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18-Feb-07, 04:51
God this is getting bad.
12 days on very little sleep.
what can i do.
i have been given sleeping pills and diazapan and neither worked.
good thing they only gave me a few.. cause they were useless..
any one out there have any idea how to get a solid oh say 5-6 hours sleep?
i would love to get more than a few hours at a time.
im so tired now and starting to get sleep dep.
grrrrr... help

18-Feb-07, 05:49

Go for a run, or a swim, or along walk. Whatever. Fresh air is good too. Clears the mind as well.

Either that or a right good fill o' drink. Kebab when you're done too.

Works for me. ;)

18-Feb-07, 07:13
Exercise works, give your body a couple hours to calm down before you try sleeping. Alcohol makes my sleep worse but warm milk or Horlick's helps.

Sleep deprivation is torture, I hope you get some good zzzz's soon. Good luck.

Glenys Hirst
18-Feb-07, 08:27
I find a lovely warm bath helps,then a mug of drinking chocolate.

18-Feb-07, 09:32

Go for a run, or a swim, or along walk. Whatever. Fresh air is good too. Clears the mind as well.

Either that or a right good fill o' drink. Kebab when you're done too.

Works for me. ;)

Hey Metalattak,

Take it you never did any of the above last night then? LOL

18-Feb-07, 11:00
i cant actuall do much of any of those..
the exercise is out.. as ive just had a section..
i dont drink *grins*
and well i can try the horlicks..
we are planning on going out for a walk today if teh weather holds out.
dint know how far.. but will see where we go.

18-Feb-07, 11:00

Some things I've found help:

Try to avoid too much caffeine during the day, just sticking to herb tea (especially camomile) after 6pm does help.

Lying down and listening to a relaxation CD can help too -you should find some on Amazon.

A warm bath is good, but your bedroom shouldn't be too warm!

Try horlicks or hot milk (not chocolate) at bedtime.

Aromatherapy -oil in the bath, a spray for your pillow, or a pulse point gel -a calming oil like lavender seems a good one.

You've been through so much in such a short time, your mind will still be in turmoil trying to make sense of it all. :confused

This can work I've found: at the end of the day, write down your worries on a piece of paper and put it in a special box. The worries will wait until tomorrow. They may seem a little easier to cope with if you've had a decent stretch of sleep.

My daughter used to do this when she was a little girl and I have also found it helps clear my mind for sleep in troubled times.

Some days, and nights, you may well feel you're taking one step forward and two steps back, but it will get better for you.

Valerie Campbell
18-Feb-07, 11:59
A lot has happened to you recently so don't put any pressure on yourself. Sleep will come when it's ready. Rest when you can, relax as much as you can. Eventually your mind will close down but don't force it. Take care.

18-Feb-07, 13:10
Hey Metalattak,

Take it you never did any of the above last night then? LOL

I tried one of those suggestions - just the one...;)

18-Feb-07, 13:23
Valerie is right. The more you get stressed about not sleeping, the less likely you are to fall asleep. I use a doodle book. warm bath,try some lavender in your bath, a warm milky drink and your favourite calm music in the background, then lie with your pad and pen and doodle, wether it be drawings, thoughts that come into your head, poems or word games. I usually do this until my eyes get heavy. I find it helps. Maybe worth a try. It doesn't matter what you write or draw as it's just for you. But as Valerie says give yourself time. And grab a nap when you can just now. I am not advocating turning night into day, but while your body recovers both physically and emotionally if you can grab an hours kip in the afternoon do.

mrs n
18-Feb-07, 13:37
lavender oil is what i use and it works for me, just a dab on your nightie or pillow and even on a tissue for during the day as it is very calming too
i use tisserand lavender oil from tesco at about four pounds but a bottle will last ages, hope that helps

18-Feb-07, 13:51
Hi Brandy
I have found Natrasleep, a herbal product available from Boots, very effective but I am not in your position. Have your health care team or others offered adequate psychological support?

big red
18-Feb-07, 14:11
Hi Brandy, wrap up warm and just go down to the bottom of your street, cross the road and sit a while on one of the benches. Take in the view and most importantly breath in all that fresh air. Just sit for a wee while, maybe 10-15mins. The fresh air will do you good and when you come home again soak in a warm bath and then try to lie down and relax. You have been through a lot lately so the short walk just now is probably the best. Hope you feel much better soon.

