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View Full Version : Burn of Whilk windfarm and Camster Forest

03-Dec-12, 19:09
A few days ago we called into the Camster Forest forest trail. We discovered that there are signs saying no entry, a temporary site office and storage unit in the little car park and the pathway churned up and inaccessable. Apparently this is due to the construction of the Burn of Whilk Windfarm There are signs apologising for any inconvenience !
I cannot recall any mention of the windfarm impacting on this facility and cannot understand why it is necessary to effectively remove a beautiful and much valued local facility due to a construction site some distance away. It seemed particularly inappropriate and insensitive to locate the site office and storage facility in the tiny car park area.
We use the Camster Forest to walk our dogs - we also recommend the walk to our B & B guests - particularly if they have dogs. It is a facility well used, appreciated and enjoyed by many local people and visitors.
I wonder how long the site will be inaccessible and if indeed it will ever be open to the public again.
Does anyone have any information about this ?

03-Dec-12, 19:21
Does anyone have any information about this ?

Did it ever occur to you to contact the construction team directly? :confused

03-Dec-12, 21:09
Have already contacted npower and Highland Council Planning department. Just thought the amazing knowledge base of org members would be able to throw some light on the subject.

04-Dec-12, 00:35
It's basically a building site for the foreseeable future. Safer to walk somewhere else until it's finished.

10-Dec-12, 22:21
Have had a reply back from Highland Council ( Nothing yet from npower)
Access to Camster Forest does not form part of the development of The Burn Of Whilk Windfarm and despite a sign saying closure is due to this development; activity at this site has nothing directly to do with the development. Forestry Commission Scotland are felling trees in an area bordering The Burn of Whilk and it is assumed that contractors clearing the area incorrectly used signage intended for The Burn of Whilk development. The Forestry Commission did not inform Highland Council of their intent to close the trail and Forestry Commission Scotland are investigating. The trail is part of The Highland Council's 'Core Path Plan'

At least it would seem the facility will not be lost for too long - although a great deal of work will need to be done to restore the path which is currently not walkable . Highland Council will advise when further information become available.

11-Dec-12, 15:52
Are you sure you're not talking about Camster Windfarm which is a separate one under construction? That seems to have made a terrible mess.

11-Dec-12, 21:42
Hi Badger
Problem is not due to The Camster Forest windfarm. Notices displayed at the Camster -Forest Walk indicate that the disruption is due to The Burn of Whilk Windfarm development. Highland Council have apparently been informed by Forestry Commission Scotland ( FCS ) that the disruption is probably due to work being carried in the area bordering the Burn of Whilk development-- but there is no auththorisation for this work to cause disruption in the Camster Forest walk area. Apparently permission must to be sought for the closure of this path. FCS are currently investigating and will get back to Highland Council when they find out what has hapened. Will update when I hear back from Highland Council. Cheers !

12-Dec-12, 11:46
I suggest that if the developer is allowed to proceed totally unfettered by other self-interested groups then the result will be a minimum disruption to all persons.

12-Dec-12, 17:54
I did not post this thread with the intention that it should be hijacked by individuals either pro or anti windfarms. It was purely with the intention of seeking and subsequently sharing information concerning a local public facility.
Please pm me if you would like to be kept informed about this situation I will be very happy to update you. I will ask for this thread to be closed.

12-Dec-12, 18:01
I don't think there has been any hijacking of this thread. In fact, the comments made by other persons were made in relation to the issues that you mention.