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10-Feb-13, 15:07
Why is my Sunday afternoon being disturbed by an endless stream of poxy little cars (you know the sort- very basic hatchbacks with huge exhausts!) being driven through Bower? I think that there have been at least 100 so far. I used to be involved with Triumph TR Register, and we did convoy runs, but at least they were lovely old classic cars (with the possible exception of the TR7, although I have owned a couple of them too)and we tried not to go through quiet villages.

10-Feb-13, 15:11
I'm about to head from Castletown to Thurso, which direction where they heading?

10-Feb-13, 15:33
It's an annual run to commemorate a young lad that died on the bower road 2 years ago,

10-Feb-13, 15:35
This is what I thought you meant by convoy...
In Caithness its a bit hard to go from A to B without going through quiet villages!

10-Feb-13, 15:46
therealducati needs to get a life & show a little respect,

10-Feb-13, 15:55
Plenty of respect for young Chris but none whatsoever for the idiots with their dump valves and revving the engine and overrunning to make them backfire. Pulling away from the lights in high street wick and screaming down bridge street isn't a proper way to show anything, never mind respect. then doing the exact same on the return......sad

10-Feb-13, 16:01
therealducati needs to get a life & show a little respect,

Folks can only show respect if they know what they are showing respect for, if folks don't know what's going on they can only go by what they see and hear themselves.

10-Feb-13, 16:12
Moan, moan, moan what's 15/20 mins noise passed your house, that young man meant a lot to all those people.

10-Feb-13, 16:26
there young lads showing that they have not forgotten chris and i think they have a right to do that. if that means going up bridge street in wick or where ever with there engines reving and poping so be it, what a lot of people need to do is get on with there lives and stop worrying what others are doing.

10-Feb-13, 16:42
I am all for in a show of Remembrance for someone who has passed in Tragic Circumstances, but this can also be shown in a way as not to upset other people. So I agree with therealducati as this "Convoy" could have driven through Populated Areas is Silence. As a matter of fact I believe a large convoy driving through in silence would have been a more effective way in showing respect for the deceased.

10-Feb-13, 17:57
I am not trying to disrespect, but honest question, how are a pile of cars going around beeping their horns every few seconds and revving their engines unnecessarily showing respect in the first place? I honestly don't understand.

10-Feb-13, 18:00
there young lads showing that they have not forgotten chris and i think they have a right to do that. if that means going up bridge street in wick or where ever with there engines reving and poping so be it, what a lot of people need to do is get on with there lives and stop worrying what others are doing.

Well one of these young boneheads nearly put me off the road last time I was home by overtaking me on the road into Wick and then brake testing me. And all because I was driving a brand new version of the ten year old wreck he was driving. I know this because that's what he told me after I followed him until he pulled over. I wouldn't have trusted that little tool with a pedal car.

The road is not a place to pratt around with stupid boy racer antics, and no one has the right to use it as an excuse to behave likt that no matter what the reason. If the only way you can remember a friend is to rev your engine, pop your exhaust and annoy people then you're as much a tool as the guy that nearly took me out.

10-Feb-13, 19:14
Well most of this mob passed me on the way home from Wick, some reasonable overtaking manovers although I was particularly impressed when 4 of them overtook me as we passed the 40 sign going into Reis. Then another overtook his fellow as he pulled in no doubt causing some concern to the old dear coming the other way.:eek:

Showing respect by behaving in the way that got the young lad killed in the first place.

10-Feb-13, 19:43
i was actually very touched seeing all those cars and their drivers goin through the town to show their respect!not many young lads express their feelings and if this is there way to show they cared then let them be

10-Feb-13, 20:05
qoute::i was actually very touched seeing all those cars and their drivers goin through the town to show their respect!not many young lads express their feelings and if this is there way to show they cared then let them be qoute::

or just using it as an excuse to act like they do everyday!
showing respect in silence in a slow convoy is RESPECT not acting the same way that got this inexpierianced driver killed in the first place!..

10-Feb-13, 20:15
Showing respect by behaving in the way that got the young lad killed in the first place.