18-Feb-07, 14:13
Relax ur mind, girl you've been thro alot.
When ur mind is relaxed, then ur body will slow an sleep will come.
I ain't no expert, but u can exhaust ursel wea exercise an still no sleep.
Take care o u .. xxx

18-Feb-07, 14:27
i cant actuall do much of any of those..
the exercise is out.. as ive just had a section..
i dont drink *grins*
and well i can try the horlicks..
we are planning on going out for a walk today if teh weather holds out.
dint know how far.. but will see where we go.

hope your walk helps fresh air does wonders for me when i havent been able to sleep, reading often makes me sleep but it has to be a light read nothing to hard to concentrate on! - sorry i never left a msg on your previous posts i didnt know what to say just hope your all ok

18-Feb-07, 14:32
Hi Brandy
I have found Natrasleep, a herbal product available from Boots, very effective but I am not in your position. Have your health care team or others offered adequate psychological support?

At a very difficult point in my life a couple of years ago, I found a similar over the counter product from Boots- "sleep well" tablets - taken with a mug of hot milk, made me relaxed enough to nod off. I don't think they would be addictive, but the pharmacist could advise.

Prescription sleeping pills had done nothing for me at all, which was maybe a good thing in the long run.

Now that life is better, a combination of lavender oil and horlicks seems to be enough for a sound sleep, thankfully. :)

18-Feb-07, 14:36
lavender oil is what i use and it works for me, just a dab on your nightie or pillow and even on a tissue for during the day as it is very calming too
i use tisserand lavender oil from tesco at about four pounds but a bottle will last ages, hope that helps

Lavender Oil, or good ol' Aussie Eucalyptus oil rubbed on your instep before bed can help...

A few drops of Homeopathic Zinc Metallicum before bed or Brauer's Homeopathic Calm (not sure if you can get this brand in Scotland?) Check with your GP if these are suitable.

18-Feb-07, 16:25
Brandy can't really add to wars been said but I do hope u find things getting easier soon tc .

18-Feb-07, 16:36
Hi Brandy,

The folks have offered a lot of good suggestions.

The idea of becoming relaxed before sleeping is a good one.

My g grandfather Anderson of Highlands roots, was a Baptist minister in Canada, and never drank, but he followed his doctor's advice that a shot of liquor every night was healthy.

For me, back rubs puts me out in minutes.

Margaret M.
18-Feb-07, 17:17
Brandy, you are dealing with the greatest pain one can experience and you seem to be handling it with such strength. I hope you find some relief from the insomnia.

Yoga is great -- the deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation techniques work for me when I have trouble nodding off.
Here is a website with an overview and it also has information on Coping with Loss:


18-Feb-07, 18:27
Try a gentle stroll in fresh air, a shooulder rub with lavendar, write you worries down, followed by a relaxing bath and horlicks (not chocolate - caffeine levels) , get into a nice warm bed with a no worry light read and relax. Buy some lavendar gel from boots - I rub a little on arms and neck. Sweet dreams Brandy.

18-Feb-07, 22:49
Have to agree with the Witch that what seems to make it worse is being unable to get the mind to shut down when you're lying there wondering why you can't get to sleep.

Getting into deep relaxation by a process of (self hypnosis) seems to work for me. It's something I learnt years ago from my brother when he was researching hypnosis as a medical student and now uses it in various different ways to treat a number of his patients. This may seem to be daft but it goes something like this -

First make yourself totally comfortable and free from distractions and then try and empty your mind and focus entirely upon individually tensing and then relaxing each part of your body working upwards from the toes to the top of your head systematicaly closing everything down all the way up. You should also try and synchronise your breathing so relaxation comes on the exhaled breath.

