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22-Nov-13, 12:44
The then landlord billed the then tenant for the work carried out . The then tenant refused to pay saying it was not his responsibility .

Small claims court mate..no ifs no buts..

special tartan
22-Nov-13, 12:47
The then landlord did not want to go down that road so bore the expence .

22-Nov-13, 12:48
The then landlord did not want to go down that road so bore the expence .
Ok, so where is the argument? what is the dispute?

special tartan
22-Nov-13, 13:04
There should be no argument , dispute or claims of vandalism regarding the croft house .

22-Nov-13, 18:16
The then landlord did not want to go down that road so bore the expence .
Maybe the landlord did not want to go down that route, because he was afraid a court would rule against him

special tartan
22-Nov-13, 18:41
I can assure you that was not the reason , no court would rule against him given the circumstances .

22-Nov-13, 19:02
Maybe the landlord did not want to go down that route, because he was afraid a court would rule against him

Much better to try to resolve a situation, the land court is not for the faint hearted and therefore, before going that route every effort must be made to try to resolve,
and in every case when the land court rules it leaves one party or the other disappointed,
a bottomless purse too is helpful when a dispute reaches that stage,

22-Nov-13, 19:23
I can assure you that was not the reason , no court would rule against him given the circumstances .
"..given the circumstances..", If you were so sure that no court would rule against you, then you must be a very philanthropically minded person to bear the loss you sustained.
n.b. Didn't the Crofting Commission rule against you in an earlier case?

Mrs Bradey
22-Nov-13, 19:27
The then tenant, refused to carry out H.R.C. order, to remove or renovate , the then landlord carried out the order , with the then tenants knowledge .as an outsider looking in. if the tenant of a croft was served an order to remove the roof, the order would apply to him only. him being in occupation. the landlord would have no obligation or requirement to intervene. if the order was not complied with, then the issuing authority would then take legal action against the tennant.in my view it appears that the landlord intervened in order to aggravate an already uneasy situation. the bill the landlord then sent to the tenant would not be for the tenant to pay, as the property is a croft the landlord has no legal right to force improvement works on the crofter. any enforcement or legal action would need to be taken by either the crofters commission or the issuer of the order. this is why no legal action was taken by the landlord as he was wrong to involve himself at all with any part of the running of a tenanted croft, land and livestock included. I think the pig is the lucky one, atleast she is at peace now!

special tartan
22-Nov-13, 19:27
The current landlord was not landlord at that time .

Mrs Bradey
22-Nov-13, 19:46
The current landlord was not landlord at that time . that does seem very convenient doesn't it! so what is the argument?

22-Nov-13, 20:15
Who raised the issue of the roof with the HC in the first place? They don't tend to just inspect buildings out of the blue.

Mrs Bradey
22-Nov-13, 20:32
Who raised the issue of the roof with the HC in the first place? They don't tend to just inspect buildings out of the blue. the landlord, I would wager! definitely not the long suffering tenant!

22-Nov-13, 21:27
What's the latest with the dead mama pig story now, have charges been pressed against anyone.Or has the case done a mama and died a death?

22-Nov-13, 21:35
What's the latest with the dead mama pig story now, have charges been pressed against anyone.Or has the case done a mama and died a death?

Hopefully it has died a death and we can move on because this incident as well as other silly bickerings have caused so much destruction to the public image of Reay and to the reputation of those volunteers who work hard to make Reay a great place to live.

22-Nov-13, 22:02
Hopefully it has died a death and we can move on because this incident as well as other silly bickerings have caused so much destruction to the public image of Reay and to the reputation of those volunteers who work hard to make Reay a great place to live. You may have a point. However it's important that anyone thinking about taking on a Croft or moving to the area is awaee of the likely pitfalls. I'd like to hear the whole story.

22-Nov-13, 22:10
The story told thus far certainly seems heavily biased towards one side, one that I am not entirely convinced by.

22-Nov-13, 22:38
Two sides, unclear boundaries and untold bad feeling in a Crofting dispute - surely not!

special tartan
23-Nov-13, 00:42
Nothing to do with crofting .

23-Nov-13, 00:47
Explain please?

special tartan
23-Nov-13, 00:56
Boundaries , tenant , landlord .