I must say I was very surprised and bewildered , when discussing the amount of youngsters, that I continuously witness driving dangerously and asking what the sticker of a number plate on the back of their cars meant, to be told that this was in remembrance of their friend that had died in a car crash:~(

10-Feb-13, 20:29
Well I too have to agree with most of the posts on here, I think it is sad a young life was lost, but he didna crash through going slow did he, it was just lucky that only himself was killed not some young family coming the other way. While I applaud someone being remembered perhaps there is a better way to do it than this, and to honestly to keep putting the young man up as some kind of celebrity in my mind is wrong, he died because he was probably driving too fast , this is not something to be celebrated ! again I understand this will upset some folks as honesty often does, again I say I am sorry the laddy was killed but thankful my family or anyone elses wasnt in a car coming the other way, if he had killed someone else instead of himself would they remember them so well? I doubt it!

10-Feb-13, 20:33
LIVE AND LET LIVE... everybody's different thank f... but we all slip up sometimes or the moment grabs us, and do something silly or stupid, like you moaning lot haven't EH ! ! ! ! Im 55 and still look forward to the mad times.


10-Feb-13, 20:36
spot on nicnak!

couldnt have said it better...

drive through with your hazards on and in a slow convoy this will show much more respect if thats what you feel he deserves,if not drive through like an idiot and maybe end up heading for disaster like this kid.

you can bet in that second before it all went wrong he was wishing he had stopped and thought for a minute!.

maybe this is what these convoy drivers should be doing!

you can bet his mum wouldnt want his close friends acting the same way and end up on the slab.

father of 4 kids so NO sympathy..

10-Feb-13, 20:42
I think a lot of people forget what it was like to be young, I'm sure we have all done silly or dangerous things when we were younger and maybe still do in our older years too, it's all part of growing up!

Cut these guys some slack!

I'm sure there is better things to talk about instead of moaning about people in cars!

10-Feb-13, 20:47
funny thing is i dont have to hear them as i live far enough away, plus the funniest thing is the more they act like dweebs the higher thier insurance goes up and they price themselves OFF the road!:)lol

carry on lads..

10-Feb-13, 21:11
When I was recently in Caithness, going from Thurso to Wick - was dark - had to stop and turn to check as passing saw a number plate which looked fairly new in some bushes/trees, this was obviously the site of this accident.

As a person not used to this road, it was very distracting to see this numberplate. How many people have stopped to check this site to ensure there is no one in what I thought was a damaged vehicle - I nearly removed the very badly placed numberplate from causing other people having to stop to check or be distracted by this numberplate shining from the trees.

This seems a strange way to make other drivers take note - distract them

10-Feb-13, 21:58
and do you know what happend to our son at night if so its about time you told us if not shut up

Well most of this mob passed me on the way home from Wick, some reasonable overtaking manovers although I was particularly impressed when 4 of them overtook me as we passed the 40 sign going into Reis. Then another overtook his fellow as he pulled in no doubt causing some concern to the old dear coming the other way.:eek:

Showing respect by behaving in the way that got the young lad killed in the first place.

10-Feb-13, 22:06
all these young roadhogs as you are calling them managed to raise about £2000 over the weekend and if you are not happy with a wee bit of noise tough. as for the overtaking manouvre let me know the makes and registrations and they will not be on another cruise. it appears that most of you this weekend have sat in and listened for the noise of cars. as for you that do not know what happened to our son you want to be keeping your assumptions to yourself and if you were at the scene and you witnessed what happened why have you not come forward. if you know any information let me know and i will get the police to come and get a statement from you if not shut up. then again when the truth does come out that wont suit you halfwits. another point our son hated being called chris he was known as Christopher or CD

10-Feb-13, 22:11
when was this? dates please.

When I was recently in Caithness, going from Thurso to Wick - was dark - had to stop and turn to check as passing saw a number plate which looked fairly new in some bushes/trees, this was obviously the site of this accident.

As a person not used to this road, it was very distracting to see this numberplate. How many people have stopped to check this site to ensure there is no one in what I thought was a damaged vehicle - I nearly removed the very badly placed numberplate from causing other people having to stop to check or be distracted by this numberplate shining from the trees.

