View Full Version : Airsoft in Caithness / Sutherland?

10-Jan-07, 18:48
I have a 14 yr old who's Airsoft mad and can't understand why I can't just jump in the car with him and drive to Lanark so he can have a weekend running about with a bunch of other kids shooting their Airsoft guns. I mean, I'd love to, but the cost is prohibitive.

Does anyone know of any Airsoft facilities in easier reach?



11-Jan-07, 15:08
Theres nothing "official" set up here yet... but there are several passionate airsofters around, trying to organise somewhere to go... but theres a certain lack of available places to "skirmish" here...

Have a look at http://www.airsoftmap.co.uk/ for established Airsoft sites... Peterhead and Dundee are the two closest...

As to Airsoft in Caithness... i recommend having a look at this thread, which was unfortunately ignored... --> http://forum.caithness.org/showthread.php?t=16141

13-Jan-07, 19:45
Thank you for that information; sorry it took me a couple of days to notice a reply!

I'll check out the website; I'm very grateful for the information about Peterhead as I hadn't known there was one there.



14-Jan-07, 02:46
Over here people ust play airsoft anywhere, back gardens, front gardens, parks, country side? Are they not allowed to play it anywhere in Scotland. Granted if one got you in the eye it would hurt a bit if you were not wearing goggles, but its not like its like slugs. Can't he just make up his own team and play it in like the moors somewhere?

14-Jan-07, 05:15
Over here people ust play airsoft anywhere, back gardens, front gardens, parks, country side? Are they not allowed to play it anywhere in Scotland. Granted if one got you in the eye it would hurt a bit if you were not wearing goggles, but its not like its like slugs. Can't he just make up his own team and play it in like the moors somewhere?

The gun laws in scotland are a lot tighter that the US. if you are seen with a gun the police will be called so using clubs and sites which have all the proper safety rules in place is the only way you can use guns in scotland.

14-Jan-07, 12:39
Can't he just make up his own team and play it in like the moors somewhere?

Yes, but there aren't a lot of other kids round and about here, let alone with Airsoft "guns". He wants to have an opportunity to be part of a team running round some woods somewhere (a bit short of those here, too!). And pjyemail is right; the hysteria around anything that looks like a gun has extended to almost every area of society.

14-Jan-07, 16:21
Good points. I actually am not a gun fan and I understand those who don't want kids being brought up playing with guns. But I think airsoft is great fun, I am a very passive person but I love playing shoot em ups on the video games, using airsoft to bring the shoot em up outside and have kids running around in the fresh air and keeping fit is a good thing to my mind, its a fun sport that keeps the mind and body active and is good for hand eye co-ordination. I could think of some really good locations in Caithness to do this and it would be a good little money spinner for someone. Maybe someone should start a club and approach private estates for the use of their woods. For example, Sandside, Shurrery and the woods at Loch Calder would be great places for it.

14-Jan-07, 18:38
I admit I thought long and hard about these "guns" before giving the nod. Checked with the Police about any issues they might have and the reaction was along the lines of "Air-what?" Explained about them being replicas, often, of real weapons (M16 and the like) and how they worked (rechargeable battery and little plastic pellets) and they said "Oh, that's alright then, it's a toy, but we'd rather not see it being carried around in public".

That went without saying anyway; strict instructions about where it can and can't be taken and about treating it like a real weapon - i.e. never pointed at anyone whether loaded or not, stored out of sight, hidden when younger kids are around. He understands the reasons and we don't have a problem with him / it. With a bit of luck he'll grow out of it in a year or two.

It was a good exercise in some senses because he ended up writing three letters to Alastair Carmichael in relation to the Violent Crimes Reduction Bill which proposed bans which would have included Airsoft. Good letters, too :cool:

14-Jan-07, 21:50
I admit I thought long and hard about these "guns" before giving the nod. Checked with the Police about any issues they might have and the reaction was along the lines of "Air-what?" Explained about them being replicas, often, of real weapons (M16 and the like) and how they worked (rechargeable battery and little plastic pellets) and they said "Oh, that's alright then, it's a toy, but we'd rather not see it being carried around in public".