Now this may seem even dafter but when you get to your eyes imagine someone has smeared glue on the lids and as you count down from three they become stickier and stickier and on one you won't be able to open them and you can't! Counting down and breathing in various combinations seems to work and the more often you do it the more effective it seems to become but you have to stay with it. These days if I can't get to sleep I just count down from ten with the glue on the eyelids bit and that's it and it beats counting sheep any time.

Good Luck!

19-Feb-07, 01:17
hey brandy. you have been threw a lot emotionly ans physically so take your time in what u do. anfd for goodness sake don't rush roud get your hubby to help. i find that a warm cup of tea helps me fall asleep and there is a thing out on the market called Night Nurse that may help. but consult ur dr first:)

19-Feb-07, 11:31
I find Errogie's suggestion works for me. I was shown this years ago during a particularly difficult time and it comes to the fore everytime i have a problem sleeping.

Good luck x

19-Feb-07, 11:48
Have to agree with the Witch that what seems to make it worse is being unable to get the mind to shut down when you're lying there wondering why you can't get to sleep.

Getting into deep relaxation by a process of (self hypnosis) seems to work for me. It's something I learnt years ago from my brother when he was researching hypnosis as a medical student and now uses it in various different ways to treat a number of his patients. This may seem to be daft but it goes something like this -

First make yourself totally comfortable and free from distractions and then try and empty your mind and focus entirely upon individually tensing and then relaxing each part of your body working upwards from the toes to the top of your head systematicaly closing everything down all the way up. You should also try and synchronise your breathing so relaxation comes on the exhaled breath.
Good Luck!

I would recommend this method also, have tried it, and it does work, good luck

19-Feb-07, 12:17
I would recommend this method also, have tried it, and it does work, good luck
Sent you a pm, similar technique.

mrs n
19-Feb-07, 14:11
also find it good to have a radio on, usually five live, some of the discussions are pretty boring and i soon drop off, gives me something to concentrate on instead of my own thoughts

19-Feb-07, 14:31
God this is getting bad.
12 days on very little sleep.
what can i do.
i have been given sleeping pills and diazapan and neither worked.
good thing they only gave me a few.. cause they were useless..
any one out there have any idea how to get a solid oh say 5-6 hours sleep?
i would love to get more than a few hours at a time.
im so tired now and starting to get sleep dep.
grrrrr... help
Hi Brandy, i also have trouble sleeping, have done for years and to be honest i dont think there is anything out there to help other than tablets that make you feel really bad the next day, a bit like a zombi...if i knew what one of thoes felt like LOL In time your body clock will sort it self out, mine wont as its goes with an illness i and porshiepoo have. jan xx

19-Feb-07, 19:18
and if all else fails....ok, this sounds wierd.....

Here's what really helps me sleep when I can't:

Sleep in a different position (i.e. move your furniture around or simply just put your pillow at the other end of the bed!!) I know!! but for some bizarre reason this really works for me! Maybe it's Feng Shui or something (not that I'm into that or anything!!) but.......you never know:


Hope you catch some Zeds soon m'luv!

19-Feb-07, 22:02
God this is getting bad.
12 days on very little sleep.
what can i do.
i have been given sleeping pills and diazapan and neither worked.
good thing they only gave me a few.. cause they were useless..
any one out there have any idea how to get a solid oh say 5-6 hours sleep?
i would love to get more than a few hours at a time.
im so tired now and starting to get sleep dep.
grrrrr... help

may the good lord GOD help bless and preserve you my dear amen

20-Feb-07, 14:15

I have suffered from insomnia for years...and it certainly gets worse whenever I have something on my mind, or I'm stressed. What you've been through would keep me up for weeks! Now apparently that's happening to you (literally!).

Can I make two suggestions?

one - I keep a couple of books on my nightstand for when I can't sleep, either thought-provoking, usually philosophical books that will get my mind on a different path, or education books (OU textbooks are brilliant cures for insomnia!)

two - assuming your insomnia is rooted in your recent loss...when you can't sleep, why not start writing a diary to your son...tell him how your day went, how you feel, what you think, how much you miss him...how beautiful he was. It's not enough to keep it inside your head - there's something very cathargic about getting the words down on paper.