This seems a strange way to make other drivers take note - distract them

10-Feb-13, 22:16
once again what do you know about our sons accident? if you do know anything come forward as you seem to be insinuating here
Well I too have to agree with most of the posts on here, I think it is sad a young life was lost, but he didna crash through going slow did he, it was just lucky that only himself was killed not some young family coming the other way. While I applaud someone being remembered perhaps there is a better way to do it than this, and to honestly to keep putting the young man up as some kind of celebrity in my mind is wrong, he died because he was probably driving too fast , this is not something to be celebrated ! again I understand this will upset some folks as honesty often does, again I say I am sorry the laddy was killed but thankful my family or anyone elses wasnt in a car coming the other way, if he had killed someone else instead of himself would they remember them so well? I doubt it!

10-Feb-13, 22:20
and do you know what happend to our son at night if so its about time you told us if not shut up

Look I mean no disrespect, I when younger lost several friends to car and motorcycle accidents. Only by luck it wasn't me. I am aware of at least 4 fatalities in the last few years in the county involving young drivers. I know you are doing your best but the message is just not getting through. I hope there is never another.

10-Feb-13, 22:24
all these young roadhogs as you are calling them managed to raise about £2000 over the weekend and if you are not happy with a wee bit of noise tough. as for the overtaking manouvre let me know the makes and registrations and they will not be on another cruise. it appears that most of you this weekend have sat in and listened for the noise of cars. as for you that do not know what happened to our son you want to be keeping your assumptions to yourself and if you were at the scene and you witnessed what happened why have you not come forward. if you know any information let me know and i will get the police to come and get a statement from you if not shut up. then again when the truth does come out that wont suit you halfwits. another point our son hated being called chris he was known as Christopher or CD

Well said, take my hat off to you .Let them that knows all come forward.

10-Feb-13, 22:25
all these young roadhogs as you are calling them managed to raise about £2000 over the weekend and if you are not happy with a wee bit of noise tough. as for the overtaking manouvre let me know the makes and registrations and they will not be on another cruise. it appears that most of you this weekend have sat in and listened for the noise of cars. as for you that do not know what happened to our son you want to be keeping your assumptions to yourself and if you were at the scene and you witnessed what happened why have you not come forward. if you know any information let me know and i will get the police to come and get a statement from you if not shut up. then again when the truth does come out that wont suit you halfwits. another point our son hated being called chris he was known as Christopher or CD

I do know the cars but hopefully if they read this they will think on.

10-Feb-13, 22:27
i think your post says it all. just a total idiot looking for a fight on here. once again if you know anything you come forward.
do you know our son was speeding? how do you know there was not frost on the corner, how do you know our son did not have to brake and swerve for something on the road, how do you know our son was driving a car capable of high speed. are you qualified in accident investigation.
the reason i know you are all talking a heap of crap is i have personally been involved in the recovery business for the last 18 years, we have had a professional accident investigator go over this scene and he cornfirms you are talking crap. so unless you know what happened i expect you to keep your false comments to yourself. what i have said can be proved

spot on nicnak!

couldnt have said it better...

drive through with your hazards on and in a slow convoy this will show much more respect if thats what you feel he deserves,if not drive through like an idiot and maybe end up heading for disaster like this kid.

you can bet in that second before it all went wrong he was wishing he had stopped and thought for a minute!.

maybe this is what these convoy drivers should be doing!

you can bet his mum wouldnt want his close friends acting the same way and end up on the slab.

father of 4 kids so NO sympathy..

10-Feb-13, 22:27
Quadbiker I only know about your sons accident from some of his closest friends, I am sorry for your loss but all the same I think a bit a reality is needed here too, oh and by the way I saw the number plate in the tree that Pat was talking about a couple of times when passing and have to agree I think the shrine erected there is a distraction to drivers and No i didnt write down dates as I was driving at the time and that would be hazardous. my feelings are with you and I dont think people are being insulting to yourselves or CD's memory but they are like you entitled to their own opinions and to voice them x

10-Feb-13, 22:32
we do not want to hear opinions as we have been fighting the police over opinions so unless someone seen our sons car coming round the corner they know what they can do with there opinions. you want to look up the definition of opinion. it stands for nothing.

