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View Full Version : Confused??

07-Dec-12, 14:03
My horse's rug (and brand new shoulder guard) seems to have completely vanished between Tuesday night when it was securely on him and last night? Called him over to check a leg strap that comes loose sometimes and he came cantering over quite delighted but totally rugless.....

He's at Thurso East so lots of people do pass by his field but it was a tattie old rug so I can't see anybody going in and taking it?

Anybody have any ideas as to what could have happened to it?? There's no way he could have got it off himself - he wore it all winter last year and he's never been bothered by it. Plus it has a double buckle at the chest, two surcingles, two leg straps, and a tail strap!

Very strange....

07-Dec-12, 14:38
walk the field and look for it.my boy got his combo off last winter.2 neck buckles,2 chest buckles,2 surcingles and 2 leg straps.nothing snapped or ripped.couldnt work that out either!!let me know

07-Dec-12, 20:01
Yup, check the field - mine's wriggled out of a fully done up combo before now and left it on the ground with the straps all still done up.

08-Dec-12, 13:08
it was in horse and hound recently about rugs being taken off of horses backs even old tattie ones as this means the owners usually go out and buy a new one which is then taken aswell,hopefully your horse was just a houdini and its in your field somewhere :)

12-Dec-12, 13:55
Yep, it was lying at the very top of the field - every strap and buckle still tied!! How'd he manage that?! Oh well, mysetery solved (ish!) - wish I'd been there to see how he did it. Keep imagining him up on two legs wriggling around like those people who can dislocate their shoulders to escape from straight jackets! :)