Mrs Bradey
23-Nov-13, 10:21
Boundaries , tenant , landlord . of a croft! therefore crofting issues.

23-Nov-13, 12:50
You may have a point. However it's important that anyone thinking about taking on a Croft or moving to the area is awaee of the likely pitfalls. I'd like to hear the whole story.
I am with you on this one..there is far more to this than meets the eye, for example successive landlords, did the second buy a tenanted croft? did the tenant come after the second landlord? why the croft is not owner occupied? could the tenant exercise his right to buy? why did the commission see fit to approve a tenant?
I know the laws/acts have changed forcing owners into whatever, but it would appear that this has caused more upset than was intended, I am sure.
And yes, you are spot on when it comes to pitfalls for the unwary and not just in Reay.

23-Nov-13, 12:53
Boundaries , tenant , landlord .
Boundaries, aye, we all are bound by those in more ways than one.

23-Nov-13, 13:05
of a croft! therefore crofting issues.
Er well, perhaps not..maybe croftland is no longer governed by crofting tenure..having been resumed and sold..maybe???
Would love to be enlightened :)

special tartan
23-Nov-13, 19:21
Who owned Mama pig ?

23-Nov-13, 20:15
Who owned Mama pig ?
The landlord/owner..previous occupier, good question!

23-Nov-13, 22:54
Maybe the Doctor knows and don't ask which Doctor !

special tartan
23-Nov-13, 23:18
WHO should we ask ?

special tartan
23-Nov-13, 23:58
I have decided , on all evidence given , the Procurator fiscal .

24-Nov-13, 00:14
I have decided , on all evidence given , the Procurator fiscal .

Nah, too much risk in that given that Reay village life has already been irrepairably infiltrated by freemasons. :roll::lol:

24-Nov-13, 00:17
Nah, too must risk in that given that Reay village life has already been irrepairably infiltrated by freemasons. :roll::lol:

And a witch allegedly Rheg

24-Nov-13, 00:23
OBJECTIOn , it is only a rumour put about by folk as have seen me sweeping leaves with a besom!

special tartan
24-Nov-13, 00:23
Reay caters for all , a mouse may live in a kirk .

24-Nov-13, 11:25
Or indeed a pig may live in an oil drum...

special tartan
24-Nov-13, 12:00
So who gave Keewee the right to destroy Mama pig ?

special tartan
24-Nov-13, 12:50
Rheghead , are you inferring that there is going to be contravention due to " other " influences ?

24-Nov-13, 13:19
OK. Portgower is officially displaced as the most scary village.

24-Nov-13, 13:50
So who gave Keewee the right to destroy Mama pig ?
No one, Keewee had no right.

Mrs Bradey
24-Nov-13, 14:39
OK. Portgower is officially displaced as the most scary village. seriously disappointing for all Portgower residents. wow! Reay full of pig murderers, witches and bloomin' freemasons. can't wait for next chapter! can't see Portgower ever staging a comeback!

24-Nov-13, 14:53
wow! Reay full of pig murderers, witches and bloomin' freemasons.

Are the atomics the only normal people left in Reay now?

special tartan
24-Nov-13, 15:13
Why should Keewee get off with theft ?

24-Nov-13, 15:39
how can it be theif the animal was abandon on the property if the owner wanted and care for the pig he should have removed it when asked end of i just think this is a witch hunt on a in comer as they areoften refered to on here please note i do not refer to them as so every one for them selves every one has a place in the ecomony of the country

special tartan
24-Nov-13, 15:47
Evidence HAS been corrupted.

24-Nov-13, 19:06
how can it be theif the animal was abandon on the property if the owner wanted and care for the pig he should have removed it when asked end of i just think this is a witch hunt on a in comer as they areoften refered to on here please note i do not refer to them as so every one for them selves every one has a place in the ecomony of the country
the abandoning of said animal is hearsay as is the allegation of neglect,
Mama was not stolen as such but she was treated inhumanely by being penned in such a small area, she was ultimately killed again for little or no reason..if this was one of my animals, if someone did this to one of mine..not only would I be shouting but I'd be suing the proverbial posterior off the person responsible not only for the value of the animal but for the loss of an animal capable of production for many years to come, any income however small is not something small farmers can do without.
Bad husbandry springs to mind.

