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rs 2k
08-Jan-07, 01:38
Fag prices goes up tomorrow (Monday)

I was just wondering how much people would be willing to spend on a packet b4 they gave up??

Colin Manson
08-Jan-07, 01:59
How much does a pack of 20 cost now and after Monday?

It's been 3 years since I gave up and I seem to remember that they were getting close to £5 at the time.

08-Jan-07, 10:55
Have no idea how much a packet is now - I gave up on 'tailor-mades' except for special occasions because of the price once they got to over £3 a packet. Have been rolling duty free tobacco for years.

I plan on giving up when my supply runs out. Certainly wouldn't pay more than £10 for a 50g pouch. From where I live at the moment it would get to the point where it where it would become more economical to go on holiday, have the holiday and come back with 8 months supply and still save a fortune. It also eventually becomes viable to ask friends living on the south coast to pop across and you'll pay their travelling expenses if they want to take a trip and get you....

Instead of just ripping us off AND complaining about the burden smokers place upon the NHS instead of coming clean about the fact that actually we pay for it (in a sense), if 'they' really had peoples health interests at the forefront they would simply introduce a total ban across Europe. Less temptation when nobody around you is smoking either.

It's getting to the point where you need to be loaded to be a heavy smoker of cigarettes :(

08-Jan-07, 11:01
OMG, i cant believe 2 people so far would willingly pay 8 pound a pack....

Thankfully i gave up quite a whle ago, more for health reasons intead of cost, it was scary how easy it was for me to become short of breath. and it seems i have been able to save quite a bit in the process.

strangely i do kinda miss them, and often remark it would be nice to have one in certain situations, but through experience, its way too easy to start all over again.

I wish you the best of luck if you are attempting to give up.... stick with it, its most definately worth it.

08-Jan-07, 15:33
It is worth taking the moment to vote on the poll to discover that 93% of the orger community is reporting to be "non smokers."

On that note, we have a slew of members who are taking the serious plunge today to begin a tobacco free experiment. You all have my support and best wishes that this works for you. If it gets rough, don't hesitate to PM me. Get those fingers flying on the computer keys and they won't be able to hold anything they shouldn't be holding.

mr do dar
08-Jan-07, 16:20
a pack of fags are about 4-5 pound a pack thats why me and my partner are giving up . were starting on the patchers . it cos us about 2.900 ayear to smoke . were both thinking about the money we will save plus our health in years to come .

08-Jan-07, 16:26
I stopped smoking nearly 5 years ago, admittedly on my doctors recommendation, I found that with nicotine patches I managed to stop very easily, I was a 100grm of rolling tobacco a week smoker, but with what my doctor had said to me "Stop Smoking,keep walking" if I did not I would lose a leg, so with that incentive I found stopping very easy. But the price of a smoke now is horrendous, I would have stopped long ago because of the price, maybe not as easily.
As soon as I stopped smoking I bought myself a new computer and I had the added incentive from Mrs G (a long time non smoker), her words were " Start smoking and you can choose the window, the one that your computer goes out, and you after it". That was an offer I could not refuse.
Best of luck to those who are set to try to give up the weed

08-Jan-07, 17:18
Well Done Mr Do Dar for stopping..And to everyone else..I used to smoke when i was in high school just the odd fag here n there wasnt a heavy smoker..Ive never touched a fag since i was 16..Im now in my 20s..I think its horrible now.

Think off all the money that you can save if you dont smoke..Think of lovely caribbean holidays or cruises with the moeny u saved..Ahh...Great.:) Or spend it all on Drink?! LOL!!![lol]

08-Jan-07, 18:16
I used to smoke mayfairs £4.32 a packet i usually smoked 30 a day a dear addiction im not going to de nigh it (my spelling is crap)i like a fag the only reason i stopped is because its more of a hasstle nowadays to smoke and i have decided rather than spend my money on fags i will buy gadgets instead

08-Jan-07, 18:59
How Much They Going To Rise By For A Packet?how Do You Know They R Going Up In Price Anyway?

08-Jan-07, 21:15
I find the poll strange as 94% of the voters do not smoke, I am sure this can not be right.

08-Jan-07, 22:29
It's a difficult one..........

A ban on smoking in public areas or a huge rise in cigarette prices will probably have an immediate effect on the revenue the *government/robbing sods (*delete where applicable), whereas - the benefits are a long way down the line.

Yes, there is a price that the normal, moral, rent or mortgage-paying public reach before they say: "I can no longer afford to smoke", even though it is an addiction.

For others, it may replicate other addictions with the associated problems.

So............ does a poll tell us anything?

09-Jan-07, 09:36
a pack of fags are about 4-5 pound a pack thats why me and my partner are giving up . were starting on the patchers . it cos us about 2.900 ayear to smoke . were both thinking about the money we will save plus our health in years to come .

