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baileys Bhoy
04-Sep-13, 23:13
hi, does anyone travel from thurso area to inverness early every weekday morning that i could possibly hitch a lift with? (happy to pay something towards fuel) thanks

secrets in symmetry
07-Sep-13, 15:11
hi, does anyone travel from thurso area to inverness early every weekday morning that i could possibly hitch a lift with? (happy to pay something towards fuel) thanksThat's quite a commute!

Do you want to do it every day?

baileys Bhoy
07-Sep-13, 23:37
Yes i do it every day, i have considered a move down there but as i have a young family that are settled here, its just not possible at the moment

08-Sep-13, 01:12
Would it not be cheaper for you (considering the cost of fuel) to stay in a B&B during the week? My partner was working from Inverness (travelling round but based there) last year, and I know some of the B&B's he stayed in had a special weekly rate. Now, it might not be suitable for you, especially for family reasons, but if you add up the cost of fuel and compare it to how much you would pay to stay there, you might be a bit better off, and presumably less tired !!

secrets in symmetry
08-Sep-13, 01:44
Yes i do it every day, i have considered a move down there but as i have a young family that are settled here, its just not possible at the momentI'm amazed! Do you drive both ways?

You must be exhausted every night. How do you manage to find time for your family during the week?

I travel two miles to my work, and that's quite far enough for me!

baileys Bhoy
08-Sep-13, 13:09
Problem i have is i don't drive.... I take either the bus or train everyday i spend about 4 hours traveling there and home plus im spending £75 ish on travel every week, i am currently taking driving lessons though, so im hoping soon to run a kind of car school? I have looked into staying down there yes but my wife would need to watch the kids by herself for 5 days a week, and to be honest id feel bad, i don't get much time with my children right now because in gone before they get up and im back after they go to bed but it would be a shorter travelling time if i was driving there and home, see dilemma

secrets in symmetry
08-Sep-13, 13:15
The car school sounds much better!

I know you said you have a young family that's settled in Caithness, but isn't the solution to move down to the Inverness area - assuming your job is long-term?

PS I'm impressed by your commitment to commuting - and please ignore my comments if you feel I'm sticking my nose in where it's not wanted.

08-Sep-13, 13:26
Problem i have is i don't drive.... I take either the bus or train everyday i spend about 4 hours traveling there and home plus im spending £75 ish on travel every week, i am currently taking driving lessons though, so im hoping soon to run a kind of car school? I have looked into staying down there yes but my wife would need to watch the kids by herself for 5 days a week, and to be honest id feel bad, i don't get much time with my children right now because in gone before they get up and im back after they go to bed but it would be a shorter travelling time if i was driving there and home, see dilemma

I understand your situation, in my case it was just me and my two cats!! I did'nt have young children to look after, and I must admit I did'nt particularly like being on my own 5 and a half days a week either(he used to travel on a Sunday). I'm sorry I can't help you, and I hope you get something sorted soon. Good luck with the driving lessons though, it will make your life so much easier in general!

baileys Bhoy
08-Sep-13, 16:04
Thank you both, i only commute as there is slim pickings when it comes to work up here, if i found out of woork up here i would jump at it! My daughter has just started nursery and my son is growing up fast too! I refuse to be on benefits when there is work out there, even if it does mean i have to travel to get there, i want my children to grow up proud and never have to worry about money which is what happens when a family of four (that don't smoke or drink) try to live on it. Its not easy being away from my family. But if that is what it takes at the moment then so be it, maybe once i know i have constant work down there Il move my family but right now i don't think there's any point.

secrets in symmetry
09-Sep-13, 23:36
Good luck with whatever you decide to do!

11-Sep-13, 20:56
Top marks for effort. Too many just cant be bothered to travel the length of themselves these days to get a job, when the could just stay at home watching Jeremy Kyle and nipping down the bookies to spend their hard earned benefits. Well done. Its a hell of a commute but shows there are some folk that are still willing to work for their keep!