24-Nov-13, 19:08
Evidence HAS been corrupted.
How so? can you expand?

24-Nov-13, 19:10
I thought the animal remains was left on the property, therefore not stolen?

24-Nov-13, 19:39
was the aminal not left on a property when the said owner moved out whether he was the tentant or landlord lets say i rented a house and the landlord left their dog in the house when aked by ne the tentant to remove his dog and the land lord never this would be classed in the sspca would class this as the dog being abandon by its owner fact

special tartan
24-Nov-13, 19:48
Mama was never neglected , never abandoned . nor forgotten . The remains were clandestinely removed .

24-Nov-13, 19:52
Should have been moved, fact

24-Nov-13, 19:57
Mama was never neglected , never abandoned . nor forgotten . The remains were clandestinely removed .
Was there a post mortem on Mama?

24-Nov-13, 20:20
Surely a bit whiffy by now if the remains had been left in situ.

special tartan
24-Nov-13, 20:24
It was requested , on 3 separate occasions , as witnessed ,to Her Majesties finest , that Mamas body be preserved , should this become yet another Civil case . Mamas body has been destroyed , therefore NO post mortem can be conducted .

24-Nov-13, 20:32
Surely you know the cause of death

Mrs Bradey
24-Nov-13, 20:37
How so? can you expand? no he can't he'll just keep repeating the same old tosh . if profit and farm income were expected from farm stock you would surely feed it and keep an eye on it!

24-Nov-13, 20:45
It was requested , on 3 separate occasions , as witnessed ,to Her Majesties finest , that Mamas body be preserved , should this become yet another Civil case . Mamas body has been destroyed , therefore NO post mortem can be conducted .
Who? authorised that!
Who did the owner approach with regard to a post mortem..
This scenario is looking very very suspicious, VERY.

special tartan
24-Nov-13, 20:48
I have ,over the years ,witnessed many humane dispatchments . Not being an expert on the subject , another opinion would have been decisive .

24-Nov-13, 20:50
Surely you know the cause of death
The animal was put to sleep..it has been alleged that the animal had been either, abandoned or starved and yet an inspection just a few weeks previous claimed the animal was healthy,
which is it?
something is being hidden, not told, why? other than to hide something..poor old Mama!

24-Nov-13, 20:54
I have ,over the years ,witnessed many humane dispatchments . Not being an expert on the subject , another opinion would have been decisive .
An opinion on what? on that
the animal was unhealthy, suffering, starving..or what?
Or, that she was existing on land where she was clearly not wanted, she could have been sold..or returned from whence she came..she was in her prime and well capable of a few more years of production.

24-Nov-13, 20:55
no he can't he'll just keep repeating the same old tosh . if profit and farm income were expected from farm stock you would surely feed it and keep an eye on it!
and you are. a farmer?

Mrs Bradey
24-Nov-13, 21:06
and you are. a farmer? as it happens yes I am .born and bred. not that it makes any difference!

special tartan
24-Nov-13, 21:12
Put to sleep , yes . Abandoned , no . Starved , no . Inspected , yes . Stolen ,,,,?

24-Nov-13, 21:20
Put to sleep , yes . Abandoned , no . Starved , no . Inspected , yes . Stolen ,,,,?

24-Nov-13, 21:53
I don't think starvation was accused?Should have been moved end ofThe only mistake messed made was honesty.

24-Nov-13, 22:02
Have criminal charges been pressed by the P.F yet?

24-Nov-13, 22:15
Here, I don't want my tax money wasted on some poxy crofting argument! The pig's owner should have shifted the thing and that's that. I shall complain if police time is squandered on such nonsense.

24-Nov-13, 22:37
Fair comment well made

special tartan
24-Nov-13, 23:40
An independent autopsy , not paid from the public purse ,

25-Nov-13, 00:34
Independent autopsy is really hard to do on a jar of ashes!
If dispatched and disposed as normal by the vets ashes is all thats left...unless a pet burial is wanted!
Then you get the body home to bury...

