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View Full Version : Tme lapse Map of every nuclear explosion in the world.. Interestingly scarey

20-Nov-13, 08:39

20-Nov-13, 09:54
I always find it ironic how the main voice and "world police force" against nuclear prolifertion and weapons of mass destruction is the same country who has exploded the most nuclear dvices, and the only country to have used them offensively against civilian targets.

20-Nov-13, 10:09
It does make you sit back and think I never realised they'd exploded so many compared to everyone else. Given their current track record for starting wars and previous track record for CIA intervention and destablising govts they didn't like,I've gone off the good ole USA. Their win at any costs and we are always right regardless mentality scares me nowadays.

Mrs Bradey
20-Nov-13, 11:18
http://memolition.com/2013/10/16/time-lapse-map-of-every-nuclear-explosion-ever-on-earth/ wow! what fall radiation etc do these tests produce? to think how concerned people were about chenobyl !

George Brims
20-Nov-13, 23:40
It should be noted that a lot of the US and Russian tests after a certain point were set off underground. The French persisted with testing in the atmosphere much longer (but of course they didn't do anything like as many).
Also I wonder whether there are some missing from the list since Israel for example is pretty certainly in possession of the bomb, and we don't see any testing from them.