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19-Jan-07, 16:08
hi i am just woundering why there is soo much porn about why cant this be illegal as it causes alot o arguments. does anyone agree?

19-Jan-07, 16:14
what do you mean by porn about? where?

19-Jan-07, 16:28
on the internet and that i was looking through something the other day and it came up and all the books in the shop ive just bin told that one o my mates little boy looks at it? do you think these should be banned??

19-Jan-07, 16:37
parents have to be careful what their kids get a hold of, be it a knife or something in their parents bedside cabinet. it is a parents responsability to protect their kids from such material.
you will never be able to ban in. and personally i dont think it should be banned. adults just need to be careful in case youngsters see it

19-Jan-07, 16:46
The porn on the internet is a fact of life unfortunately. We cannot (in the UK) prevent it even if there were a general concensus of opinion going with that as a good idea. The problem is the fact that so much of it (most in fact) is not based in the UK so it is out of our jurisdiction.

It has been mooted that internet service provides might bear responsibility for their content and they responded that it is technologically an impossibility. The only realistic way it could be done would be to have absolutely humongous buildings filled with staff watching to see what every internet user is doing the whole time. Additionally encrypted communication by a user to a site such as when you log into your bank (or any site address that starts https:// rather than just http:// ) is designed not to be intercepted, even by ISP staff.

Keeping it off of inappropriate sites is about as much as we can hope for, but we can't even keep it out of our email mailboxes so there is no hope of purging it from the world wide web.

There are of course some people who legitimately enjoying browsing through porn, male and female - we're wired that way :) On the whole it's geared towards men as male interests are captured (to use a polite expression) by visual imagery more so than females. Comes down to the way the brain works apparently.

Although much of it is illegal, an unreasonable amount may be in poor taste, it's safe to say that virtually none of the illegal stuff originates from the UK, and that which does doesn't slip through the net for long before the plug is pulled.

I believe porn of all types has a place in society, probably keeps the streets safer I suppose, but I agree it is too prevalent - too everywhere. I don't think however that there is much which can be done about it.

As far as the UK goes, about as much as can be done already has been. I believe we have a far less smut-ridden society that many countries, save only perhaps the arabic ones and third world countries.

19-Jan-07, 17:05
hi i am just woundering why there is soo much porn about why cant this be illegal as it causes alot o arguments. does anyone agree?

There is so much porn about because it is so incredibly popular, always has been since long before the internet was invented. When Caxton invented the printing press the first thing he printed was a bible but I wouldn't mind betting I know what the second third and fourth things were.

It can't be made illegal because this is the internet and we don't have any laws, we don't actually exist in any one place on earth things can exist on a number of servers in a number of countries all with different moral standards and different legal systems.

19-Jan-07, 17:23
parents have to be careful what their kids get a hold of, be it a knife or something in their parents bedside cabinet. it is a parents responsability to protect their kids from such material.
you will never be able to ban in. and personally i dont think it should be banned. adults just need to be careful in case youngsters see it

I agree with you emszxr

19-Jan-07, 17:39
If all the porn was taken off of the internet, there would only be one site left... a site petitioning to have porn put back on the internet :Razz

19-Jan-07, 17:55
It is both a symptom of and a contributor to moral decline.

Promotes selfishness and perversion.

We'd be a whole lot better off without it.....

19-Jan-07, 19:26
I feel ur chest, lips against it softly, you pull my head upward and
kiss me on the forehead. "i love you" are the words that are used.
All this time i have checked to make sure its me that you want
to be wea. So much wasted time.
So here we begin.
As our lips touch we each moan gently, as nervous as anyone persons can
be. I can tell by the features ur face is displaying that you are anxious,
I am secretly hopeing you cannot tell if i am afraid.
Porn, well noway some one mentioned the word.
Now i say ain't nothing wrong wea porn, let us be as we are, do not mould me to to ur ways...
I would be quite happy to sit an write all about this kinda stuffs all day long, if i had the time.
But it's not allowed on the org, so i cleaned this up for u all [lol] ( what bill i am behavin ):roll:

19-Jan-07, 19:26
change of subject but i keep meaning to ask what IMHO means

19-Jan-07, 19:41
change of subject but i keep meaning to ask what IMHO means

In My Humble Opinion.

