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View Full Version : What to do?

08-Oct-13, 21:46
I learned tonight that the Manageress of the social club I'm a member of has been asked to resign due to a discrepancy in the books and claiming for hours worked when in fact she wasn't there. If there is sufficient evidence to that effect, then I believe the police should be brought in and for her to be taken to court. She didn't just steal from the club, she stole from the members, and as a member I'm not happy about it. We weren't consulted for our views, we only heard that she was resigning due to 'ill health', it has been very hushed up.If I write to the management committee telling them I'm not happy about the situation, can I force them to bring the police in?

08-Oct-13, 21:52
I guess it depends on the constitution. If you members merely pay your money and get your services in return, then you haven't lost out as a member directly, and its a "management" problem. Same as if you buy something in a shop, but one of the shop assistants is found to be pilfering. Its not your business, as you paid your money and got your tin of beans. The matter is up to the shopkeeper.

If you have a look at your clubs constitution, you may have a better idea where you stand.

08-Oct-13, 21:52
You might not be able to force them to bring the police in....but you could go to the police with your concerns...they will have to "chat" to the management at the least.