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secrets in symmetry
14-Dec-12, 10:54
Countdown (http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/to?day=21&month=12&year=2012&hour=11&min=11&sec=11&p0=0) to the End of the World (http://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/maya-world-end.html)

Only seven days to go - and counting (http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/to?day=21&month=12&year=2012&hour=11&min=11&sec=11&p0=0)....

14-Dec-12, 11:07
Where's Adam and Eve when you need them......... maybe next time round it will be Jack and Jill, or Bill and Ben or my favourites, Posh and Becs! ;)

14-Dec-12, 12:17
Oh I wouldn't worry, I'm sure someone will have made a mistake with their calculations (again!) ;) lol

14-Dec-12, 13:02
Gosh! Wish I had heard about this earlier ... I wouldn't have bothered to buy stamps for my Christmas cards :lol: [lol]

14-Dec-12, 13:37
I'm ok; don't do Christmas!!:lol:

14-Dec-12, 13:46
I'm ok; don't do Christmas!!:lol:

I am with you Torvaig....................Bah Humbug!!

14-Dec-12, 13:52
Tonight the Earth passes through the Geminid meteor shower (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-20709852). In seven days time does the big one in their trail arrive..?

14-Dec-12, 16:44
ach weel ill no be buying a turkey is year en

14-Dec-12, 18:18
The City of Edinburgh Library isn't taking this too seriously. I was allowed to renew my books into January. So, maybe I won't take it too seriously either.

14-Dec-12, 19:53
but if it does end will the org still continue?

14-Dec-12, 20:28
No way does it get to end.

I haven't waited nearly a year for the traditional boxing day beef wellington, to be thwarted just days before.

14-Dec-12, 20:44
I'm ok; don't do Christmas!!:lol:

I am with you Torvaig....................Bah Humbug!!

Dtto to both.

secrets in symmetry
15-Dec-12, 01:26
Only six days to go - and counting (http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/to?day=21&month=12&year=2012&hour=11&min=11&sec=11&p0=0)....

15-Dec-12, 07:28
Apparently Weatherspoons caught fire last night. Stormy weather, burning pubs.....it has begun!

secrets in symmetry
16-Dec-12, 01:17
Countdown to the End of the World

Only five days to go - and counting (http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/to?day=21&month=12&year=2012&hour=11&min=11&sec=11&p0=0)....

16-Dec-12, 01:20
you getting paid to link to the counter SIS?

secrets in symmetry
16-Dec-12, 01:22
Are you offering? :cool:

16-Dec-12, 01:37
Does anybody actually believe it?

16-Dec-12, 01:50
fe ck it thats the pressies getting returned then!
Thats those that actually turned up...we are on our 3rd bike from tescos (I do the christmas saver thing) and had enough points to get the bike in double point thing without spending real money.....now on our 3 rd one sent out as yodel is doing deliveries for them ...it isnt looking good!..end of earth ..maybe not...but end of earth and not believing in santa is a distinct possibility!

secrets in symmetry
16-Dec-12, 15:27
Does anybody actually believe it?You better believe it! :cool:

16-Dec-12, 17:26
You better believe it! :cool:

Well in that case, cash preferred, but cheques accepted since it will be of no use in 4 days, 18 hours, 45 minutes, 19 seconds

16-Dec-12, 19:26
Oh well, at least if nothing happens on the 21st it won't be the end of the world.

17-Dec-12, 00:18
I'm going to video it, take some piccy's to show... eerrmmm to show...erm... o.k. post on You-tu... erm... I.m off to thr offy... buy the most expensive bottles all on my card... woo-hoo...


secrets in symmetry
17-Dec-12, 01:02
Countdown to the End of the World

Only four days to go - and counting (http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/to?day=21&month=12&year=2012&hour=11&min=11&sec=11&p0=0)....

17-Dec-12, 01:12
3 days, 23 hours and 48 minutes.........ahmagawd!!!!!! were doomed!!!!!!

17-Dec-12, 01:33
My calendar runs out on Dec 31st every year.

Nobody seems to care.

secrets in symmetry
17-Dec-12, 23:56
Have you kissed your Chac Mool goodbye?

Only 3 1/2 days to go - and still counting (http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/to?day=21&month=12&year=2012&hour=11&min=11&sec=11&p0=0)....

18-Dec-12, 00:49
Might as well trash the kids selection boxes they got from "santa" then..........gg you are to blame if the world doesnt end, but, my backside eclipses the sun!
And whether to wrap or not to wrap santa pressies is a delimma...................as well as thy physics getting down the chimney etc...

18-Dec-12, 12:09
It can't be the end fo the world:


18-Dec-12, 14:25
According to the press, there are arrests being made in China due to people's doom mongering , one man went on a mad rampage as he thinks this is true. Also now that so many youngsters are on line many have been made very fearful of all this. Make sure you don't allow vulnerable and young people fear for their lives.

18-Dec-12, 16:39
Seriously though, I think very few people actually believe this. I suspect some are just using it as an excuse to sell crap to idiots or to act out. Every year since the beginning of recorded history people have predicted the end of the world about five times a year.

If you're still certain that world is going to end then I'll give you £5k for your house right now on the grounds that you'll need quick access to money to prepare or celebrate the end of the world. I'll even let you continue to live in it until the 1st of January 2013.

secrets in symmetry
19-Dec-12, 00:24
Chant with Maya, after the 11th hour on Friday:

Now I am become Drupal, the destroyer of worlds.

Less than 2 1/2 days to go - and still counting (http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/to?day=21&month=12&year=2012&hour=11&min=11&sec=11&p0=0)....

19-Dec-12, 00:53
Sod orf SIS, life i just getting interesting, no way is it allowed to end.

19-Dec-12, 02:59
These rumours have been investigated by top world scientists. They all responded with "don't worry during your life time.

19-Dec-12, 11:12
Chant with Maya, after the 11th hour on Friday:

Now I am become Drupal, the destroyer of worlds.

Less than 2 1/2 days to go - and still counting (http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/to?day=21&month=12&year=2012&hour=11&min=11&sec=11&p0=0)....

Poor Drupal, what did it do to anyone. Is it the Mayan CMS of choice?

19-Dec-12, 16:11
Calm down, if the Mayans were any good at predicting the future there would still be Mayans.

secrets in symmetry
20-Dec-12, 01:14
Cometh the hour, cometh the rescue services...

Drups to the left of me,
Groundhogs to the right, here I am,
Chac in the middle with Mool

Less than 1 1/2 days to go - and still counting (http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/to?day=21&month=12&year=2012&hour=11&min=11&sec=11&p0=0)....

20-Dec-12, 01:58
Just think, if it is true then the 21st really will be the shortest day

secrets in symmetry
20-Dec-12, 13:28
Waves of regret and waves of joy
I reached out for the one I tried to destroy
You...you said you'd wait
'til the end of the world

Don't mool over it, chac - enjoy your chicken pizza and remember:

I am the resurrection and I am the light!

Less than 23 hours to go - and still counting (http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/to?day=21&month=12&year=2012&hour=11&min=11&sec=11&p0=0)....

20-Dec-12, 14:36
It's already the 21st in Australia. We're still here.

20-Dec-12, 14:51
It's already the 21st in Australia. We're still here.

.... but is the 21st over yet?

secrets in symmetry
20-Dec-12, 15:12
The countdown clock is quite clear about the timing. The End of the World is" Friday, 21 December 2012, 11:11:11 (UTC time)"

(Yes, I know the "time" is redundant, but I copied and pasted that quote.)

What's worrying me is that we might not notice it happening. It could be like falling through the event horizon of a black hole.

20-Dec-12, 15:39
The countdown clock is quite clear about the timing. The End of the World is" Friday, 21 December 2012, 11:11:11 (UTC time)"

(Yes, I know the "time" is redundant, but I copied and pasted that quote.)

What's worrying me is that we might not notice it happening. It could be like falling through the event horizon of a black hole.

Tell you what, if it happens I will post it on the org so that you know :D

secrets in symmetry
20-Dec-12, 15:42
I appreciate your good intentions, but how will you know if you can't tell?

20-Dec-12, 15:53
Erm ... well ... good point! How will we tell :eek:

secrets in symmetry
20-Dec-12, 16:11
We'll find out soon enough. It's maybe best to grasp your chac mool tightly when the time comes.

Only 20 hours to go now - and still counting (http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/to?day=21&month=12&year=2012&hour=11&min=11&sec=11&p0=0)....

20-Dec-12, 16:22
Did the Mayans have UTC time? How do we know if they meant daylight savings time or not?

secrets in symmetry
20-Dec-12, 16:27
The ancient Mayans had Zulu time before the Zulus. The real mystery is how did they incorporate GR effects?

secrets in symmetry
20-Dec-12, 17:11
The first signs of Kukulkan rising....

Only 19 hours to go - and still counting (http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/to?day=21&month=12&year=2012&hour=11&min=11&sec=11&p0=0)....

20-Dec-12, 22:00
It's already happened. I keep telling everyone this, everyday when I wake up. But they just look at me blank...