That went without saying anyway; strict instructions about where it can and can't be taken and about treating it like a real weapon - i.e. never pointed at anyone whether loaded or not, stored out of sight, hidden when younger kids are around. He understands the reasons and we don't have a problem with him / it. With a bit of luck he'll grow out of it in a year or two.

It was a good exercise in some senses because he ended up writing three letters to Alastair Carmichael in relation to the Violent Crimes Reduction Bill which proposed bans which would have included Airsoft. Good letters, too :cool:

Yes the ones over are here ae exact replicas of AK-47, UZI, etc, the only distinguisinh feature is a dayglo orange barrel at the front, but some black electrical tape or camoflage webbing or sack cloth can make the gun look very realistic.

31-Jan-07, 13:40
Theres quite a few airsofters in the thurso/wick area. There is a game set for the 8th of feburary, theres usually a good mix of ages from the more responsable people in their early twenties to people in early high school, they are pretty much all nice people.
Safety is taken seriously everyone HAS to wear safety glasses, there is a safe word to shout if you or someone else has been properly injured which ill stop the game to make sure everythings ok, the guns are treated as if they were real and we make sure theres a way of contacting the emergency services( not that its a very likely to be needed).
A good website to check out would be www.arniesairsoft.co.uk (http://www.arniesairsoft.co.uk) you have to sign up to view the forums, there is alot of usefull information in the website.
The page for our local group is http://www.arniesairsoft.co.uk/forums/index.php?showforum=116

Also its not really mentioned anywhere but i would advise some sort of face protection as red bb marks on your face are not very cool and i got a close range bb shot to my lip which needless to say sucked.

i hope this is usefull for you and i apologise for poor grammer

31-Jan-07, 15:24
I co-run the existing Thurso/Wick Airsofting Club that That_Guy mentions, he brought this thread to my attention, so I could reply and such :D

Basically, the club that we have up here is very much-so unofficial. We lack permenant skirmish grounds, and as such are limited to using very out-of-the-way areas, often without permission (though there is never any danger to either the public/livestock/nature)
Safety and Common sense are our priorities - Its because of irresponsible behaviour and misuse of what are essentially "toys" that gives them such bad press - and subsequently, anyone not 'Registered' with an Official site, will not be allowed to purchase Replica Imitation Firearms(i.e Airsoft guns) after April 6th. However, parts, etc etc etc will still be legal, as well as existing guns - Needless to say, most of our money goes on getting new guns in preparation for the restriction of sale. it wouldn't be too much of a problem if we were an 'official' site - but in order to qualify, we have to have Insurance (VERY expensive) Health and Safety thingamabobs, as well as a permenant ground...</rant>

Safety Goggles are a must, as well as suitable methods of disguising our equipment (usually in rifle bags, well hidden in the back of a car boot) the only conspicous thing is if you see a couple guys walking through the Co-Op in full camo gear, airsofting is hungry work ^_~

Overall its a very team building, and honor based sport - not to mention it keeps you very fit. Its really a shame that its so hard to get interest up here for it.

If anyone who reads this knows of anywhere that we could get permission to use on a permenant basis (perhaps even with a small fee, if they so desired?) it is possible to contact me via email at [email protected].

Ideal lands include disused fields, run down farm areas etc etc - anywhere where its not going to matter too much if we build our own fortifications etc etc. Its also fairly paramount that its fairly near Thurso.

Also, if anyone is interested in joining us, or has any questions or comments, they can contact me on the same email address mentioned above ^^

Thankyee for takin' the time to bring this up! I tried a while back to petition for help, but the thread was ignored.

13-Feb-07, 17:36
Paintball guy said he's happy for us to use his site during the week if we chip in some money for it's upkeep etc.
I'll ask him if he can register with the ABA as he has insurance for the paintball to get us registered for the VCR bill.
The only problem with that will be transport back and forth. I'll try and work on something the next couple of weeks.