19-Jan-07, 22:31
hi i am just woundering why there is soo much porn about why cant this be illegal as it causes alot o arguments. does anyone agree?

So, porn causes arguments?

Religion causes wars.

Now - which one do you want to make illegal?

19-Jan-07, 23:12
We all know it is out there and as a parent I simply have a couple of filters running and a trawl through the viewed files on a regular basis to try and keep my home machines clear. I'm delighted that so many efficent spam filters have been added to email systems - I find the unsolicited stuff a pain. BUT I am not inclined to say that other adults cannot have access to these things if that is what want.

I had a little look at the BBFC classifications and they have a restricted 18 category which only really prohibits the nasty violent items and anything relating to young people nowadays. Apparently everything else is allowable in the UK and accessible from licensed dealers ( I remember protests outsitde a licensed shop like this in Glasgow and Edinburgh in the 80s.)

I never saw any of the BBFC changes mentioned in the press? So have successive governments lightened up without making it obvious in order to avoid an outcry?

19-Jan-07, 23:28
I never saw any of the BBFC changes mentioned in the press? So have successive governments lightened up without making it obvious in order to avoid an outcry?

I think the BBFC realised they were flogging a dead horse so they had to relax the rules or get prosecuted for sadism bestiality and necrophilia.

21-Jan-07, 18:58
Lo if u interested in stoping ur kids from viewing stuff they aint supposed to well use this it free and works 100%,no more worrying about wot they upto this will stop them,am using it on my kids pc`s as they have them in there room.

21-Jan-07, 23:27
hi i am just woundering why there is soo much porn about why cant this be illegal as it causes alot o arguments. does anyone agree?

The Porn Industry is worth a fortune. It is popular with many normal, couples with families. There is this old fashioned notion that it is for men in dirty raincoats and is the work of the devil. There are as many niche markets within porn as there are in life itself and the UK seems fairly alone within Europe in its attempts to prevent people old enough to do it, from watching other people do it. There are a raft of soft porn channels on SKY and tons of other heavy-breathing phone-in channels at £1.50 a minute. There must be a large market for them all to survive.

I recall a few years ago that a newspaper article listed the top towns in the UK for buying mail-order sex toys. For Scotland, the number one on the list was Wick and number two was Thurso.

Where there is muck, there is brass and porn is here to stay whether the blue-rinse brigade like it or not.

I think the Simpsons summed it up pretty well with a quip about a popular cartoon site on the internet. The owner proudly stated that they were the top non-porno site on the web, to which the retort was "About trillionth overall then"

22-Jan-07, 00:11
There are as many niche markets within porn as there are in life itself and the UK seems fairly alone within Europe in its attempts to prevent people old enough to do it, from watching other people do it.

I think the UK is the only one enlightened enough to realise that if you're not supposed to be watching it it makes it more fun when you do.

22-Jan-07, 01:56
jesus dudes an dudettes, porn is ok.

lighten up, try it.. it's ermm, ok... but i agree about todays' youth's youth seeing it and all our opinions on it.
So jus keep it hidden eh an keep on licking...YEAH!

22-Jan-07, 09:36
So, porn causes arguments?

Religion causes wars.

Now - which one do you want to make illegal?
Both I reckon...[lol]

22-Jan-07, 12:16
[quote=mareng;183279]So, porn causes arguments?

Religion causes wars.

Let me correct you there - not all religion causes wars. Those who follow Christ don't go to war. None of his disciples fought, and neither do true Christians today.:confused

22-Jan-07, 13:42
There is a lot worse available on the internet, like how to make explosive devices, etc - it's never been easier to find information on a whole array of "dodgy" topics.

if you are worried about the children on the internet then switch on the parental controls and use a password, then they can't access any sites without your knowledge.

it will never go away, or be banned, and if it was banned, it would just drive it underground like hard drugs etc. Not a solution!!