25-Nov-13, 10:50
Independent autopsy is really hard to do on a jar of ashes!If dispatched and disposed as normal by the vets ashes is all thats left...unless a pet burial is wanted!Then you get the body home to bury...I can confirm that the jar of ashes was burned

25-Nov-13, 10:54
It was requested , on 3 separate occasions , as witnessed ,to Her Majesties finest , that Mamas body be preserved , should this become yet another Civil case . Mamas body has been destroyed , therefore NO post mortem can be conducted .Did the police not uphold the request to put mama on ice?Pig is better roasted to be fair

25-Nov-13, 12:42
Did the police not uphold the request to put mama on ice?Pig is better roasted to be fair
It is a downright disgrace.

25-Nov-13, 12:45
It is a downright disgrace.Do you prefer fried?

25-Nov-13, 13:03
Do you prefer fried?
Live would have been preferred..running around in its field.

25-Nov-13, 13:24
running around in its field.

Thats one thing a dead pig cannot do, well not without some fancy robotic systems.

25-Nov-13, 13:33
An independent autopsy , not paid from the public purse ,

Paid for by whom?
You did not spend any money on animal when it was alive, so there is NO chance of you spending any now it is dead.

25-Nov-13, 14:29
did we ever get an answer on if the pig had been fed household scraps?

25-Nov-13, 18:45
I believe this story has had its day, too many people are hamming it up, lots of others are getting the trots, I thought of this as i had bacon and eggs for lunch, so dice it slice it and smoke it yumyum. A better idea is to buy a little peeglet or two which are being advertised on the Farming doodaa on the org and we can all start again i'm sure we can give one each to the peeps involved and they can move on with their lives" i'll put a few shekels in for a starter, what say you peegsters:confused

special tartan
28-Nov-13, 20:22
Donate your shekels to Balmore , SSPCA , if you really are concerned about animal welfare and husbandry .

29-Nov-13, 01:21
Do already, I was getting a little worried that i have spoilt some peoples fun, 3 days without reply and 400 odd views, its quite sad really that a pigs life was taken and so many people have got great pleasure in the machinations of how it came about, who gives a toss, its for the people concerned to sort that out. Now that Christmas is nearly upon us maybe we can give a shout out for the turkeys, coz i really hope that they are being well cared for before the deadline, as for me its pork roast:confused

special tartan
30-Nov-13, 00:45
There is only one bird being cared for , the deadline , for it , approaches . Some , still give a toss , time of year, cost , immaterial .

30-Nov-13, 20:26
Paid for by whom?
You did not spend any money on animal when it was alive, so there is NO chance of you spending any now it is dead.
The abandonment/neglect/starvation of Mama..is hearsay..
autopsy is cheap enough, its the result that starts to cost the money, if its used in evidence..
for peace of mind, this would have been my option, now we shall never know, compensation to the animal's owner is all that is left together with an apology ought to put the matter to rest.

30-Nov-13, 20:46
Even if they felt the need to, how can anyone apologise to the animals owner, when due to abandonment it didn't have an owner.

30-Nov-13, 20:56
Even if they felt the need to, how can anyone apologise to the animals owner, when due to abandonment it didn't have an owner.
On paper, the animal had an owner..end of.

01-Dec-13, 11:55
Somehow I don't think wig will be up for apologising

01-Dec-13, 22:41
Well I can't help feeling a bit of sympathy for Wig, it seems he was sold a Pig in a Poke.

02-Dec-13, 14:05
Well I can't help feeling a bit of sympathy for Wig, it seems he was sold a Pig in a Poke.

Caveat Emptor!

Need I say more..........

05-Dec-13, 19:07
This thread has gone very quiet, do you think that Special Tartan & Tangerine Dream have gone on holiday together (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-china-blog-25213677)

little red one
05-Dec-13, 22:53

Special Tarten is on a sebbatical educating the English, Tangerine is banned... rip Violet aka Momma Pig, let the thread die ffs! one has stayed out of this its not worth the grief, an innocent defencless animal is dead, Reay has lost a lot of sausages.. Its like the messiest devorce ever.

05-Dec-13, 23:18

Special Tarten is on a sebbatical educating the English, Tangerine is banned... rip Violet aka Momma Pig, let the thread die ffs! iv stayed outa this its not worth the hassel, an innocent defencless animal is dead, Reay has lost a lot of sausages.. Its like the messiest devorce ever. that has to be some of the worst spelling I have ever seen

little red one
05-Dec-13, 23:24
thats right kick me in the grammer! cant help it if im pooorly edgumacated! Its not that bad, its not like iv stuck spaces and commers everywhere lol... i know you have argued for the tenant throughout this disgrace of an argument but dont take it out on me fella, im not involved....

