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View Full Version : what are you doing for hogmanay?

28-Dec-06, 03:05
http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/F/0/219p.gif (http://smiley.smileycentral.com/download/talking_preview.jhtml?i=F/0/219&partner=ZSzeb075_ZN)http://imgfarm.com/images/smileycentral/imbuddy/hear_me_talk.gif (http://smiley.smileycentral.com/download/talking_preview.jhtml?i=F/0/219&partner=ZN) what are you all doing on new years eve? are you going to the street hogmanay party or going first footing, or going round to your family or to a party? are any of you working or going away?

28-Dec-06, 03:22
Definately Thurso Street Party

Last year was the best event i have been at to celebrate the incoming New Year, Much better than the Millenium Party,
You see so many folk and it is so community spirited it is great. Eliminates a few houses for first footing too!!- Great Idea, saves my hangover a bit
SO Good luck to the organisers Hogmanay In Thurso

I have a few pals who are from Edinburgh who have deliberately stayed up for the Thurso Street Party this year after the success of last years one so hopefully this year it will be as good again.

People from Edinburgh dont really get much chance to go to the big Princess Street Party, its full of foreigners!! and you cant get moved so they really enjoyed last years and have come back again, One even gave up a ticket to see The Fratellis to come to Thurso - -must be mad!!

Roll On Thursos Street Party,Good bands playing this year from what i heard

28-Dec-06, 05:25
I remember reading in another thread about what Auld Lang Syne meant. Can someone tell where on earth the word Hogmanay comes from?

I will be going to bed. They don't know how to celebrate New Years over here in US, wattery beer and fake whisky :L

28-Dec-06, 10:07
I remember reading in another thread about what Auld Lang Syne meant. Can someone tell where on earth the word Hogmanay comes from?

I will be going to bed. They don't know how to celebrate New Years over here in US, wattery beer and fake whisky :L

Try here for all possible answers


28-Dec-06, 10:38
Definately Thurso Street Party
People from Edinburgh dont really get much chance to go to the big Princes Street Party, its full of foreigners Visitors!! :D and you cant get moved -must be mad!!
Gogglebox, I tend to agree with you but the latest news is that the Big Party may have to be cancelled because of weather. Severe Gales forecast for Sunday!!!!
So Im off to Oostend to enjoy some good beers.
Happy New Year Folks however and where ever you are celebrating it :D

28-Dec-06, 12:08
Gogglebox, I tend to agree with you but the latest news is that the Big Party may have to be cancelled because of weather. Severe Gales forecast for Sunday!!!!
So Im off to Oostend to enjoy some good beers.
Happy New Year Folks however and where ever you are celebrating it :D

Cancelled!!? Did not think the weather was going to be that bad in Thurso!!!!

28-Dec-06, 12:11
It is the Edinburgh Street Party that might be cancelled not Thurso.

28-Dec-06, 13:02
Wish I was going to be in Thurso. The street party was ace last year :(

I'm DJing in one of the big clubs in Aberdeen for New Year. Should still be good crack and the pay is nice.

28-Dec-06, 14:17
Gogglebox, I tend to agree with you but the latest news is that the Big Party may have to be cancelled because of weather. Severe Gales forecast for Sunday!!!!
So Im off to Oostend to enjoy some good beers.
Happy New Year Folks however and where ever you are celebrating it :D

I had heard something about that yesterday but thought it was a bit early to be planning to cancel

Maybe Tugmistress can tell us what the forecast is

Oostend sounds good though!!

28-Dec-06, 14:18
It is the Edinburgh Street Party that might be cancelled not Thurso.

Oh dear and here's me thinking it was the Thurso one or then maybe I wasn't!!!!!!!!!!!!!

28-Dec-06, 17:25
I wouldn't worry about gales up here until maybe late on the 2nd Jan ;)
Have a great time all and have a drink or two for me, i'll be sat at home alone for this one :)

28-Dec-06, 17:28

Don't look too good just now

28-Dec-06, 17:44
A chart for you milehigh ....

The wind around a low goes in an anticlockwise direction, as you can see the isobars are quite slack over us, this chart is for 6pm on new years eve, the wind what there will be (probably about 20mph) will be from the north, just a case of wrap up warm, it isn't a gale :)

28-Dec-06, 20:49
Well it will be a stay at home New Year for me and hubby, kids certainly wouldnt be able to stay awake for taking in the bells with us as they are too young, the latest they can stay awake is 8.30-9pm at a push!
Will probably do the same as last year and watch the Edinburgh Street party on T.V.
If we got a babysitter we may have went round to a friends house but definately wouldn't be going to street party.
Do people still do the whole first footing thing??? I have NEVER done this since being old enough to drink and that has been a good few years now!

28-Dec-06, 21:31
OH is working, so its just me and the children.

Hope everyone enjoys their evening:cool:

28-Dec-06, 21:32
will be home as usual. did ask the boys did they want to go down the street one year but it was too late and too cold for going out and the youngest wasnt keen cos i wouldnt pay for a taxi down and home. new year prices he must be joking.

28-Dec-06, 23:10
We are going out to a friends for dinner, then we hope to be at the street party in the Market Square, and wherever that may lead us, we are going to have a great time.

29-Dec-06, 00:29
Im back shift on the 1st so i hope you all have a good time, but please dont go daft! :Razz

29-Dec-06, 01:15
I'm already here - arrived yesterday - on the wonderful Island of Lewis - Skerryvore band tomorrow night, night out last night and lots more to do between now and when I come back sometime at the end of next week! In the meantime you all have a great time and behave - like I will do ;)

WBG :cool:

29-Dec-06, 01:28
Im going to the Thurso street party this year again as last year was excellent but kindo got no choice this year sayin as im playin at it . lol. really looking forward to seeing Whisky play again!! alot of people plannin the street party then ??

Andy - Redwall

Colin Manson
29-Dec-06, 02:08
I'll be taking the New Year in at home, probably wont stay up late because the wee fella will want his breakfast at 8am whatever happens. :)

I hope everyone has a good time wherever you may be. :D

29-Dec-06, 03:54
I am working from 6 p.m on hogmanay through to 6 p.m. on Tuesday. However, on a positive note, we get an absolutely fantastic view of the Edinburgh fireworks display - so I'll be earning money, nice and warm, not have to worry about taxi home, and still be able to see fireworks (weather permitting). What more could I want?.

29-Dec-06, 22:16
weather permitting i hope to take the family to the street party in Thurso - if no - ive got tickets for the party in the Thurso Club till midnight then it will be STELLA TIME

Cedric Farthsbottom III
29-Dec-06, 23:00
Will probably put on ma White Heather Club DVD and get sozzled.Or Thingimijig,best STV programme....EVER!!!!:lol: :lol:

mr do dar
29-Dec-06, 23:13
well im hoping to go to thursostreet party only been up here a year and a half so it will be my first time cant wait hope you asll have a great time x:Razz

30-Dec-06, 19:28
Well the kids are gone & were ready to go, to the Wick street party.
Hope the weather holds out,but were going anyway if it,s not cancelled.
Will take some liquid central heating fluid with us ....??

mums angels
30-Dec-06, 23:08
Well Hubbys still away so will have my folks round and we will take in the bells with the older 2 older kids who have gone to bed early tonight so they are able to stay up for the bells as they did last year then we will most likely go to bed not long after midnight. All freind are welcom eto come round and have a dram though;)

Hope you all have a Happy New Year :D

31-Dec-06, 00:50
Im doing absolutly Nothing!! 2nd year in a row...Bummer...I was pregnant last new year and now i have got the little one this year and No Babysitter either so no hogmany celebrations for me, Having a nite out on the 1st tho as Mum in law is babysitting then! Hope you all have a fab time!

31-Dec-06, 01:09
I'm ignoring New year with a glass of bubbly- why don't we all meet up here? or better still- why doesn't Tesco lay on a 24 hour shopping fest and we can meet there?

31-Dec-06, 03:51
No matter what your doing, a good new year to one and all. Lets hope its a healthy, happy, and a yappy new year. :D ;)

31-Dec-06, 09:53
Looks like being a quiet one at home this year.

Would like to wish all my orger mates a good Hogmanayand a great New Year.

31-Dec-06, 13:54
Will probably channel hop looking for a decent programme to take in the New Year and then moan about how awful the programmes are!:lol:
Then go to bed with a good book.:(

However you celebrate I hope you have a nice time and wish you all happiness and good health for 2007!

peedie man
31-Dec-06, 14:29
hope you all have a good new year ,all the best for 2007


31-Dec-06, 14:40
Happy New Year to all, may 2007 be the best year yet for everyone. Will take in bells looking over the bay to town then go to bed (hopefully) before drunk neighbours arrive as have to be up early.

31-Dec-06, 15:11
Wick street party was great last year, couldn't get moved. It was my first year alone - but who can be alone at a street party? The weather is mild today but it's started to rain. Why can they not put up a great tarp from one end of the market square to the other? Would be brilliant given our weather.
The other option is the bonfire at the bignold park. Are they having one this year?

31-Dec-06, 16:28
I had intended going to the street party, it was so good last year, but Ive been in bed for a few days with the flu bug so i think i had better stay in and keep warm.
Hope you all have a lovely time and that the rain will stop and the wind drop down before tonight. http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/8/8_6_33.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZN)

31-Dec-06, 16:44
I know its been alrite weather the past few days and just typical for it to be pouring rain and its windy too..Shame for tonite..Really hope it dies down and the party is a success and busy as there has been alot of effort put into it. Happy new year everyone and All e best for 2007!!


31-Dec-06, 16:53
Won't be much doing here - torrential rain,gales,thunder,lightening:eek:
Already had one power cut today .
Happy New Year!:D

31-Dec-06, 17:36
sitting at home with my bf and not touchin anything not even a drink of juice maybe tea, coffee or water but thats it lol

31-Dec-06, 17:59
Afraid. someone has to. Stuck on an oil rig in the North Sea, will be thinking about the street party and what I am missing, well there is always next year I suppose.

Happy new year to all when it comes!!


31-Dec-06, 18:00
Well enjoy your street parties and your Home parties we`ll be off down to the Irish Pub here and have meal and a few pints then whisky, Rockets and Other fireworks at Midnight and then again at 01:00 then home I think wish you all a Good slide into the New year.....

31-Dec-06, 18:24
Were having a wee party in the house first and then making our way down to the street party, should be a good night and hopefully the weather will be a bit better by then :D
So happy new year to you all and i hope you all have a good one. XX

P.S. Phoenix has asked me to wish you all a happy new year from her too.XX :D

31-Dec-06, 20:56
Will probably stay up for the bells and then off to bed as we're getting up early in the morning and going to Disneyland Paris for a couple of days.

Happy New Year Caithness!!!!!

31-Dec-06, 21:08
Oh Sandra B u lucky thing..Pack me in er suitcase!!!