22-Jan-07, 13:47
[quote=mareng;183279]So, porn causes arguments?

Religion causes wars.

Let me correct you there - not all religion causes wars. Those who follow Christ don't go to war. None of his disciples fought, and neither do true Christians today.:confused

Those who went on the various crusades considered themselves to be 'true' Christians as well....As does George W Gump and Tony Blair.
I form my opinions of people through their actions rather than the labels they need to give themselves.

22-Jan-07, 16:04
Those who went on the various crusades considered themselves to be 'true' Christians as well....As does George W Gump and Tony Blair.
I form my opinions of people through their actions rather than the labels they need to give themselves.

What someone considers themselves has nothing to do with it, just because it's done in the name of something doesn't mean that thing is to blame. Take "fighting for peace", can we blame peace for the fight?

George W in his speech last week declared that he was going to ignore the wishes of the American people, ignore their democratically elected Congress and send a load more troops to Iraq. Why is he doing this...wait for it...he wants the people of Iraq to live in a free and democratic society with a government which will listen to the will of the people.

Orwell wasn't a prophet, it's just that some things never change, there is nothing new about newspeak. You can no more blame religion for the crusades than you can blame democracy for the war in Iraq.

22-Jan-07, 16:28
You can no more blame religion for the crusades than you can blame democracy for the war in Iraq.

I wasn't blaming religion at all, rather that some people who consider themselves to be extremely religious, can do wrong at best, and evil at worst, and claim to be doing so all in the name of religion.
If you read many of GWB's speeches about his war on terror, you'll find many biblical quotes (some correctly quoted, others not).
To use quotations from a book that is meant to be about peace and love for whipping up enthusiasm about a war in my mind is immoral.
Morality aside it's also turning the conflict into a religious issue, which its not.
It's a criminal issue. Those who perpetrated the 9/11 acts are simply criminals. To give them any more significance than that is beyond what they deserve.
By latching onto religion, GWB has played right into the terrorists hands by creating a clear division between the religions rather than between right and wrong.

22-Jan-07, 19:13
Those who went on the various crusades considered themselves to be 'true' Christians as well....As does George W Gump and Tony Blair.
I form my opinions of people through their actions rather than the labels they need to give themselves.

A lot of people have and still do consider themselves to be 'true' Christians. But the only way of knowing who really are 'true' Christians is by looking to the Bible and Jesus said in John 13:34,35 that the love his disciples had for each other would be a clear identifying mark of true Christians.

22-Jan-07, 20:17
Crikey, is there any topic that doesn't end up at George Bush?

How did we get from Porn to Bush? ;o)

22-Jan-07, 20:38
porn, porn, porn...back ta porn[lol] people tip toe around this:roll:

22-Jan-07, 21:34
Crikey, is there any topic that doesn't end up at George Bush?

How did we get from Porn to Bush? ;o)

You're quite right.

Should have been Clinton.

22-Jan-07, 21:36
porn, porn, porn...back ta porn[lol] people tip toe around this:roll:

Don't rush me, I want to finish reading the message board first.

22-Jan-07, 21:40
I dont think porn is bad..I dont go out and Buy a DVD but i dont mind it. Funny when your kids and you see your 1st Porn with all yer Friends..:lol:

22-Jan-07, 22:58
hi i am just woundering why there is soo much porn about why cant this be illegal as it causes alot o arguments. does anyone agree?

It's taken many years to get it from it's 'back room' roots to it's current level of acceptability, so I doubt it's going to go away or be made illegal in the future.

If it causes arguments between two people then that's due to a difference of opinion, which should be discussed by talking to each other and coming to an agreement or compromise. It is not sufficient reason in itself to ban it for everyone.

I personally feel there's no harm in it so long as it is kept in private and between consenting adults.