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View Full Version : Closed in fire spares

17-Feb-07, 17:27
Does anybody know where I can get spares for my Trianco closed in fire, I need that basket grill from the front that you can see through the glass. I not sure if I've seen some bits at Alans of Gillock. Cheers in advance.

17-Feb-07, 17:30
There is a place in Wick which my husbands uncle owns - we get our fire supplies from there ..its called "The Heat Centre"...its near the swimming pool in Wick. If they don't have what you want they will order it in.

17-Feb-07, 17:39
Thanks, I know the place.

17-Feb-07, 23:09
I have sent you a pm.

17-Feb-07, 23:14
We needed new bars for the bottom of our closed-in fire last year and we got them from the Heat Centre in Wick.