site from them, To my mind Millars objections should be inadmissable as their only interest is a financial one. The whole senario has turned into a fiasco and of course it will all be at the taxpayers expense. To save time and money the Highland Council should state now if Asda were to buy the auction mart site that they would be guaranteed planning permission. Otherwise there is no point in even bringing the auction mart site into the equation as this will only delay things even further.

22-Feb-07, 17:44
.... Millars, who appear to have bought the Auction Mart site in the fond hope of selling it on to Asda........

Don't want to sound like a broken record here but one of the reasons that this application has been called in by the Scottish Executive is because ASDA controlled both these sites prior to the June Meeting but deliberately hid the fact that they controlled the Mart site as it would not fit in with the sequential approach to planning called for in the Government legislation (NPPG8 & SPP8).

Councillors must abide by the planning regulations when approving or refusing applications - there were many other factors that resulted in the decision at the June meeting. Following this decision Cllr Macdonald tabled an ammendment hearing. But where was he on Monday night and why has he decided not to speak to his ammendment at the hearing?

Mr P Cannop
22-Feb-07, 17:57
whos all going to the 6 days of debates ??

22-Feb-07, 18:07
Don't want to sound like a broken record here but one of the reasons that this application has been called in by the Scottish Executive is because ASDA controlled both these sites prior to the June Meeting but deliberately hid the fact that they controlled the Mart site as it would not fit in with the sequential approach to planning called for in the Government legislation (NPPG8 & SPP8).

Councillors must abide by the planning regulations when approving or refusing applications - there were many other factors that resulted in the decision at the June meeting. Following this decision Cllr Macdonald tabled an ammendment hearing. But where was he on Monday night and why has he decided not to speak to his ammendment at the hearing?

You are right , you do sound like a broken record! And obviously one with a vested interest.
The June meeting as everyone knows was a farce with the gang of three voting against the wishes of the majority.
My point is why waste money debating the mart site if Planning Permission is not guaranteed?
On the brighter side I would doubt very much if any of the gang of three will still be councillrs when the hearing takes place!!
Could be Councillor Macdonald representing Thurso by then!!

Bill Fernie
25-Feb-07, 15:27
Don't want to sound like a broken record here but one of the reasons that this application has been called in by the Scottish Executive is because ASDA controlled both these sites prior to the June Meeting but deliberately hid the fact that they controlled the Mart site as it would not fit in with the sequential approach to planning called for in the Government legislation (NPPG8 & SPP8).

Councillors must abide by the planning regulations when approving or refusing applications - there were many other factors that resulted in the decision at the June meeting. Following this decision Cllr Macdonald tabled an ammendment hearing. But where was he on Monday night and why has he decided not to speak to his ammendment at the hearing?

The mart site is a red herring in this planning application. The application was for the Pennyland site. The Mart was not mentioned in the application. That was introduced by certain councillors who voted against the application.

Those of us who signed the application to have the planning application heard again in Inverness have been advised that we do not need to be involved in the Reporters Inquiry as legal councel will be putting the case for the council which will be that the procedures were followed correctly and that the decision is legally correct. Anyone can ask to give evidence and it will need to be pertinent to the applicaton. I do not think the mart site will come into this as it is irrelevant to the application. It is of course up to the Reporter to decide what will be included.

This is not re-run of the planning application as some people seem to think.

Details of the procedures etc can be found at

25-Feb-07, 16:26
Hi Bill,
I do not understand 'legalese' speak very well, but i do know that the mart site is coming into the enquiry, something to do with 'sequential (whatever comes after that :confused)'. I was there on the monday evening and from what i did understand this is why Millers have earmarked 2 days for their case.

25-Feb-07, 20:25
WELL Bill???? we are waiting. AND, whilst we are waiting, would the people of Rockwell Crescent and surounding areas rather a 1 story Asda or a 3 or 4 story Hotel? Just a thought[disgust]

Mr P Cannop
26-Feb-07, 08:22
so do you think asda will get their permission ??

26-Feb-07, 13:43
The mart site is a red herring in this planning application. The application was for the Pennyland site. The Mart was not mentioned in the application. That was introduced by certain councillors who voted against the application.

Those of us who signed the application to have the planning application heard again in Inverness have been advised that we do not need to be involved in the Reporters Inquiry as legal councel will be putting the case for the council which will be that the procedures were followed correctly and that the decision is legally correct. Anyone can ask to give evidence and it will need to be pertinent to the applicaton. I do not think the mart site will come into this as it is irrelevant to the application. It is of course up to the Reporter to decide what will be included.

This is not re-run of the planning application as some people seem to think.

Details of the procedures etc can be found at

Thanks for clearing that up Bill
What you say seems to make a lot of sense and explains why the mart site has suddenly come into the equation.

Bill Fernie
26-Feb-07, 15:00
I made further enquiries today and it would seem Tugmistress is correct and that the Mart site may well be brought up. However it will be up to the Reporter how that is dealt with.

Mr P Cannop
26-Feb-07, 19:09
has anyone got the papers about the asda debate yet ??

27-Feb-07, 15:20
I made further enquiries today and it would seem Tugmistress is correct and that the Mart site may well be brought up. However it will be up to the Reporter how that is dealt with.

I was at the pre-meeting and Millar's represenative said they required two days for their evidence and it is quite clear they are presenting a lot of evidence re the mart site. This the longest amount of time asked for by any group.

Surprised to see Graeme Smith at the meeting and putting in his penny's worth. He has done enough damage to Thurso - of course he may not be a councillor in June!
Also Councillor Jackson and Councillor Saxon there and wishing to speak I believe - pity they are not listening to public opinion.