Quadbiker I only know about your sons accident from some of his closest friends, I am sorry for your loss but all the same I think a bit a reality is needed here too, oh and by the way I saw the number plate in the tree that Pat was talking about a couple of times when passing and have to agree I think the shrine erected there is a distraction to drivers and No i didnt write down dates as I was driving at the time and that would be hazardous. my feelings are with you and I dont think people are being insulting to yourselves or CD's memory but they are like you entitled to their own opinions and to voice them x

10-Feb-13, 22:40
what is the matter with you people that number plate has been there for 6 months, there is also a candle lit there most of the time. if it means so much to you we will tear it all down. aye that will be right. if we want to do this for our son we will.
i dont hear anyone complaining on here about debris from accidents being left on the verges, and in fields, cars being left on verges and on top of walls some for days and in fields and ditches this is quite a common sight in caithness and if you cannot distinguish this numberplate and plaque as a mark of respect you definately need to get an eyetest.

10-Feb-13, 22:47
what is the matter with you people that number plate has been there for 6 months, there is also a candle lit there most of the time. if it means so much to you we will tear it all down. aye that will be right. if we want to do this for our son we will. i dont hear anyone complaining on here about debris from accidents being left on the verges, and in fields, cars being left on verges and on top of walls some for days and in fields and ditches this is quite a common sight in caithness and if you cannot distinguish this numberplate and plaque as a mark of respect you definately need to get an eyetest.I think folk should stop posting their dislike for the cruise on the .org and come visit you with their gripe but I doubt anyone of them would have the balls.

10-Feb-13, 22:50
totaly agree with you quadbiker most of the coments are from morons who like the police have nothing better to do that pick and blame the you ones, good to hear you raised a lot of money,

10-Feb-13, 22:58
If the cruise has raised awareness and makes one driver think twice about the repercussions of speed, dodgy manoeuvres, driving in bad weather, road hazards, it has been worthwhile. What's a bit of noise and hold up in comparison to potentially saving a life?

There will always be a few pushing the boundaries but boys will be boys, and events like this are to commemorate whilst also serving as a reminder of the dangers of the road to not only the boy-racers, but ALL drivers - commuters, school-run drivers, Sunday drivers, drivers who are too decrepit to be safely driving etc.

11-Feb-13, 01:01
Yeah cut them some slack, Its all for a good cause and if it was one of your family members and was in to cars ect then i think u would join in to, Have a bit of "Respect" for the the lad ppl come on, Use are just old Gurning Ppl With nothing better to do and can hardly drive, And as for u (Therealducti) i've seen ur driving and its "BAD" So best thing u could do and would make a lot off ppl feel safer just hand your license in before u cause a crash,You should be ashamed of your self for even putting this up in the first place, Have some respect!!

11-Feb-13, 01:18
In fairness to Therealducati, and unless I am reading it wrong, the person was asking why there was so many cars going past their house at the same time. I do'nt think it was a dig at the lad who had lost his life, because they did'nt know what the "convoy" was in aid of. Personally, I might have put it a bit better if I was asking the question, whereas I would'nt call anybody's car poxy, but as I said I might be wrong.

11-Feb-13, 02:52

I have my opinion as you say, if that doesnt mean much to you then thats your choice!, i couldnt care less!

and as for us lot being old drivers ,i think you would be very supprised, but then again think what you will(not directed at quadbiker)
and as for the £2000 then nice one lads!!! and i hope none of you lads become tempted to act like an idiot, and follow this other kid(not that he may have been acting stupid) and i hope his passing has kerbed some of you into becomming better drivers, instead of kids with crappy clios with large exhuasts, trying to make a cheap car look and sound BIG

I dont know what happened to this kid but neither it seems does quadbiker, as you implied he MAY have hit ice, which means you are not sure what was going on!
but you cannot blame people for jumping the gun and assuming the same scenario that usually comes from a young lad nailing it into a wall!

