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View Full Version : A different thought on wind farms ....

19-Mar-13, 09:40
I am not in to the politicks of it all, this is a simple thread from my simple mind!
Would you rather see these things as they are? (painted all one colour)
or would you like to see them painted in different colours to make a feature of them?

Personally i wish they would paint them different colours as to make a feature of them and this (if done tastefully and uniquely) quite possibly would make a tourist attraction of them? and i am not talking each one painted just one colour, maybe stripes on the blades and like a helter-skelter on the pole etc lol

19-Mar-13, 11:52
one idea could be to paint them as big spinning targets then we could base the Royal Artillery in Caithness for a short while and let them loose [lol]

Tilly Teckel
19-Mar-13, 13:16
I do like the thought of them all painted different colours and designs but think we would soon get used to the novelty of it and find them a bit garish. As they are I think they look quite elegant, even understated (amazing - considering the size of them!) and I honestly think they enhance the rugged landscape around them with the contrast.

19-Mar-13, 19:21
Deffo different colours, have said that myself in the past....

Could maybe have a children's painting competition to design them.

19-Mar-13, 19:47
Could they be painted John O'Groat style please?

19-Mar-13, 20:46
I am not in to the politicks of it all, this is a simple thread from my simple mind!
Would you rather see these things as they are? (painted all one colour)
or would you like to see them painted in different colours to make a feature of them?

Personally i wish they would paint them different colours as to make a feature of them and this (if done tastefully and uniquely) quite possibly would make a tourist attraction of them? and i am not talking each one painted just one colour, maybe stripes on the blades and like a helter-skelter on the pole etc lol

I'd prefer to see them all rust coloured and waiting to be dismantled.

Corrie 3
20-Mar-13, 00:16
I think they would look good the colour of poo!!! They are about as tasteful and as useful as it as well!!!


21-Mar-13, 11:28
A splash of colour on them would certainly help as at present they are an eyesore!:roll:

22-Mar-13, 16:24
I'd go to the extent of having an artist paint a scene on them, if you shut down the causwaymuir turbines one at a time and had a highland scene painted on them it would definitely be a tourist attraction.

22-Mar-13, 17:20
I'd like to see them all red/orange/yellow maybe with a cloudy or smoky tint to them .........then again i could save a fortune in time and paint costs by just setting fire to them all [evil]

22-Mar-13, 21:36
They only produce electricity when functional shaggy. Therefore I think my ideas better.

22-Mar-13, 22:31
plenty of "artists" in Wick, though not sure they can paint....nip into harpers, camps or the crown if you want to meet them :-)

22-Mar-13, 23:44
I am for the win turbines i think they are quite majestic.

23-Mar-13, 09:30
I wonder if someone with a private windmill (singular) would actually paint theirs?! of would let someone paint it? anyone know an owner of one to ask? lol

23-Mar-13, 10:56
God no! The blooming ugly things would stand out more!
My house is now staring at 20+ windmills in this last couple months and at least now in poor light they almost merge with the sky, bright colours would make the obvious in all weather :/

23-Mar-13, 11:00
I'd like to see them all red/orange/yellow maybe with a cloudy or smoky tint to them .........then again i could save a fortune in time and paint costs by just setting fire to them all [evil]

2nd the Arson suggestion.

23-Mar-13, 11:06
Found a few pics to let you see what you think you might like. plenty more of course, just need to have a rummage on the net


All of the above are o.k., plain but o.k. although personally i prefer this one myself....


23-Mar-13, 12:51
They could of course use light bending invisibility cloaks which would reduce the visual aspect a little.

23-Mar-13, 21:19
The multi colours look good.
On a more practical note.
In Germany the paint stripes on the blades so they are easier to see by birds and thus reduce the accidental deaths of many species.

24-Mar-13, 00:12
The multi colours look good.
On a more practical note.
In Germany the paint stripes on the blades so they are easier to see by birds and thus reduce the accidental deaths of many species.

I haven't heard of that before Wizzbang.
Where does the information come from, and where is the proof of the reduction of accidental deaths?
If it is as simple as that, then why are all turbines not striped?