05-Dec-13, 23:43
This thread has gone very quiet, do you think that Special Tartan & Tangerine Dream have gone on holiday together (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-china-blog-25213677)

Wig /Special tartan has gone for a while abandoning two ponies on grazings that he has no rights on. seems a familiar pattern is developing. Just as well kee wee is a horse lover

06-Dec-13, 01:25
my kid loves the ponies she claps them every morning while waiting on the bus and gives them apples and carrots, hope they are ok there she will be sad if they go

06-Dec-13, 08:07
thats right kick me in the grammer! cant help it if im pooorly edgumacated! Its not that bad, its not like iv stuck spaces and commers everywhere lol... i know you have argued for the tenant throughout this disgrace of an argument but dont take it out on me fella, im not involved.... I have not argued for anyone, merely engaged in a balanced debate.

06-Dec-13, 11:21
I don't think the thread should close, there are lessons to be learned here, quite apart from the obvious ones.
They say crofting law is complex and it is, however, I myself think that whilst the Acts appear straightforward enough there does appear to be great confusion even among those born into it,

I think that mi16 has hit the nail on the head when he/she said that this has become a balanced debate, one which has been a long time in coming and doubtless, may be welcomed by those people whose lives are affected in everyday crofting situations..a bit less of the I am alright Jack and a little more compassion would not go amiss.

For those who are fed up with the thread or who think it ought to die a death..dare I say..you are not legally obliged to participate. :)

06-Dec-13, 11:28

Special Tarten is on a sebbatical educating the English, Tangerine is banned... rip Violet aka Momma Pig, let the thread die ffs! one has stayed out of this its not worth the grief, an innocent defencless animal is dead, Reay has lost a lot of sausages.. Its like the messiest devorce ever.

that has to be some of the worst spelling I have ever seen

Maybe Special Tarten(sic) should return to Reay asap, as standards have obviously slipped whilst he has been away

06-Dec-13, 11:58
Maybe Special Tarten(sic) should return to Reay asap, as standards have obviously slipped whilst he has been away I was going to pounce on that however if you can decipher the hieroglyphics it states that he was away "educating the English" not educating in English.

06-Dec-13, 22:35
ground is designated croft land, what is a croft?OK,but where did the pig sleep?

07-Dec-13, 00:14
OK,but where did the pig sleep?

in a diesel tank still stinks of diesel -good livestock husbandry skills by the wig/special one)tartan). Would have gone well on grill plenty o crackling

little red one
07-Dec-13, 08:08
I was going to pounce on that however if you can decipher the hieroglyphics it states that he was away "educating the English" not educating in English.

Ok that was funny i'll give you that.

Wig and Kiwi have (had) been engaged in a legal battle for some time and the pig was an unfortunate victim. Not having an understanding of crofting law i dont feel i can comment on the legality of a landlord keeping a pig on his tenants croft next to a domestic dwelling. I know Wig did try to move the beast at least once but she wouldn' t go in the trailer.

As i said to both parties 'i feel sorry for the pig' its a shame and a waste.

07-Dec-13, 08:15
I know Wig did try to move the beast at least once but she wouldn' t go in the trailer.
oh how unfortunate, I'll bet Wig was really disappointed that she wouldn't move.:roll:

07-Dec-13, 14:04
OK,but where did the pig sleep?

Sorry, I don't understand your question..

07-Dec-13, 14:06
Ok that was funny i'll give you that.

Wig and Kiwi have (had) been engaged in a legal battle for some time and the pig was an unfortunate victim. Not having an understanding of crofting law i dont feel i can comment on the legality of a landlord keeping a pig on his tenants croft next to a domestic dwelling. I know Wig did try to move the beast at least once but she wouldn' t go in the trailer.

As i said to both parties 'i feel sorry for the pig' its a shame and a waste.

Pigs are creatures of habit....

07-Dec-13, 14:07
oh how unfortunate, I'll bet Wig was really disappointed that she wouldn't move.:roll: Mama..must have known her rights!

