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View Full Version : My NHS preconceptions are seriously misplaced.

18-Feb-05, 19:38
I always thought (due to popular myth) that auxilliary NHS workers are underpaid and undervalued . But having seen an Aberdeen hospital porter scoop nearly £750,000 on an internet gambling site and he won't be giving up his job (I cannot fail to remember Jimmy Saville volunteering for portering as well), I am beginning to think I might be mistaken.

It seems nice people do get lucky breaks after all...

18-Feb-05, 19:57
But he spent 20p of his wages?

George Brims
18-Feb-05, 23:37
I fail to see how the fact this guy has chosen to keep his job has any bearing on whether he and his co-workers are undervalued and underpaid, except that perhaps a better paid person might be able to retire early following a win of such a size.

I do hope he doesn't decide to spend it on an immediate holiday in "sunny" California. It's raining cats and dogs again.

19-Feb-05, 12:23
I fail to see how the fact this guy has chosen to keep his job has any bearing on whether he and his co-workers are undervalued and underpaid, except that perhaps a better paid person might be able to retire early following a win of such a size.

Anyone could retire on that much money. Perhaps he should and being the nice person he is, give another person a much needed job.