I've not been through a bereavement, but the writing down technique works for me when I'm trying to work through other stressful situations. I'll make two lists - pros. vs. cons. - and this stops my mind from going around in circles.

Best of luck! Hope it gets better for you...


20-Feb-07, 14:25

two - assuming your insomnia is rooted in your recent loss...when you can't sleep, why not start writing a diary to your son...tell him how your day went, how you feel, what you think, how much you miss him...how beautiful he was. It's not enough to keep it inside your head - there's something very cathargic about getting the words down on paper.

I've not been through a bereavement, but the writing down technique works for me when I'm trying to work through other stressful situations. I'll make two lists - pros. vs. cons. - and this stops my mind from going around in circles.


That's a good suggestion Rockchick. I kept a journal for some months after I was widowed, carried it round everywhere with me, with my husband's photo inside. It made me feel I was still "talking" to my husband - and I could write down things I maybe couldn't say to other people.

More recently I've found it's helped me work out other lesser difficulties -as you say, writing it down seems to get it "out" and puts it into better perspective. :) Then your mind doesn't keep going round and round.

20-Feb-07, 15:27
what im doing is keeping a blog on my space.
it does seem to be helping as i am up at all hours.
ive made it public.. and just write down what im feeling at the moment.
maybe someone else will read it.. that is going thru similar things.. and it may help them not feel so alone.
a lot of things are just ramdom thoughts.. and others just gut wrenching.. so wouldnt advice reading if your feeling delicate.
but i am finding it very theraputic..
not helping me sleep.. but hey i will crash eventually! *grins*
im going to have to go to homebase and pick up some industrial strength filler though for teh cracks and crags in my face *grins*

20-Feb-07, 23:54

For me, for some strange reason, I need to put the words to paper by hand. Typing it just doesn't work for me.

And maybe, when you're doing your blog (which is really good btw) you might be holding back from that down-in-the-gut honesty, since you know what you write is going to be read by others. Sometimes it just needs to be between you and your maker...or you and Tom. Only when your words are truly private can you fearlessly show your heart bare...unless you are very brave indeed. I know I'm not that brave.

Good luck with Homebase!

21-Feb-07, 16:13
I can't sleep either and I've tried all of the above - even the cd which really does relax me - but just doesn't send me over.
If this is a recent thing Brandy, you will get better - someday. Me? I've NEVER been a good sleeper no matter how tired
I am.

01-Mar-07, 22:28
i was just reading and wondering if the whole sleep thing has improved for you?
I dream crap and then write about it if it's good enough <<< over active imagination:eek:

01-Mar-07, 22:43
My Nana once gave me a rose quartz and an amethyst which I put under my pillow, and occasionally I think it worked. Rose quartz and amethyst together are supposed to be relaxing to have close to you. I was also having nightmares at the time and it seemed to help that.

If you exhaust all of the suggestions mentioned, will you think about seeing your doctor if you haven't already done so?

01-Mar-07, 22:58
Try some Bach Rescue remedy - you can get it in Boots. I've used it for years and it's never failed any time of day or night. Angela is right about caffeine, particularly late in the day. Keep the bedroom cold and have a really cuddly hot water bottle - very soothing. Also the radio on Sleep so you don't have to worry about turning it off - chat is probably better than music and just loud enough so you can hear without straining but not enough to wake you up again. Also talk takes your mind off - BBC World Service (Radio 4 after midnight) is good.

It will get better. My mother had a lovely saying - Let go and let God. Imagine putting your hand in His, like a child to its father trusting you will be looked after.

02-Mar-07, 01:18
still not sleeping and even sleeping pills only put me out for a few hours.. but it will get better i have faith

02-Mar-07, 05:18
Another technique that might help is to count backwards from 100. Imagine the you are slowly and carefully drawing each number in your mind...100 99 98 9zzzzzzzzzzz