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View Full Version : Eureka....

11-May-13, 10:57
"The boss of energy giant SSE has admitted that top executives are overpaid.

Ian Marchant, whose salary is more than £800,000, is due to step down this summer after 11 years in the job.

He admitted feeling “deeply ashamed” after the Perth-based company was fined £10.5million for misleading customers about rivals' prices."

Too late now mate!

This is what is wrong with a great deal of companies big or small, national or local.

They get massive resources to start a company.
Many hallejulahs, publicity and encouragement for a great idea with work for many and wonderful benefits for all.
Award themselves wonderful salaries whilst the "little people" do all the work and are grateful for any pay at all.

Then the redundancies start, usually in the workplace, not the management. The workplace where the great ideas come to fruition from the hands of the real experts on the ground floor and management continue to accept their high rewards for work that could be done by any well educated and resourceful being or any clever High School pupil.

When is the mismanagement gong to be universally acknowledged?
Don't tell me that no-one has noticed the trend since many years but it is not made an issue because too many people at the top are benefitting and are grabbing the chance of easy dosh while the real workers produce the goods and reap little benefit but should be grateful for a job!

The trend of inventing new companies with surplus management and misused funds has to stop. They should be monitored more closely and given much needed expert leadership who are accountable to real inspectors. The days of easy dosh for the suits should be over.

It has been a immoral period for far too long and should never have been allowed to happen; but of course, too many suits have benefitted and don't care about the real workers.

Come the revolution........:roll:

11-May-13, 16:36
He admitted feeling “deeply ashamed” after the Perth-based company was fined £10.5million for misleading customers about rivals' prices."

What I thought he said was that he would be deeply ashamed for the rest of his career - ie for a couple of months. He clearly doesn't give a .