I stopped smoking about 3 years ago and started to put the money I would spend on ciggies each week into a jar. It was amazing how it mounted up and seeing it increase each week encouraged me to keep going. I was able to treat myself to something really nice every so often - and I actually still put the money into a jar even now.

Good luck to you both!

09-Jan-07, 16:23
How Much They Going To Rise By For A Packet?how Do You Know They R Going Up In Price Anyway?

Does anyone know the answer to this? I am a non smoker but on speaking to a couple of smokers last night they were totally unaware of any price rise. Perhaps that is because they needed them and just bought them without looking at the price but they had no idea what I was on about.

Cedric Farthsbottom III
09-Jan-07, 16:30
I love smokin its ace.I would pay up to £5 for 20.If it goes dearer then I will just have to buy some Rizlas and smoke some straw.I would smoke grass but I hear it starts making ye write songs and see into other realms!!!:lol: :lol:

10-Jan-07, 16:56
there is no way i would evem pay a penny on fags/tobacco, i use to smoke when i was little but easily gave up but there is no way on this earth would i ever smoke again. someone can even give me 1 million pounds and i wouldnt smoke again lol. I hate the smell when my mum lights a fag in front off me. yuick

rs 2k
11-Jan-07, 22:19
Does anyone know the answer to this? I am a non smoker but on speaking to a couple of smokers last night they were totally unaware of any price rise. Perhaps that is because they needed them and just bought them without looking at the price but they had no idea what I was on about.

20 fags up 10p 10 fags up 5p

2oz packet of GV up 28p

I work in a shop, thats how i know!!

The reason for the poll was just to c how much people would pay for a packet

This question was asked on the telly the other night

So i thought i would do my own survey :lol:

11-Jan-07, 23:00
i gave up the fags last april with the help of niquitin lozenges but i am now addicted to them ! you are only supposed to use them for 3 months im on month 9 but know if i stop them i will probably be back on the fags whatever the price!

12-Jan-07, 12:14
I love smokin its ace.I would pay up to £5 for 20.If it goes dearer then I will just have to buy some Rizlas and smoke some straw.I would smoke grass but I hear it starts making ye write songs and see into other realms!!!:lol: :lol:

Maybe they should ban smoking so you will have to go to your grass dealer to buy it. That way the goverment gets no tax and your teenage smokers are driven to go to drug dealers to get there smokes.
ps I am sure hay and horse dung would be a better smoke than straw.

Cedric Farthsbottom III
12-Jan-07, 22:57
Maybe they should ban smoking so you will have to go to your grass dealer to buy it. That way the goverment gets no tax and your teenage smokers are driven to go to drug dealers to get there smokes.
ps I am sure hay and horse dung would be a better smoke than straw.

A dealer for grass?Its oot in ma front garden for free.I have smoked hash in ma youthful past and a few dodgy things too.I class it as a learning curve.Then I grew up and realised ma money was best spent elsewhere.My fags is one of ma luxuries.Did try smoking horse dung but it made ma rizlas soggy.:lol: :lol:

North Rhins
12-Jan-07, 23:15
When you’re lying in the Coronary Care Ward contemplating your future, with lots of tubes and drips and that little green blip darting across the screen of your monitor, you just know its time to quit. After years of Players Navy Cut, Senior Service Woodies etc etc. I was lucky. I knew I might not be so lucky again.

Cedric Farthsbottom III
12-Jan-07, 23:29
When you’re lying in the Coronary Care Ward contemplating your future, with lots of tubes and drips and that little green blip darting across the screen of your monitor, you just know its time to quit. After years of Players Navy Cut, Senior Service Woodies etc etc. I was lucky. I knew I might not be so lucky again.

I can relate to yer post North Rhins,because I have a few friends who have gave up due to health reasons.I have lost a couple of pals to cancer,they all smoked and although it wasn't fully said to be this,we'll never fully know.I know wi smokin I'm probably livin life on a razor edge.I also get yer Senior Service Woodies cos I've lost a few of them as well

14-Jan-07, 00:55
I too gave up for health reasons. Would price have made me stop? Almost certainly not. If I had my life over again would I do the same. More than likely. Do I regret ever having started? Not in the least.

Would I advise anybody else to start. Definitely not!

14-Jan-07, 04:07
Tried it when I was young didn't like it and haven't been tempted to try again. I consider myself lucky when I see the effects on friends and family members.

14-Jan-07, 23:12
I got up to about 60 a day through a very boring job, then one day i left the fags in the car about 45 minutes away from where i was working. went the whole night without them. driving home in the morning i reached over for them and realised i can do without them so i tossed them out into the ditch along with the lighter. I could have killed for one for almost a year after that but sheer stubborness kept me away from them . that was 30 odd years ago and i havent touched one since. For any one trying to stop i know just how hard it is but it really is worth it. If i can do it any one can do it to

:lol: :cool: