View Full Version : Looking for Roberta/Ruby Malcolm born in 1922-1930

25-Jan-13, 22:49
I am looking for a Roberta or Ruby Malcolm who would have been born in the 1920's, I live in Ireland and found an old children's story book with a sticker inside from Wick primary school, session 1932-33, the book was given as an award to Ruby Malcolm in infants for general proficiency. I thought it was very sweet and wondered if I could trace back her relatives, it would be very nice for them to have this book that once belonged to her as a little girl. If anyone has any information on who she was/ where to contact relatives, I would be very grateful. I found something on a website that said that a Roberta Malcolm was married to John (I think) Bremner but not sure if that's the right person.

thank you!

26-Jan-13, 01:26
That is very nice of you,anybody that is in to genealogy would love this as part of there family.

26-Jan-13, 16:58
Just had a look on Scotlands people and found a ROBERTINA SUTHERLAND MALCOLM born in Wick 1922. She married a JOHN BREMNER in WICK in 1950.
So come on all ye WICKERS ,its a small place and someone will know this family!

02-Feb-13, 13:39
This post would get a better response on the general discussion board. Someone in Wick must put two and two together and work out who these Bremners are!

02-Feb-13, 14:56
Hi you were looking for relations of Ruby Malcolm who was married to John Bremner. I am the son of the late Ruby Malcolm/Bremner she went to the south school which was at the bottom or barrogill street in Wick. My name is John Bremner and i live at Shalimar,1 Angle Park Wick Caithness Kw1 5lw. You can contact me on 01955604425 or gmail address [email protected] looking forward to hear from you

02-Feb-13, 15:36
Great! now you need to send a private message via this site to ...anners2006...

02-Feb-13, 16:38
hi my name is John Bremner. My mothers name was Roberta malcolm but she was called Ruby she was born on o2 02 1922.She went to the south school in Wick and she married a John bremner. You can conctact me on 01955604425 or email me on [email protected] look forward to hearing from you Thankyou

02-Feb-13, 16:43
Hi my name is John Bremner my mothers name was Roberta Malcolm but was called Ruby she was born on the 2 02 1922 and went to the south school in Wick then married john bremner you can conctact me on 01955604425 or email me at [email protected] look forward to hearing from you thankyou

starlight express
03-Feb-13, 23:30
Hi, I %:&*->==:*(

21-Feb-13, 19:56
Hi everyone, thanks to anybody who helped, the book will be going home to its rightful family very soon :D :D