07-Dec-13, 14:16
Mama..must have known her rights! and what rights would that be?

07-Dec-13, 15:04
and what rights would that be?

her right to life..
to be treated humanely..

07-Dec-13, 16:32
her right to life..
to be treated humanely.. I see, so how would refusing to get in her owners trailer be against her rights? Are you suggesting that wig was going kill mama or are you saying that he was inhumane in her treatment? Therefore she refused to move

07-Dec-13, 19:42
I see, so how would refusing to get in her owners trailer be against her rights? Are you suggesting that wig was going kill mama or are you saying that he was inhumane in her treatment? Therefore she refused to move

It was a flippant response to a flippant post..

little red one
07-Dec-13, 19:51
It was a flippant response to a flippant post..

flippant?? I think not just stating a fact.

07-Dec-13, 19:57
oh how unfortunate, I'll bet Wig was really disappointed that she wouldn't move.:roll:

He was devastated had to chase pig out the trailer twice and put feed in the diesel tank to stop her going back in the trailer- tried for a whole ten minutes

07-Dec-13, 20:10
It was a flippant response to a flippant post..Question well dodged, but it still remains unanswered

08-Dec-13, 17:35
For anyone who is interested - Wig doesn't own the ponies. But I'm sure if anyone asked to speak to the rightful owners her legal guardians would oblige. By the way they are looked after and if some people do feed them carrots/apples/etc it is their choice to do so, and they shouldn't feel obliged to and for that matter any individuals doing so shouldn't be going around bad mouthing the owners either.

Mrs Bradey
08-Dec-13, 17:55
For anyone who is interested - Wig doesn't own the ponies. But I'm sure if anyone asked to speak to the rightful owners her legal guardians would oblige. By the way they are looked after and if some people do feed them carrots/apples/etc it is their choice to do so, and they shouldn't feel obliged to and for that matter any individuals doing so shouldn't be going around bad mouthing the owners either. what ponies are you talking about? I can't see anything in this thread about ponies? think you must be on wrong thread! this one is pigs not ponies!

08-Dec-13, 19:46
For anyone who is interested - Wig doesn't own the ponies. But I'm sure if anyone asked to speak to the rightful owners her legal guardians would oblige. By the way they are looked after and if some people do feed them carrots/apples/etc it is their choice to do so, and they shouldn't feel obliged to and for that matter any individuals doing so shouldn't be going around bad mouthing the owners either.

thank you for clarifying that wee fact :)

08-Dec-13, 19:47
what ponies are you talking about? I can't see anything in this thread about ponies? think you must be on wrong thread! this one is pigs not ponies!

Did you not hear about the ritual killing and scarafice of ponies in the golf club carpark?

08-Dec-13, 19:47
what ponies are you talking about? I can't see anything in this thread about ponies? think you must be on wrong thread! this one is pigs not ponies!

well as it happens, there was some mention of ponies..on this thread.

08-Dec-13, 20:14
It seems to me that there is a load of Jackasses making a mule out of this story, I was going to reply sooner but was feeling a little hoarse:confused
Xmas is a coming, and Im looking forward to some pigs in blankets:eek:

08-Dec-13, 20:54
For anyone who is interested - Wig doesn't own the ponies. But I'm sure if anyone asked to speak to the rightful owners her legal guardians would oblige. By the way they are looked after and if some people do feed them carrots/apples/etc it is their choice to do so, and they shouldn't feel obliged to and for that matter any individuals doing so shouldn't be going around bad mouthing the owners either.

Ok then who owns the two shetland ponies on the Reay common grazings as they were out there by wig who had no shares None of the shareholders own them if you know Dogscrool ask them to move them to their own land

Mrs Bradey
08-Dec-13, 22:41
well as it happens, there was some mention of ponies..on this thread. oh silly me I skipped a chapter. now found the post I missed. mind you the ritual killing of ponies in the golf club car park does sound quite mysterious! I wonder who's behind that then?.......

09-Dec-13, 13:45
oh silly me I skipped a chapter. now found the post I missed. mind you the ritual killing of ponies in the golf club car park does sound quite mysterious! I wonder who's behind that then?.......

Does not bear thinking about, does it?

09-Dec-13, 18:58
Well Claw I didn't know you were the owner of the commons so therefore you have no say in what or who's animals are there!

