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View Full Version : Legal mp3 downloads

George Brims
22-Mar-05, 19:04
I started composing this message in response to a thread about mp3 downloading. While I was composing it ithe topic disappeared, probably because of the illegal file sharing being advocated. However there are a number of places you can get free mp3 files LEGALLY, and broaden your musical tastes too.

Salon.com has a column called Audiofile (http://www.salon.com/ent/audiofile/index.html),, which has at least one song a day. Other good places are Better Propaganda (http://www.betterpropaganda.com/), which gives bands an opening to show off their new stuff, Publicdoman4U (http://www.publicdomain4u.com/) which has old recordings, mostly of blues greats, that are old enough to be out of copyright. For the baby boomer generation there's Prog Archives (http://www.progarchives.com/) with tracks by Yes, Camel, Pink Floyd etc etc. Another more comtemprary one is 3hive (http://www.3hive.com/), and I also find I've bookmarked Tweaker (http://www.tweaker.net/mp3.php).

Of course none of these are going to get you the latest single by whatever boy/girl group is flavour of the month. If you google your favourite band or artist, most will be giving away something when they have a new CD on the way.

You can find someinteresting independent movies at Cinequest (http://www.cinequestonline.org/2005/index.php). If you want to download those you better have broadband!

22-Mar-05, 20:33
Another place: www.amazon.com

22-Mar-05, 20:34
Some other legal free download links can be found at iPodlounge (http://www.ipodlounge.com/freemusic.php). There is also a discussion forum (http://ipodlounge.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?forumid=71) to help find legal free music.

Dr Evil
22-Mar-05, 21:50
:o) thank you everyone for your suggestionsbut the best seems to be www.imesh.com

George Brims
22-Mar-05, 23:29
But Dr Evil this was supposed to be a thread about LEGAL file downloads. That link gets you into the file-sharing business again. File sharing is not always legal. Actually, seldom legal is probably more like it.

23-Mar-05, 10:19
actually a great deal of file sharing IS legal, its the files that are shared that might not be. There are plenty of websites that offer music from bands that have released their stuff for free and a large number of these bands use filesharing as its a great way to cut your bandwidth costs.

23-Mar-05, 10:25
I think lot of filesharing should be blamed on the record companies in the Uk if they charged us the same as in say USA peopple would buy more music and not resort to illegal downloads

23-Mar-05, 11:12
Well, depends on where you buy your music really doesn't it. I order CD's (because I like to have the CD for my rack and the file version for my MP3 player) from Ebay on the net, which is dirt cheap, and if I am in the city centre, Music Zone shops are fantastic. Is there one in Inverness? Its really cheap for CD's and DVD's.