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04-Jan-07, 20:35
am watching said tv progran at the moment and am gobsmacked to watch ilegal loging camps in operation blaitantly breaking the law. and daily masive pices of forest are vanishing. if that was iraq or afgan terrorist training camps they would have been bombed flat. yet you here blair bush and all the other numptys swearing to all and sundry that they are fighting to save the planet well why not get in to these places and shut them down cos in the long term and not that long realy we the planet will have nothing left except a nice barren rock hurtling through space and then they can all play their war games to their hearts content.

04-Jan-07, 20:43
Aye and some on here are worrying about a few wind turbines in their back yard, if more was done to save our planet by a few, instead of generating hot air, maybe, just maybe our Great Grand Kids will have a planet to live on

04-Jan-07, 20:48
am watching said tv progran at the moment and am gobsmacked to watch ilegal loging camps in operation blaitantly breaking the law. and daily masive pices of forest are vanishing. if that was iraq or afgan terrorist training camps they would have been bombed flat. yet you here blair bush and all the other numptys swearing to all and sundry that they are fighting to save the planet well why not get in to these places and shut them down cos in the long term and not that long realy we the planet will have nothing left except a nice barren rock hurtling through space and then they can all play their war games to their hearts content.

fantastic program, but also terrible they are doing this. the rain forrests are vital for the whole planets long term survival. It's about time the whole world woke up to what is going on globally, and get it sorted, or there is no future for the grandchildren. it may already be too late..... who knows?

04-Jan-07, 20:54
You can do your bit by refusing to buy anything made from tropical hardwood. A little gesture but it all helps in the fight against the loggers. It has been reported the army is involved in the illegal logging business - maybe we should go to war with the Indonesians?

You could even donate to the WWF if you wish...

04-Jan-07, 20:59
Aye and some on here are worrying about a few wind turbines in their back yard, if more was done to save our planet by a few, instead of generating hot air, maybe, just maybe our Great Grand Kids will have a planet to live on

Seems like the two may be linked?

For all the Turbine lovers ,this will wipe the smile off .The Carbon Certs that are given too the Turbine owners as part off the non-carbon genernation agreement are being traded/sold and used by companies in South America/Boreno to fell and burn the rainforest for the production of palm oil and soya ---1 NEW TURBINE and 10 hectares goes up in smoke ever week as long as that 1 turbine stands..So when you see next see the Amazon on TV and its burning, pat yourself on the back .You may well be putting money into the pockets off the Turbine owners and the Electricity companies ,but helping to save the PLANET you're not .......

I would be interested to read the source of "dozy's" information. Got a link dozy?

06-Jan-07, 13:40
buying FSC certified timber can also help...

This is one of many sites i try and voice my opinions through, and they have had 1 or 2 "victories" inthe last couple of months if any others wanna contribute..


06-Jan-07, 16:08
I only managed to see the last 2 programmes so if anyone knows if it is repeated on Sky, please can you let me know.

I do not know much on the illegal logging but it is very sad. I do not think you can totally blame the loggers though. They probably live in poverty and this is their only way of making any money. Like in other countries these peolpe are probably desparate to make money anyway they can so as to survive, as said before it is the people who buy and use the wood who are mostly to blame.

This is only my own opinion and it may well be incorrect. However a way should be found to stop this and presrve every part of these wonderful areas.

It was very sad when you heard the Gibbons calling with the chainsaws in the background.

06-Jan-07, 16:18
Aye and some on here are worrying about a few wind turbines in their back yard, if more was done to save our planet by a few, instead of generating hot air, maybe, just maybe our Great Grand Kids will have a planet to live on

You've given me an idea on the hot air....shouldn't it be channeled for heating homes....that could save a huge ammount of carbon output! ;)

On a more serious note, there are many things that we can do as individuals to stop ruthless industry, but we would have to be willing to pay more. That granite suface in your kitchen bought at knock down price was paid for in human and enviromental terms somewhere else, as was that tropical hardwood dining table or even the rug on your floor. certification of sustainability is very expensive and has to be passed on to the consumer. Too many people care too little to pay the extra.