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View Full Version : How was your christmas

26-Dec-06, 01:35
I had hoped for a really really special christmas for this year but it didnt work out and i was let down. how about you, did someone let you down, did you go out and your dinner wasnt good? did you have a disaster and burn the turkey? did your guests not turn up? http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/F100/0/77p.gif (http://smiley.smileycentral.com/download/talking_preview.jhtml?i=F100/0/77&partner=ZSzeb075_ZN)http://imgfarm.com/images/smileycentral/imbuddy/hear_me_talk.gif (http://smiley.smileycentral.com/download/talking_preview.jhtml?i=F100/0/77&partner=ZN)

http://www.smileycentral.com/sig.jsp?pc=ZSzeb114&pp=ZN (http://smiley.smileycentral.com/download/index.jhtml?partner=ZSzeb114_ZN&utm_id=7922)

26-Dec-06, 01:41
sorry to here you have had a un happy christmas.

We have had a good christmas.

26-Dec-06, 02:05
I'm sorry to hear that Fran :( - hope you're feeling a bit better now.
I had a very quiet day - just me and my daughter.

26-Dec-06, 03:45
I'm sorry to hear that Fran :( - hope you're feeling a bit better now.
I had a very quiet day - just me and my daughter.Had a quiet day my-self my kid's opened all pressies and then my step daughter came with my grandson then rest of day really quiet

26-Dec-06, 10:44
i had a good christmas the only thing that was wrong i thought i was just going to go straight home and spend time with my boyfriend as we werent together through the day as i was out with my family, but instead i was at his mums and dads for ages once i got home but i wasnt really bothered lol we still had an hour before we went to sleep lol. xxx

26-Dec-06, 10:54
Fran I'm sorry things didn't turn up the way you hopped maybe New YEar will be different.
Funky I'm afraid its a sign of things to come with having know time to yourselves,wait till next year when you've got the wee ones:lol:.
Ourselves had an ok christmas,eldest daughter went out for dinner with her dad and his new family,son went balistic at sister for being a traitor and the rest is history....
Oh well at least I know what to expect:(

26-Dec-06, 11:13
Had a fairly good day, son his partner and the 2 grandsons came and daughters boyfriend came. Son offered to cook the dinner which i gladly excepted and other than peeps moaning about who was watching what on the TV we had a good day. In the evening hubby and i went to a private party in our local pub......Didn't go down to well with the kids but hey were grown-ups now and can do this sort of thing. Jan x P.S ive also put on about 10 stone, self inflicted LOL jan x

26-Dec-06, 11:14
I had a nice xmas went over to my future mother inlaw she made xmas dinner it was fine she puts a lot of effort into making it.
The only thing i hate about this time of year is when you hear of people have xmas and new year on there own thats the only thing that bugs me with this time of year.

26-Dec-06, 11:21
It was GREAT good food+ drink

26-Dec-06, 12:34
I'm so sorry Fran. Often think one of the problems with Christmas is that it can never live up to expectations. I wasn't expecting much as knew I was going to be on my own and am having family Christmas tomorrow so it's yet to come. But, having not been sure what it would be like to be alone for the first time, it was actually fine :) . Drove rather nervously to Midnight Mass in Wick through mist and ice and it was a really lovely start to Christmas - the church looked wonderful, the service was simple but beautiful, and the warmth of our Christmas greetings before going our separate ways kept me happy all next day. Talked to family on the phone, gave the birds an extra helping of seed which they loved, watched tv, listened to radio - no pressure, doing what I wanted when I wanted without feeling guilty. Very selfish and maybe wouldn't want to do it too often but for once it was great. The presents are still under the tree and I have it to look forward to.

26-Dec-06, 16:14
I`ve had a great christmas at the inlaws up in Wick and now looking forward to the new year.
The food was great - I was brave and tried the nut roast with butternut squash at wetherspoons on xmas eve and that was really nice!

peedie man
26-Dec-06, 20:10
sorry things was not so good for you Fran but im sure the new year will be better,it was all quiet here

26-Dec-06, 20:31
sorry you didnt have a nice christmas fran, hopefully the new year will be a far better time.
ours was fun opening pressies full tummies and a few bacardi breezers. cracking stuff.

26-Dec-06, 20:38
Poor you Fran, I hope the new year works out better for you!

I had a great xmas, kinda got spoilt with pressies - again - but I swear thats not the only reason I had a good time. :lol:
The worst part had to be getting up at 3am cos my kids were dead excited when they pretended to be asleep when their stocking arrived. These kids are 15 years old and I personally think they should know better. lol :lol:

26-Dec-06, 22:06
Fun Christmas here, 14 of us around the table then games and charades afterwards. Sides are sore today, don't know if it's from eating or laughing, we did lots of both.

26-Dec-06, 22:18
i had a brill xmas for once :lol:

26-Dec-06, 22:36
I`ve had a great christmas at the inlaws up in Wick and now looking forward to the new year.
The food was great - I was brave and tried the nut roast with butternut squash at wetherspoons on xmas eve and that was really nice!

YAY... someone else had a nut roast, i thought i was the only one...

Sorry to hear the bad news fran, here's hoping the new year treats you better.

As for me, it was great, had a lie in, had a mushroom omelette breakfast and then spent 5 hours over on ben dorrery seeing as it was a wonderfully clear and atmospheric day. Came home and made a nut roast and all the trimmings with mum and spent the evening chatting with family on the phone and watched a documentary,

This is never a good time of year for me, but it was an excellent first caithnessian one, and here's hoping they continue and maybe improve.. :D

26-Dec-06, 22:41
The Bob's had a great Christmas and are sorry yours wasn't so Fran. Started just after 7am when our two got up. We traipsed downstairs and caught their faces on camcorder as they saw their new bikes and stack of presents. Then it was my turn as I spied my own new bike in the corner (I'd guessed from the two vague clues I'd had but was well chuffed to see such a beautiful machine there :) ).

Anyway, after just over an hour of present opening, we settled down for breakfast and Bobsgirl got the turkey in the oven. I collected my gran at 1pm and we all enjoyed a fine feast, but with the fog and dropping temperatures I took her back home at 4.30pm.

Other than that it was a relaxing day with a few visits to and from family and the kids behaved quite well making it even more pleasant :D

26-Dec-06, 23:33
We had a nice family christmas, about 30 in all and paper, food and kids everywhere.
This was my first gluten free christmas and still managed to enjoy the food.
Got nice pressy's and gave dave a mandolin. He is learning to play really quickly and I am really impressed.

27-Dec-06, 00:43
Sorry to hear some of you had an upset Christmas.

I had a lovely one, have got my parents up, its soo nice to see them, its going to be very hard saying goodbye tomorrow though:(

27-Dec-06, 14:24
Had my first xmas off in 5 years! Excellent dinner, played with the wee boys ps2, then had a couple of drams! Yesterday was just as good but even more relaxing. Sorry to bang on but i probably wont get another for years! Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year when it comes! :D

27-Dec-06, 14:49
Along with what sounds like 100's of others in our area, our festivities have been ruined by the cold/flu bug doing the rounds.
Xmas day was due to be spent at friends but my wife was unwell. She did try to put on a brave face and we went round but she felt so ill I brought her home. The next day I came down with the bug.

So we're living off the few 'scraps' in the fridge.

Merry Christmas? Not this year....

27-Dec-06, 19:16
We had a good Christmas. My husband cooked the turkey, which was a big help. (He has taken it upon himself to do that over the past few years.) Our two sons are aged 22 and 17, and past the stage of getting up at the crack of dawn at Christmas - I like that, lol! Our elder son's girlfriend joined us, and that was nice, as we all get along well with her.

Everyone was pleased with their presents. Unfortunately, the electric mandolin didn't arrive on time for our 22 year old, so we had to buy him some consolation gifts instead. He had already been forewarned, so he wouldn't be too disappointed.

We had our Christmas dinner at lunchtime, as hubby likes to eat sooner rather than later. We put dessert on hold, as we were all too full after the turkey and trimmings!

My parents and brothers phoned from the UK in the afternoon, and we spoke to my husband's family later on.

In the evening, we finally succumbed to the desserts. Then we roasted chestnuts, and snacked on them as we watched "Pirates if the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest", which we'd rented on DVD. I quite enjoyed it, and liked Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow. I have yet to see the first POTC movie, though.

For all the folks who had a disappointing Christmas - I hope things turn out better next year!

27-Dec-06, 19:50
Couldn't get bacalao (dried salted cod) so I made a decision: when in Rome, do as the romans. OK...I didn't get a turkey because there was only 2 of us, but I did buy a free range chicken. I decided against my favorite chicken dishes: drunk chicken (prepared with AT LEAST half a litre of white wine... I usualy go for a whole bottle) or chicken with lemons up their privates, for the traditional stuffing and potatoes. I have found out, sadly, that I hate stuffing! Does anyone want half a free range chicken with cranberry stuffing for sandwiches? It's not green yet. nor more dried out than it was when it left the oven. I'll throw in the roasted potatoes free of charge as well. ;)

27-Dec-06, 21:51
Hey, Fran. Sorry to hear your Christmas wasn't too good. Mine was nice - spent two days with my sister-in-law and my nieces. Lovely time, though I did over-indulge. ;)

27-Dec-06, 23:21
Well there was me and the sheep and two donkeys and the cattle were lowing.

27-Dec-06, 23:52
I had a well good xmas...was more stuffed than the Turkey in the end:roll:

Had a good haul but dont know how I'm going 2 get everything back down the road with me ...eek!!!...

Let's just hope the train service is running better when I go back down:~(

28-Dec-06, 02:23
sorry to here you have had a un happy christmas.

We have had a good christmas.

dont get me wrong, i had a nice christmas with my mother and was so pleased she came north for us to be together, but I missed having all my family.

28-Dec-06, 15:22
dont get me wrong, i had a nice christmas with my mother and was so pleased she came north for us to be together, but I missed having all my family.

You had the choice to spend Christmas with some of your family, but you chose not to, Fran. You had the Christmas you chose yourself.

28-Dec-06, 17:10
I spent Christmas lying in bed as I was very sick. Think I'm ok now.

shin chan
28-Dec-06, 21:45
dont get me wrong, i had a nice christmas with my mother and was so pleased she came north for us to be together, but I missed having all my family.

So what are you complaining about Fran some people have to spend Christmas on there own at least you had your mother with you.

28-Dec-06, 22:10
i am not complaining, im simply asking how everyones christmas was and were they let down or did something go wrong, thats all.