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25-Dec-12, 10:17
Spare a thought for the victims of the floods

A very merry Christmas to you all... I hope you’re having a cracking time.
Spare a thought, in the midst of all the excitement and the celebration of its true meaning, for the unfortunate folk who have been caught up in the floods, for whom the priority has been finding the basic domestic requirements that, perhaps, we take for granted... somewhere dry and warm to live, and have lost presents to the uncompromising flood water.
There can be nothing more demoralising than wading through your living room or ground floor office in despair, at any time of the year, more so now. The merry has been taken out of Christmas for them.
Spare a thought too, for the emergency services and volunteers, who have given up their Christmas to help others salvage something of theirs.
A very merry Christmas to them all when they return to their belated celebrations.