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06-Dec-13, 18:01
Police have launched their annual festive crackdown
Police in Highlands and Islands remind of drink and drug drive dangers as part of national campaign
Police Scotland Highland and Islands Division are reminding road users in the area of the dangers and consequences of drink and drug driving at the start of the national Festive Drink Drive campaign.
The month-long campaign, which starts to day and will run throughout the festive period, aims to reduce the number of those committing such offences and detecting those who do in order to reduce the number of casualties on the roads.
Divisional Head of Road Policing, Inspector Neil Lumsden said: "Along with our partner agencies, we will deal robustly with anyone who breaks drink or drug drive laws and ensure that they face the consequences of the decision they have made.
"We will be focussing heavily on morning after offences and will be carrying out static checks throughout the Highlands and Islands as well as high profile mobile patrols throughout the duration of the campaign.
"This approach has already proved successful when a driver was recently detected under the influence of alcohol at 08:30 hours during static checks in the Inverness area.
"It does not matter how much over the limit you are; if you are caught drink or drugdriving you will be arrested and are likely to be facing life-changing consequences. Think about it, do you really want to risk losing your license, your vehicle andhaving to face the impact that will have to you and your family's life?"
The national campaign will seek to educate drivers and influence their decisions using various targeted media across the country, by reminding of the serious consequences driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs can have.
Inspector Lumsden continued: "Many crashes happen as a result of drivers drinking or taking drugs. There really is no excuse for making such a decision and the risk you pose to yourself and others.
"The public in the Highlands and Islands have been very supportive of Police with regards to drink and drug drivers and have contacted us with information on numerous occasions.
"I would urge people to continue to support us and report anyone they suspect may be drink or drug driving."
Police are urging the public to contact 101 or at the time of an incident on 999 to provide any information on those they suspect to be drink or drug driving to play their part in keeping people safe.
Drink driving is not worth the risk. Offenders are at risk of losing their licence, family or even their job. Being caught drink or drug driving could also result if offenders being forced to re-sit their test and now under vehicle forfeiture legislation drink drivers could lose their vehicles.