but whatever the results it all comes down to the fact i couldnt care less! and im glad he didnt nail my car with my kids inside on his way out!

i dont know him !
As sorry as i am that a kid lost his life ,it will not make me loose sleep, but i do hope he is at piece whatever you may think.

and as for debris,if i happen to hit a piece that damages my tyres then id complain to the relevant people...the police
maybe the OP should have done that instead of comming in here,but we all know the police and noise problems..nothing

11-Feb-13, 07:05
quadbikerI have my opinion as you say, if that doesnt mean much to you then thats your choice!, i couldnt care less!and as for us lot being old drivers ,i think you would be very supprised, but then again think what you will(not directed at quadbiker)and as for the £2000 then nice one lads!!! and i hope none of you lads become tempted to act like an idiot, and follow this other kid(not that he may have been acting stupid) and i hope his passing has kerbed some of you into becomming better drivers, instead of kids with crappy clios with large exhuasts, trying to make a cheap car look and sound BIGI dont know what happened to this kid but neither it seems does quadbiker, as you implied he MAY have hit ice, which means you are not sure what was going on!but you cannot blame people for jumping the gun and assuming the same scenario that usually comes from a young lad nailing it into a wall!but whatever the results it all comes down to the fact i couldnt care less! and im glad he didnt nail my car with my kids inside on his way out!i dont know him !As sorry as i am that a kid lost his life ,it will not make me loose sleep, but i do hope he is at piece whatever you may think.and as for debris,if i happen to hit a piece that damages my tyres then id complain to the relevant people...the policemaybe the OP should have done that instead of comming in here,but we all know the police and noise problems..nothing

The org hits a new low.
Shame on you

11-Feb-13, 08:48
It's interesting on this thread that no one is denying driving like ....s They are just telling us to put up with it!

11-Feb-13, 10:30
As a mother, I really feel for the family and friends of the young person who died.

Well done to them for helping to raise a substantial sum as a memorial to their son and I hope that it goes a little way to healing the void in their lives and saving the lives of others.

As we can see, feelings are running high but I don't intend to join in. We all have our opinions on other drivers; those without experience, those who are getting on in life and don't react so quickly, those who are distracted by whatever; be it a lapse of concentration (haven't we all experienced that?) a child needing attention in the back; someone chatting to you or just plain exhaustion...the list goes on.

Could we now all show compassion and leave the friends and family of this young person to do what they think is right? They are doing their best to make some sense of their loss and are trying to make good of the young fellow's demise be it right or wrong in some peoples eyes.

11-Feb-13, 10:52
If the father of the sadly deceased insists it wasn't this kind of driving that killed his son, why do they insist on glorifying it as a tribute? And why do they insist it is helping road safety? The type of driving on display on these cruises really isn't safe.
Like I say not trying to disrespect the dead but the whole thing is a joke.

11-Feb-13, 11:21
Like I say not trying to disrespect the dead but the whole thing is a joke. If this is not trying to be disrespectful then I would hate to see a post which IS trying to be disrespectful.

What is it with threads about this boy, his tragic death, his family and this cruise? Therealducati simply asked a question - she evidently didnt know what was happening -but as usual threads on this particular subject just degenerate into unpleasantness. Its a cruise, it takes ten minutes to pass you. It doesnt inconvenient you for any considerable length of time so why all the grumbling about it?

All the people who mutter about driving standards cant possibly be as perfect as they make out. Every driver makes mistakes and with luck gets away with it. If you think you dont then its YOU who is the dangerous one. As for the comments about cheap cars well, we all have to start somewhere and I would love to know what you guys bought as your first car? They must all have been mercedes going by the comments here.

Cant you just leave these people alone? One day a year they raise money for charity by holding this cruise, they remember their friend and son, brother and cousin in their own way. They try to remind youngsters of the fragility of life and so many of you have a go at them for doing so. Why cant you just leave them to it?