11-Dec-13, 12:11
Did you not hear about the ritual killing and scarafice of ponies in the golf club carpark?Was the sacrficial killing in honour of the mutant goats of Reay, or as a offering to the gods to fend off the vampire monkeys from Portgower?

Mrs Bradey
13-Dec-13, 21:50
Was the sacrficial killing in honour of the mutant goats of Reay, or as a offering to the gods to fend off the vampire monkeys from Portgower? OMG two horses stolen from dunnet ! bet there flaming torches in the golf club carpark tonight!!!

Mrs Bradey
01-Jan-14, 17:31
only joking!!!!

01-Jan-14, 18:59
Well said PHILL . Portgower is near enough without that sort of thing happening up here !
NIMBY - keep it in Portgower, thanks !

04-Jan-14, 02:49
Can we have some form of ritual killing off the Dog walkers who think they can walk wherever they want and not clean up after their poor pets?
There seems no point to the right to roam rules when the offending walkers seem to be unable to read. Muppets!

Mrs Bradey
04-Jan-14, 10:10
Can we have some form of ritual killing off the Dog walkers who think they can walk wherever they want and not clean up after their poor pets? There seems no point to the right to roam rules when the offending walkers seem to be unable to read. Muppets! do you not know how to start a thread?6

04-Jan-14, 10:14
Was thinking the same thing

Mrs Bradey
04-Jan-14, 19:35
Go ahead punk , make my day . whatever happened to this splendid fellow ? ? ?

04-Jan-14, 21:09
Maybe the org assassins have found and removed him in the dead of night never to be seen again :0))

04-Jan-14, 22:41
do you not know how to start a thread?6
Is that one thread or 6?

Mrs Bradey
04-Jan-14, 23:16
Is that one thread or 6?start six if you like!

Better Out Than In
20-Jan-14, 17:47
I don't really get this and I am a vegitarian. It seems like its OK to kill animals, sometimes under terrible conditions, and eat them as long as you don't know (or at least think) about it. Yet humanly kill a pig in a field and everyone gets upset. I am not actually against eating meat - just generally prefer not to. So I don't object to the humane killing of meat animals that have been properly raised and can't see why it make any difference if pigs, horses dogs or even kittens.

Mrs Bradey
20-Jan-14, 18:32
I don't really get this and I am a vegitarian. It seems like its OK to kill animals, sometimes under terrible conditions, and eat them as long as you don't know (or at least think) about it. Yet humanly kill a pig in a field and everyone gets upset. I am not actually against eating meat - just generally prefer not to. So I don't object to the humane killing of meat animals that have been properly raised and can't see why it make any difference if pigs, horses dogs or even kittens.I kind of see your point, some people think it ok to eat a chicken (for example) thats been ripped apart by a machine, barely dead, and sometimes not, than to eat one of their own grown!

20-Jan-14, 19:00
whatever happened to this splendid fellow ? ? ?

He gave up on the thread, as did others when the banter became somewhat inane.

Big Gaz
20-Jan-14, 19:51
when the banter became somewhat inane.

Thats the Caithness affliction for you!

special tartan
24-Jan-14, 12:24
I do assure you , know me or not , I will NOT give up .

24-Jan-14, 13:14
I do assure you , know me or not , I will NOT give up . & quite rightly so..I was annoyed that some witless wonders saw fit to hijack your post :)

24-Jan-14, 13:28
I do assure you , know me or not , I will NOT give up .What's the latest on the case?

16-Feb-14, 16:17
And rightly so special tartan your animal was destroyed by a thief and all evidence removed! If I was you I would fight for this as much as possible! Which I am sure you're capable of!

17-Feb-14, 20:12
A thief you sayI thought the vet destroyed the animal!

30-Apr-14, 06:58
special....where you been?
what's the latest on the case?

special tartan
03-May-14, 00:26
The "case" shows the true state of Caithness life , with stark similaritiy of another very high profile "case" within the county .

04-May-14, 12:55
When will we be reading of this in Donaldsons Diary?

special tartan
17-May-14, 02:05
therin lies a question

18-May-14, 19:28

19-May-14, 08:41
I spotted that alsoPosting whilst boozy is not a great idea, that post was definately lawsuit inducing