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View Full Version : Don't try this at home.

08-May-13, 21:41
Had to laugh, I know I shouldn't have. One of my grandsons rang me to tell me about sticking up for his friend at school. He said he had been given a red card because he had a fight with the bully at school. He went on to say, I did a Steve (couldn't quite catch the last name,) move on him. I asked the name again and what he meant, to which he replied you know wrestling and they said, don't try this at home, then went onto describe the move he had performed.

08-May-13, 22:01
I'm guessing it was Steve Austin but I've no idea what the move was. It reminds me of one time I phoned my son, then aged 5, not long after my ex and I had separated, and he was telling me that a boy had punched him. I asked if he'd told the teacher to which he replied, "No, I just kicked him in the balls"! It was so difficult trying not to laugh and explain he shouldn't have done that. :-)

08-May-13, 22:07
They say some funny things, don't they.

09-May-13, 12:07
Have been informed, it was a Jon Cena move.

Mr P Cannop
09-May-13, 16:36
do you mean john cena ??

09-May-13, 16:44
do you mean john cena ?? Yes. Missed the H. Thank you so much for pointing that out to me.