24-Mar-13, 00:42
I haven't heard of that before Wizzbang.
Where does the information come from, and where is the proof of the reduction of accidental deaths?
If it is as simple as that, then why are all turbines not striped?

http://cvi.se/uploads/pdf/Kunskapsdatabas miljo/Landskap/Forskningsresultat/FOI_Memo_979_Obstacle_Marking_montgomerie.pdf

In Germany a distinction between day and night is made. At daytime the markings of
warning are painted patterns. Basically two orange stripes on white bottom is required at the
blade tips. If, however, the turbine is located more than 5km away from an airport (size of
airport is not specified) it may be provided by one orange stripe at the tip only, see Fig. 1.
What happens when a new airport is to be built is not mentioned. It would logically mean that
all wind turbines within 5km, having one stripe only, must have their blades repainted. The
text seems to invite unnecessary complication to be avoided in future texts.


For nighttime warning purposes a steady red light on a turbine may be placed on the nacelle
roof if
the additional blade tip maximum height does not exceed 50m. The light may
be turned on also during daylight. It is noteworthy that the German text has inserted the word
basically (grundsätzlich) in the text, which will allow excesses of 50m perhaps with a special
permit when required.

(http://cvi.se/uploads/pdf/Kunskapsdatabas miljo/Landskap/Forskningsresultat/FOI_Memo_979_Obstacle_Marking_montgomerie.pdf)

secrets in symmetry
24-Mar-13, 01:10
I haven't heard of that before Wizzbang.
Where does the information come from, and where is the proof of the reduction of accidental deaths?
If it is as simple as that, then why are all turbines not striped?How was your day out in the big sneck ywindy?

Did Eck listen to your peaceful protest with open ears?

24-Mar-13, 08:28
I wonder if someone with a private windmill (singular) would actually paint theirs?! of would let someone paint it? anyone know an owner of one to ask? lol

Mine spins at about 3000rpm, so good luck with that!

24-Mar-13, 08:49
Found a few pics to let you see what you think you might like. plenty more of course, just need to have a rummage on the net


Now these 2 i like! :) it could be a feature and something to bring work in as our weather would wear them, so a couple of painters get jobs to start with and then they have annual upkeep too lol

26-Mar-13, 16:18
Now these 2 i like! :) it could be a feature and something to bring work in as our weather would wear them, so a couple of painters get jobs to start with and then they have annual upkeep too lol

Well I think the colours should be Red,White and Blue [lol]

27-Mar-13, 07:34
Would colouring the windmills help to reduce bird strikes? i don't know facts figures etc, but it makes sense that because, as said further up, the colour of them at the moment they blend in to the sky and are hardly visible.
What do you think?

27-Mar-13, 13:19
Well the obvious answer is to festoon them with coloured lights around Christmas time and then have a nice little niche tourist industry as per Blackpool for coach parties and a competition for the best decorated example and probably updated carols and a nativity play enacted under their guiding lights.
Come on Orgers let's bring back a bit more of the old time imagination and irreverence we used to enjoy!

27-Mar-13, 18:05
I haven't heard of that before Wizzbang. Where does the information come from, and where is the proof of the reduction of accidental deaths?If it is as simple as that, then why are all turbines not striped?Do boats have painted propellers so fish don't swim into them? How thick do you think birds are?

27-Mar-13, 19:50
Do boats have painted propellers so fish don't swim into them? How thick do you think birds are?

First of all thanks cpt for that link etc to turbine markings, very interesting.

Second, nwc, birds don't hatch with the knowledge that a turbine blade travelling at 100mph or more might be at the same precise location as them as they fly past. They have to learn by experience.

27-Mar-13, 19:52
How was your day out in the big sneck ywindy?

Did Eck listen to your peaceful protest with open ears?

I'll tell you all about it in the "Fed up with windmills thread".

29-Mar-13, 18:58
First of all thanks cpt for that link etc to turbine markings, very interesting.Second, nwc, birds don't hatch with the knowledge that a turbine blade travelling at 100mph or more might be at the same precise location as them as they fly past. They have to learn by experience.True, but not quite an effective counter. Firstly nor do fish, why no outcry? Secondly birds are hatched with an innate understanding that there is danger to be found in their environment, if one or two do not realise that reynard approaching means certain death it is called survival of the fittest surely then those that fly into distinct manmade object that appear to be ferociously moving vortex's of doom is it not good for the species as the thick feather brain in question will not be available for breeding again.