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14-Jan-07, 02:36
What next? I cannot believe this, first compensation for prisoners going cold turkey, now this. [disgust]


So what would happen if the prison officers allowed them to die? Would the relatives be looking for compensation because it was allowed to happen?
Seems like the prison officers are in a no win situation. [disgust]

14-Jan-07, 03:41
Definitely a strange one - If he is that set on killing himself why does he need money? An old Shakespearean quote sounds good about now, " Something is rotten in the state of Denmark!" That's for sure

Alice in Blunderland
14-Jan-07, 10:19
So does this also mean that the overdose victim brought to A&E can sue the doctors and nurses and whoever else may have been involved in saving their life , right down to the person who phoned the ambulance. :confused

The world has truly gone mad ! What next ?

14-Jan-07, 11:46
What next? I cannot believe this, first compensation for prisoners going cold turkey, now this. [disgust]


So what would happen if the prison officers allowed them to die? Would the relatives be looking for compensation because it was allowed to happen?
Seems like the prison officers are in a no win situation. [disgust]

We do not know the facts in this case, the Home Office are refusing to give any details so all we know is that a young person attempted to take his own life, he was prevented from doing so by prison officers and that he has recieved a sustantial sum in compensation. It is wrong to assume the sum he recieved was to compensate him for being rescued.

If I were to hazard a guess as to what happened I would say from the amount of compensation the prisoner recieved that he would be in need of special medical care, perhaps for the rest of his life. Judges don't just think of a number in compensation claims, they have guidelines and the out of court settlement would have reflected what a judge would be likely to award. I'm wondering if after the suicide attempt he was denied medical treatment which might have prevented this and if that was the reason the claim was made.

15-Jan-07, 15:54
I think i have read about something similar before. In that case the prison services were sued because they had been made aware that a particular young offender had mental health problems and was at risk of suicide attempts. In that case the prison services had not taken the appropriate action to ensure the young offender was looked after properly to minimise the of his attempting suicide.

20-Jan-07, 22:03
What next? I cannot believe this, first compensation for prisoners going cold turkey, now this. [disgust]


So what would happen if the prison officers allowed them to die? Would the relatives be looking for compensation because it was allowed to happen?
Seems like the prison officers are in a no win situation.
Connie it seems the world has gone completely mad[ well in the uk anyway]
convicts also get compinsated for slopping out. we had this on the forum before and there were as many for giving crooks the really soft option as there were for actually punishing them. after all that is why they are put in prison in the first place. but now we are verging on insanity where compinsation is involved. it would seem that if you want to get rich quick, forget the lotto just get yourself banged up. would it have been better to have let the guy die, no i dont think so, if he lives he might get reformed & live a perfectly normal law abiding life, who knows. its the warders that aught to be rewarded. paid for trying to do yourself in [NUTS]

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