20-Dec-12, 23:10
Well I know that the world will not end in 2012 and have proof ;)

Anyone who has seen "back to the future" knows Marty McFly travelled to 2015!
And if its on the telly it must be true ;) :lol:

secrets in symmetry
21-Dec-12, 00:49
I am the Resurrection and I am the Light
Our Universe accelerates until it feels it's Right

Watch out! Kukulkan approaching on the starboard bow!

11 1/2 hours to go - and still counting (http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/to?day=21&month=12&year=2012&hour=11&min=11&sec=11&p0=0)....

21-Dec-12, 01:24
Just finishing wrapping pressies...better not end before christmas! or grrrh from lots of parents..

21-Dec-12, 03:51
I am the Resurrection and I am the Light
Our Universe accelerates until it feels it's Right

Watch out! Kukulkan approaching on the starboard bow!

11 1/2 hours to go - and still counting (http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/to?day=21&month=12&year=2012&hour=11&min=11&sec=11&p0=0)....

I place my faith in Quetzalcoatl he shall strike down the puny Mayan gods.

Incidentally I'm not sure if you're referencing the Star Trek Animated (http://www.startrek.com/database_article/kukulkan) episode or not.


21-Dec-12, 12:40
Oh dear, looks like all the orgers have disappeared...

21-Dec-12, 12:49
Am I still here .... or am I in a black hole???????

21-Dec-12, 13:02
As I have just said to someone on Facebook, delivery times aint guaranteed that far north, so it could still happen, just maybe in a week or two.

21-Dec-12, 21:36
It's already happened. I keep telling everyone this, everyday when I wake up. But they just look at me blank...
They still do...


21-Dec-12, 21:58
Well, if this is the 'afterlife' I'm not very impressed.

22-Dec-12, 00:02
Darn it!
Credit card bill will have to be paid!
Thought if the end of the world happened that was Christmas cancelled...but not so silly to not order the wish list (abbreviated..where do you get an unicorn?) and sensible enough not to go mad and spend an absolute fortune...
Now for my most hated task of Christmas......wrapping!..gg I hate wrapping I am so bad at it.....I measure twice and still cut paper too short ...and fish suppers look better wrapped!
Rant over..now where is the end on the sellotape!

M Swanson
22-Dec-12, 00:10
LOL. Never mind Dadie. It'll soon all be over. :lol:

secrets in symmetry
22-Dec-12, 00:18
This is all very strange. Some things seem normal, but the rest of the World is coming over so faintly that it's barely audible. Can you see me, and if so do I appear stretched out over several hundred metres? Please estimate the stretch factor, and beam it back to me using inverse Hawking radiation.

Oh dear, the signal is getting ever fainter....

And fainter....

And fainter....

22-Dec-12, 00:35
Show off SIS :lol:

22-Dec-12, 01:03
I know what you mean....

secrets in symmetry
22-Dec-12, 01:03
It's now so faint that it's invisible without a scanning tunnelling electron microscope and invisible ink.

secrets in symmetry
22-Dec-12, 01:05
My God, it's full of stars!

22-Dec-12, 01:11
Nope no end of the world...but if anyone can find the end of the sellotape ...when unravelled without all of it please let me know!...finding one edge then the rest not following through is annoying to exasperating!

22-Dec-12, 11:48
It's now so faint that it's invisible without a scanning tunnelling electron microscope and invisible ink.

I just got around that problem by highlighting the text with my mouse.

22-Dec-12, 16:35
And now, the end is here
And so I face the final curtain...
I did it Mayan Way

22-Dec-12, 16:37
Am I still here .... or am I in a black hole???????

Who said that........:eek:

secrets in symmetry
22-Dec-12, 18:34
Hark, I feel some light is dulling!

A Star Child is born, although it will take us all some significant time to become used to my new existence.

My size is increasing and my intensity is becoming more audible. Peace be with us all....

25-Dec-12, 00:55
End of earth or not....but Lauren noticed her stocking was missing....
And tears and lies...the elves have taken it for Santa to fill...
did she see the elves...small and red and green, Cheddar sized (her hamster) removing it?
gg the lies you tell as a Mum...:eek:
Flip the door to the cupboard before the loft space where pressies are hidden(only openable by screwdriver) being noisy to open....2 levels of security...

28-Dec-12, 19:35
Looks like the Mayans were about 12 months off in their calculations...


28-Dec-12, 21:30
Oh I wouldn't worry, I'm sure someone will have made a mistake with their calculations (again!) ;) lol

Looks like the Mayans were about 12 months off in their calculations...


See told ya ;)

secrets in symmetry
29-Dec-12, 00:22
The End of the World has been and gone, and none of you noticed. I didn't see a Firewall, but I may have bounced off before I passed the event horizon. :cool: