View Full Version : What Event's would you like in Caithness?

22-Mar-13, 10:06
This is kind of market research..
What event's would you actually go too?
theres lots of pub quiz's, fun day's and your typical good events.
but is there something different you would really fancy going too and make the effort too turn up?
Can just comment on here or Pm Me.. or Email me on..
[email protected]
Please take 5 mins of your time too think about it and give me some feedback.
Thanks! :)

24-Mar-13, 20:16
A warm sunshiny day, would be nice please, with a barbecue, beer, and street music/dancing.

Mystical Potato Head
24-Mar-13, 22:09
How about "knock over a windmill day" with the most ingenious effort winning the prize of free semtex for a day.

George Brims
25-Mar-13, 19:09
A workshop on the proper use of apostrophes.

25-Mar-13, 19:18
A workshop on the proper use of apostrophes.

Once upon a time
Somebody say to me
(This is a dog talkin' now)
What is your Conceptual Continuity?
Well, I told him right then
(Fido said)
It should be easy to see
The crux of the biscuit
Is the Apostrophe(')

Sorry... Couldn't resist.

25-Mar-13, 19:31
I'd like to see a Farmers market day. Quality fresh local produce.

25-Mar-13, 21:42
Farmers Market would actually be quiet nice! good idea,

25-Mar-13, 21:53
local game fairs

hardcore superstar
26-Mar-13, 13:51
i like going to see comedians

26-Mar-13, 13:56
"kind of market research" or stuck for ideas for your cancer research fun days? at least be upfront about it and then you wouldn't have cynical peeps like myself posting on this thread

26-Mar-13, 17:49
"kind of market research" or stuck for ideas for your cancer research fun days? at least be upfront about it and then you wouldn't have cynical peeps like myself posting on this thread

Cynicism has its place and it has to be in the right place. If your intent was to knock the wind out of the sails of the OP just for helping others then this thread is not the place for you.

26-Mar-13, 20:41
yeah get your dig in Rheg as per usual. you are quite adept at having a dig at others and knocking the wind out of their sails yourself...

As for the OP's request, theres a total apathy about doing something for charity round here. just look at the flak Durrand's garage got for organising a charity car-wash.....

If you want ideas however....

Fancy Dress - Pay to come to work in fancy dress. (H&S permitting)
Guess the Baby competition - photos of the staff / colleagues as babies.
Fashion Show
Concert / Play / Musical Evening
Trivia Quiz - Pop / Sport / General Knowledge / etc.
Car Boot Sale
It's a Knock Out
Sponsored Silence
Sponsored Haircut
Five / seven a side football / rugby / hockey / etc.
Sponsored Walk
speed nut unbolt on a wind turbine stand day - fastest with a socket set gets the prize
throw the wet sponge at rheghead day

the list is endless....

26-Mar-13, 20:52
An apology would have been enough and you would have gained some respect.

26-Mar-13, 21:48
We are not stuck for ideas we have lots of them thanks
was just interested to see what everyone else would like,
we cant do every event that comes up but its nice to hear other people's views
and your not cynical you just like to be heard even if you dont have anything helpful or nice too say..
but then you did have something nice and helpful too say and actually came up with some good ideas and thank you for that..
but it would of been nicer if you just said that in the first place rather than put a pointless comment.

26-Mar-13, 22:19
I would'nt worry about people and they're silly comments, they obviously have no interest in helping a worth while charity like Cancer Research, good luck with anything you do to raise funds.
Some people need to get a grip and stop writing crap and learn if you have nothing interesting or helpful to say KEEP your mouth SHUT !!!!!

26-Mar-13, 23:16
i like them silent auctions :) x

27-Mar-13, 02:17
I would'nt worry about people and they're silly comments, they obviously have no interest in helping a worth while charity like Cancer Research, good luck with anything you do to raise funds.
Some people need to get a grip and stop writing crap and learn if you have nothing interesting or helpful to say KEEP your mouth SHUT !!!!!

Yeah big mouth.

27-Mar-13, 02:20
Yeah big mouth.


until then, keep your big mouth out of it!

As for Rheghead, i won't apologise just because you decide its needed, i'll apologise when and as needed!

27-Mar-13, 08:31
Like you i have sadly lost plenty close relatives, and like you i can write what i like on here, not nice when tables are turned.
Just hope the lass gets plenty of support to raise funds for this horrid disease (as some might not know) THE GOVERNMENT DOES NOT FUND ANY RESEARCH AT ALL !!!!!!!!!

27-Mar-13, 10:55
Farmers Market would actually be quiet nice! good idea,
It is heartening to see that there is enthusiasm for a farmer’s market here. However, in truth, there are very few small independent food producers in the area. At Mey Market we have tried to attract such producers wherever possible but it has not been easy. I am sure that the organiser of Wick market would agree that food stalls are difficult to recruit and even harder to keep. The harsh reality is that, whereas in Inverness there might be a wealth of stalls, there is also a much larger customer base with more disposable income to pay the higher prices that inevitably result from a premium product. If a producer has to spend a whole day behind a stall there has to be sufficient revenue for them to continue to do that. At Mey Market we have tried really hard and do now offer fresh veg., fruit, eggs, smoked products, home baking, bread, savouries, fresh meat and plants. We are about to start our third season, and rely very heavily on the loyalty of our customers, but we do need to add other stalls besides food, including a rent free charity stall each week, in order to sustain this market, and attract the maximum number of customers, otherwise we won’t be viable. Whilst we may not offer the fabulous range of products so often seen in farmer’s markets further south, we are trying, and I am sure I can speak for all those involved when I say that we are all very proud of what we have achieved, and hopefully we can meet some of the wishes expressed here. At least pay us a visit and see what is on offer (dates and times on the What’s On pages).

27-Mar-13, 13:06
How about a triathalon? Run from Dunbeath or Alltnabreac to Westerdale, cycle to Halkirk, then canoe the last section on the river to Thurso. Wind on your back all the way, it'd be a doddle!

27-Mar-13, 13:28
Lets have a soapbox derby

27-Mar-13, 18:14
Thank you everyone, every idea helps us make actual events :)! keep them coming, something simple something huge! anything at all.

29-Mar-13, 21:36
What about a jobs fair showing off what Caithness has to offer also included opportunities to attract new employers to Caithness showing off the diverse talents of of the Caithness work force?

31-Mar-13, 14:19
I was actually thinking about something like that! personally i think it would be a great idea! We are doing a Masked Ball in November, I am hoping its going to be busy busy so maybe the Jobs fair could be our next event,

31-Mar-13, 18:28
This is kind of market research..
What event's would you actually go too?

Thanks! :)

I think that there is a place for special day to celebrate all the wayward apostophes which litter Scotland.

We could call it National Apostrophes Day.

More information here http://www.dreaded-apostrophe.com/

secrets in symmetry
31-Mar-13, 20:23
We could call it National Apostrophes Day.
Shouldn't that be National Apostrophe's Day? :cool:

Or even National Apostrophe,s Day lol!

02-Apr-13, 09:36
Our next meeting is on the 19th of this month, looking forward to bringing up some of the ideas everyone has kindly shared, :)