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31-Jan-07, 11:03
I was just thinking about my favourite day and wondered what everyone elses was.

What is your favourite day of the week?
Mine is monday, cause the week feels fresh and new, it's usually is all down hill from there though!

What's your favourite colour?
Mine is green. I love green grass and plants, not much of that around here with a drought.

What's your favourite season?
I love Autumn, it seems to smell better, and autumn evening have a lovely golden glow.

What's you favourite time of the day?
Early morning, definately. New fresh day.

31-Jan-07, 11:08
What is your favourite day of the week?
Mine is monday, cause all the soaps are on and I confess to being a soap addict.

What's your favourite colour?
Mine is Purple I think but changes often.

What's your favourite season?
Summer, love the fact you can get out and about more and BBQ everyone seems in better spirits too.

What's you favourite time of the day?
Bed time at the moment but early afternoon in the summer.

31-Jan-07, 11:25
My favourite day of the week? Friday, when the weekend lies ahead. The anticipation is often better than the reality!

My favourite colour? Blue, sunny blue skies, calming, peaceful.

My favouite season? Early autumn, when it's crisp and fresh. I like the beginning of all the seasons though.

My favourite time of day? In the summer, early morning, when it's light but not many people are about. In the winter -evenings, snug indoors. :D

31-Jan-07, 11:52
my fave day is sunday i can have a longer lie. not worried about a tidy house and enjoy reading the sunday papers. now that 24 is back on sunday nights are even better.

31-Jan-07, 14:24
favourite day of the week? well being a stay at home mum, one day does tend to just go into the next and im forever forgetting which day of the week it is, but if hubby not working i like saturday and sunday, family time.

favourite colour? purple.

favourite season? autumn when the trees are all wonderful colours.

favourite time of day? 7pm when the kids go to bed, no only kidding. probably morning.

31-Jan-07, 15:28
what's your favourite day of the week ?
has to be friday as it's the start of the weekend

what's your favourite colour ?
mines is red

whats your favourite season ?
thats easy it's summer as i can spend longer with my horses

what's you favourite tim of day ?
i think evening

31-Jan-07, 16:05
My favourite day ... Sunday ( i don't feel guilty for lazin around )
My favourite tim ... 9pm ( a feeling of ah well nothing was as bad as it seems another day i survived )
My favourite col ... Purple ( scottish thistle )
My favourite sea ... Autumn ( there is a stillness wea relaxin coulours )
( thats my excuses and i'm sticking to them )

31-Jan-07, 16:17
My favourite day... Any day (Im a pensioner can do what I want
Favourite Colour... Any one except Maroon
Favourite time... Opening Hours
Favourite Season... Any one they will all be the same soon

31-Jan-07, 16:24
What is your favourite day of the week?
Friday, because there's a feeling of excitement in the air, and everyone's happy because the weekend is coming up (which usually mean no work)

What's your favourite colour?
Yellowy-golden - because it's a restful and healing colour and is the colour of summer sunshine.

What's your favourite season?
I like winter, must be weird, but I love the space everywhere when everyone's tucked up warm indoors and I can wander around and breathe the fresh crisp air, and look at all the bare trees and think of the new life to come.

What's you favourite time of the day?
Last thing at a night, settled down nice and warm and relaxed with a good book, a glass of wine in front of the fire.