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05-Jan-07, 00:06
is it the posters name is it the topic or the good spelling and gramer..????

05-Jan-07, 00:21
i would hazard a guess at pure curiosity, i for one often randomly skim through threads without really taking notice of the subject header.

i will also often read through subjects that i have zero interest in and also ones that i hold very disapproving views on, knowing i will not contribute to the thread.

I have to admit i look out for connieb's posts, she has an amazing sense of humour.

05-Jan-07, 00:31
It's the thread title and what appears when you float the curser over the post.

Mind you........ if you've been a long time away from the forums, 4 or 5 pages of responses is an atraction (unless it is about pizza toppings)

George Brims
05-Jan-07, 00:56
is it the posters name is it the topic or the good spelling and gramer..????

I read posts that are on subjects that interest me.

Certain posters will make me avoid a topic, as will bad spelling or grammar in the title.

05-Jan-07, 08:22
I read posts that are on subjects that interest me.

Certain posters will make me avoid a topic, as will bad spelling or grammar in the title.

Likewise for me.

Alice in Blunderland
05-Jan-07, 09:46
Its the title for me, I dont care about peoples spelling or grammer if I like the look of the heading I will click on it if not I skip past. If its a long boring night I will pretty much look at all posts as I am passing them :) .

05-Jan-07, 09:47
mmm thats a bit snobby aint it asuming that if a persons spelling and gramer are bad that then that person has nothing of intrest to say. or is it a case of must be thick as mince..??

05-Jan-07, 10:33
Usually read threads where the thread title appeals to me.

05-Jan-07, 10:39
Im with Laguna2..I read threads which appeal to me.

Personally i dont care about spelling or Grammar, Just because someones spelling isnt up to scratch doesnt mean that their posts are going to be dull and boring and of no interest!!

05-Jan-07, 10:52
sum people can spell, an still write as dey talk.. i read em when i feel like it an if i am interested in it... i skim the things i danna like much as an interest in other people an wot dey maybe like.

05-Jan-07, 11:02
Im with Laguna2..I read threads which appeal to me.
Personally i dont care about spelling or Grammar, Just because someones spelling isnt up to scratch doesnt mean that their posts are going to be dull and boring and of no interest!!
I'm with DarkAngel on this one, I read what appeals to me.

05-Jan-07, 11:14
I look at the title and see if it appeals to me before I read.

I generally ignore very long postings.

05-Jan-07, 11:35
I'm the same, if the title looks like something i might be interested in i'll have a look, or maybe something funny,but that does'nt seem to happen to often here these days :(
Big long post really put me off too. Spelling does'nt bother me as long as i can understand it. :)

05-Jan-07, 13:39
Its the tital with me too.If its interesting I'll open it and contribute if I can.
Some threads get too heavy so I just follow them.:eek:

05-Jan-07, 13:48
I'm with golach and darkangel on this one. Threads that appeal to me I will look at. Spelling etc has nothing to do with the interest of the thread, or quality of the content. Some people have learning problems through no fault of their own and can't spell etc., but it doesn't mean they haven't got a valuable contribution to make to the forums.

And also really long threads do put me off, as lack of time means I can't read every post, which I hate doing.

05-Jan-07, 14:47
It's the thread title and what appears when you float the curser over the post.

Mind you........ if you've been a long time away from the forums, 4 or 5 pages of responses is an atraction (unless it is about pizza toppings)

Thats exactly what I do...always feel sorry for folks who start a thread that nobody replies to but you can tell has been viewed a number of times.

05-Jan-07, 15:54
Mainly, who posted it because people tend to post within certain topic areas; though if a thread looks interesting I'll read it regardless. As for spelling, grammar and so on - some folk do have, ah, a style all their own :confused: and I struggle sometimes to understand what they're driving at...... at that point I'll usually just call it quits and go look at something else. And of course there are some posters whose efforts I don't want to read, just as I'm sure there are some who won't read mine!

Just another brick in the plate glass window of life :eek: .



05-Jan-07, 17:16
I skim them over and read anything that appeals to me, but do find that bad spelling and grammar (and text speak) in some posts, make them difficult to read for an oldie like me.
But Compo, Dozerboy and Dark Angel, I'm not being snobby and I would never suggest for one minute that because someone doesn't use correct grammar and spelling that they have nothing of interest to say, it's simply a fact that I haven't the time to decypher some posts and if you get a few of them one after the other it makes me lose interest in the thread. Just my personal opinion.

05-Jan-07, 22:50
I go for pure interest, nothing else. Don't care about anything else! Also like to ask for help with things and advice and I check out pets corner. There are some threads I see that I'd like to reply to but think my input might be better kept out so I don't. I have had some great advice about computer things on here from Tiger Jones as well.

05-Jan-07, 23:58
I glance at most threads, some interest me and on some I feel I would like to make a contribution/state an opinion on the subject. I often find that I can pick up a lot of useful information whether or not I take part in the debate.

06-Jan-07, 00:00
What makes people look at threads?

Honestly? Conflict. Look at the forum lists, the most viewed threads will all be those with pages of disagreement.

06-Jan-07, 01:34
I usually look for local colour, so I read most stuff, and comment on only what interests me personally. I am writing a book set in the area, ( or will be if I ever get back to it) and this gives me a mind picture. It also helps me stay interested in my story, I've been so busy lately that sometimes this site is the only thing that makes me feel like I will eventually get it finished. The threads give my mind a jolt back into the setting of my book.

Cedric Farthsbottom III
06-Jan-07, 23:07
Ma favourite threads are one's where seriousness and humour can intermingle as one.I like when a poster will give an honest answer whether it be to the topic or a wee humerous twist but stickin to the topic.

I also like the threads where someone will say I like plain scones and the other says no I like fruit scones,then war breaks out over scones.Ma funny bone gets broken wi they ones:lol: :lol: