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19-Dec-12, 10:01
http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2012/dec/18/andrew-mitchell-pleb-met-police [lol]

What a suprise :roll:

19-Dec-12, 14:55
You know I'm not a fan of conspiracy stuff but to read the stuff on jimmy saville the lasses in Rochdale who reported the grooming gang and were ignored, the finucane report, the hills borough report and now this stuff.... I am wondering who really think they are above the law.... Trust a bobby? Hmmmm maybe not officer.

19-Dec-12, 18:08
I wonder where all the howling monkeys are from the original thread?

M Swanson
19-Dec-12, 18:14
You know I'm not a fan of conspiracy stuff but to read the stuff on jimmy saville the lasses in Rochdale who reported the grooming gang and were ignored, the finucane report, the hills borough report and now this stuff.... I am wondering who really think they are above the law.... Trust a bobby? Hmmmm maybe not officer.

May I add Dr Kelly to your list, please Squidge?

19-Dec-12, 22:34
It strikes me that when a lying policemen and a cohort can cost the job of an MP that our democracy has hit the skids. This sounds more like a story from a third world police state.

M Swanson
20-Dec-12, 00:03
I used to have the utmost respect for our police, Ducati, but all that changed after the Jean de Menzes shooting. I believe the problems really began under Blair who politicised the Force and Ian Blair who implemented the changes. Democracy? What's that? ;)

20-Dec-12, 00:51
It strikes me that when a lying policemen and a cohort can cost the job of an MP that our democracy has hit the skids. This sounds more like a story from a third world police state.
I would trust a policeman before a politician, just remember their expenses scandals

20-Dec-12, 12:21
Not a surprise to me, I cast my mind back to them obeying the mistress of the day back in 1984/5, any thing is possible with torys in charge.

20-Dec-12, 13:16
You see this happen the whole time he better just be glad they didn't beat him up and say he was resisting arrest, it's the end result of putting a group on a pedestal and above reproach. Sure it's advantageous when their locking away members of the public but it's now come back to bite them in the ass. As I said in the the last thread I suspect the Police Union negotiations played into it. Even if it was true I'd still wanting something done for their initial reaction of running to the Sun.

In many ways the police are just a state sponsored gang.

20-Dec-12, 15:40
For crying out loud, talk about tarring everyone with the same brush. There are a damn sight more good copers out there than bad.

As for politicians, I am sure most of them start out with good intentions and just get disillusioned along the way with all the red tape.

If you are always looking for the bad in folks, don't be surprised if that is all you ever see.

20-Dec-12, 16:34
For crying out loud, talk about tarring everyone with the same brush. There are a damn sight more good copers out there than bad.

As for politicians, I am sure most of them start out with good intentions and just get disillusioned along the way with all the red tape.

If you are always looking for the bad in folks, don't be surprised if that is all you ever see.

Yet the same can't apply to the Police as applies to Politicians? The good ones being screwed over for going against the group and whistleblowing? I'm sure there are good ones but they stay quiet out of fear and thus enable the bad ones to do what they do. Tasering old people in need of medical attention, ransacking the wrong houses, pressuring photographers, shooting dogs during house searches, etc. Also certain careers tends to attract particular people.

20-Dec-12, 17:09
Not a surprise to me, I cast my mind back to them obeying the mistress of the day back in 1984/5, any thing is possible with torys in charge.

Face palm :lol:

20-Dec-12, 17:34
http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2012/dec/18/andrew-mitchell-pleb-met-police [lol]

What a suprise :roll:

Well the video has no reference date/time on the screen, it could have been taken at any time, and on any day when he behaved properly. Mitchell admits to being abusive to the officer but denies calling the officer a pleb, fair enough but this video doesn't even show a conversation to that effect. Why should he admit to something which this video shows nothing of even what is admitted to have taken place doesn't even show? Mitchell is seen pushing his bike and yet the original dispute is about him riding his bike. This video is rubbish and proves nothing.

20-Dec-12, 19:20
Well the video has no reference date/time on the screen, it could have been taken at any time, and on any day when he behaved properly. Mitchell admits to being abusive to the officer but denies calling the officer a pleb, fair enough but this video doesn't even show a conversation to that effect. Why should he admit to something which this video shows nothing of even what is admitted to have taken place doesn't even show? Mitchell is seen pushing his bike and yet the original dispute is about him riding his bike. This video is rubbish and proves nothing.

I think the point is there have been 2 arrests and there are 30 police officers involved in a crimminal investigation.

20-Dec-12, 19:26
I think the point is there have been 2 arrests and there are 30 police officers involved in a crimminal investigation.

I think the point is there has been a senior Government minister has been accused to using offensive language in a public place, he admitted it and apologised. The offence isn't in dispute.

21-Dec-12, 14:21
I think the point is there has been a senior Government minister has been accused to using offensive language in a public place, he admitted it and apologised. The offence isn't in dispute.

Come on Rhegy, those facts are not relevant when attempting to extricate a squirming tory off of the hook LOL.

21-Dec-12, 17:15
Come on Rhegy, those facts are not relevant when attempting to extricate a squirming tory off of the hook LOL.

Do what? I thought the story was that the filth lied and fitted up a Tory minister and now have been caught bang to rights gov and will all be orf to the choky.

22-Dec-12, 10:57
Do what? I thought the story was that the filth lied and fitted up a Tory minister and now have been caught bang to rights gov and will all be orf to the choky.

Nah, a tory toff was not allowed to exercise his self imposed importance and didn't like it, started foaming at the mouth with indignation swearing obscenities ranting and raving but in his defence he had had a bad day, his own admission. Now the rest remains to be proven.

22-Dec-12, 13:09
I can't believe it. All those years of training at the tax payers expense and they can't even do a proper fit up.

23-Dec-12, 19:35
The ex-minister doth protest too much, me thinks...

27-Nov-14, 20:32
Well we now know the answer of what happened. After all: the cries of being set up, the shouts of 'I'm innocent', the statements of support from his cronies, press conferences which analysed the so called events, waste of public money and waste of police time, we now know that that tory ex minister did verbally abuse the police officer and called him a pleb.

I would have respected Andrew Mitchell if he immediately owned up and said it was a momentary lack of judgement. We are all human in that respect.

28-Nov-14, 01:03
"Yes m'lord," as I heard it, the judge only felt that he had used the word pleb..short for plebian and as a police officer has already been convicted and jailed for falsifying evidence I think it's most probably a case of honours or dishonours even.

28-Nov-14, 19:39
"Yes m'lord," as I heard it, the judge only felt that he had used the word pleb..short for plebian and as a police officer has already been convicted and jailed for falsifying evidence I think it's most probably a case of honours or dishonours even.

The judgement is plain and simple the tory toff has been exposed for what he is. Who did he think he was demanding and getting nowhere resorted to abuse then tried to cover his failure of not getting his way, but the Judge has exposed him for sure what a shame :(.