11-Feb-13, 11:27
Complaining on here achieves nothing but causes upset. I think for every one on here there are probably about 100 people who are supportive or simply not bothered by what other people are doing on a Sunday afternoon. If it is such a problem why not contact the police with a substantiated complaint as I believe they are probably the only people who can regulate events like this, and I'm guessing aware/agreeable. Regardless of the circumstances of the crash it is a tragedy and people should be allowed to grieve in the way they want. I'm sure if you were to private message the organisers in a dignified way with your concerns and not on a public forum they would probably respond with the same respect.

11-Feb-13, 12:26
I may have phrased my original enquiry a bit harshly but I really had no idea what it was all about, and assumed that it was some sort of car club event. Now that I am aware I will not question it next year and wish Quadbiker good luck with the fundraising. However I do have to point out that the cars were not just driving past, they were revving their engines, stopping abruptly then wheel spinning away- in a village! I don’t mind a bit of noise now and then (and own the world’s noisiest motorcycle myself!) but approximately 20 minutes of constant racket was a bit much. Could the organisers please prevail upon people to drive quietly through the various villages?
Interested by the personal comment from cathy2 with regard to my driving as I don’t actually know any one in the immediate area- does someone know who I am by psychic ability? If so, what do I drive?

11-Feb-13, 12:48
So have I got this right? They were commemorating a friend who died in a car crash?

11-Feb-13, 15:31
I cannot even begin to imagine the pain of losing a child so young, that in itself must be utter hell to live with, I can utterly understand the need to try to do something to keep a persons memory alive for both friends and family.
What I feel right now is utterly Sickened and disgusted by the attitude shown here to a young lad that lost his life and is not here to defend himself.
Put yourselves in the shoes of his parents who have waded through this utterly disrespectful post, I feel physically sick after reading it. We can all have opinions but the internet seems to have encouraged people to forget that sometimes if you have nothing good to say then just say nothing at all.
Quadbiker you have my utmost heartfelt sympathies at the stress of reading this. I am utterly ashamed at the conduct on this thread.

11-Feb-13, 15:45
I am willing to be that few of the folk in this thread would stand in Mr Durrands garage and repeat their posts.

11-Feb-13, 16:18
i think a lot of comments on this thread are about as low as you can get but then again none of you know what you are talking about. you dont know a thing about this accident or any accident if it comes to that. not one of you insinuated excessive speed know what you are talking about it comes natural to idiots like you to jump to the conclusion that it was excessive speed. i dont hear anyone mention on here how the fatality rate on the roads is down in a massive way and we personally will do everything we can to keep it this way.
as for you billy 5000 well what can we say about what you are saying from the moment you put your fingers to your keyboard you have been talking crap and lies. as i have stated before i am involved in the recovery business and i seem to get the impression you think it is only young boys having accidents, i can tell you personally that this is totally false and for the record i know this for a fact.
as for what happened on the night of 12/02/12 unless you know any facts you want to keep your opinions to yourself as we have told the police we will not and refuse to accept opinions. we as a family have gone through hell this last year, i know a lot of you do not even know what happened at this accident but we will not rest or stop until we do find out. we fully intend to go public with this but i will tell you one thing which has torn us apart continuously this last year was that our son was left hanging upside down in his car for 4 hours, the petrol tank was bust and he was soaked in petrol, the battery was left connected, the lights were left on and there was broken wiring which could have caused a spark at any time. we have not stated this looking for sympathy from you as we as parents are the only ones that can deal with this but we shall do everything we can to stop this disgusting practice that is carried out by northern constabulary.
as for our cruises and the young boys but then again it was not all young boys on the cruise if we believe it is doing some good we will continue to do it. once again take note these young boys spent the whole day saturday washing cars in memory of their friend and to raise money to help people in need.
to most people here on the org i thank you and to the few who have shown how low they are as i said before your opinions and they are totally false opinions as has been proven this last while do not matter to us and do not hurt our feelings because we know you are all talking crap. but just remember this is a two way forum so dont take offence when you get started on.

11-Feb-13, 17:26
I really think that the person who started this thread should now lock or delete it!

11-Feb-13, 18:21
This thread is now closed.