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View Full Version : Forested area wanted for airsoft.

23-Jan-07, 01:19
Hi there, just wanted to ask if there is anyone kind enough to let a group of about 20 of us use a forested area out of way to play airsoft games.
Airsofting is similar to paintball in that it's a team based battle game except that we use biodegradable 6mm plastic pellets instead of paintballs.
We have been using a forest for a long time at olrig but are having to stop due to the farmer doing conservation work.
We go out maybe once a month during the colder seasons and at most once a fortnight during the warmer periods.

We would love for someone to help us as we have not had a game in about 2 months and it's very expensive to get to a purpose built site in Dundee for the day.
I'f you'd like to know more about what airsoft is then please feel free to look it up on google or click here http://arniesairsoft.co.uk/?filnavn=/articles/faq.htm#1


23-Jan-07, 10:19
sorry cant help with the land thing but i did pm you last time asking for details of your club.

23-Jan-07, 10:21
sorry just having a think you could go and ask ron aitkinhead at the gun shop in halkirk as hes well friendly with the bloke that ownes some of brubster forest and other land owners. also theres stircote woods just out side wick cant remember who owns it though.