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View Full Version : Good Employers In Caithness

16-Jan-07, 13:49
Who do you think are the good employers in Caithness? I don't want to know the biggest, or the best paid, but the ones who look after their people and give a reasonable wage, and good working conditions, holidays, sick pay etc.

Valerie Campbell
16-Jan-07, 16:05
Don't think people would be too willing to name names in case they get into bother for saying so and so is good because then we would all know who was bad to work for.

16-Jan-07, 16:36
if we were naming bad employers that are further afield than caithness i could name a few :lol:

Alice in Blunderland
16-Jan-07, 16:43
NHS Highland are the best. (kissy kissy) I could not recommend a better employer. (kissy kissy) I go to work every day out of sheer pleasure nothing to do with the pay packet. (grovel grovel ) They look after their staff and give them praise and encouragement. (sooky sooky) Now wheres my pay rise and extra holidays. ;)

I have no complaints about my employer. I get a fair wage for my work, good holidays, full sick pay and parent friendly work policies, all in all not bad unlike some others who dare not take a day off no matter what. Sometimes it is not the employer who lets the employee down but other work collegues. A friend of mine loved her job was well paid and again had loads of great perks and benefits but due to harrassment and bullying she felt she had to leave her job before she went mad. :(

Cedric Farthsbottom III
16-Jan-07, 16:59
Only ever worked for two employers,one I started with as a kid leaving school which brought me up to Caithness.17 years later I was still working for them.Decided to go to my new employer and have been treated the best I ever have been.I'm really enjoying masel at Tesco:D :D

16-Jan-07, 17:25
You should try working for Highland Council, so much money wasted. Yet they tell you they dont have any

16-Jan-07, 17:43
That name is a swear word in our house[evil]

16-Jan-07, 19:22
I Work For E Cooncil, And Although I Get A Fair Wage And All The Other Benifits, I Feel Like The Blind Man In The Dark Room Looking For The Black Cat, Which Isn't There. Nough Said From Da Managment.

16-Jan-07, 20:41
a friend of mine worked for highland council . the waste of money that goes on in one small office is shocking. if you add up all the offices.....
no private employer would or could put up with that. unfortunately we have to pay fot it

16-Jan-07, 20:54
You should try working for Highland Council, so much money wasted. Yet they tell you they dont have any

Have they had lessons from Aberdeen City? Worked for Social Work Dept a few years ago, and we struggled for cash. Same couldn't be said in St Nicholas House where the chiefs sat counting the pennies!!

Bill Fernie
16-Jan-07, 22:00
I am locking this topic as it has already strayed from Good Employers to slagging with no specific comments etc etc.