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01-Dec-12, 12:50
there was a purpose built carpark installed to help stop conjestion infront of castletown post office.where i understand that there are folk who are unable to walk the distance,the vast majority are young folk who are simply too lazy.and as a result its an accident waiting to happen,especially during school hours when kids cant see if anythings coming due to LAZY drivers.. parking where they choose,sad,sad state of affairs.

01-Dec-12, 13:20
Parking in the car park and then walking across the main road to the shop could get you into a worse accident.

01-Dec-12, 13:24
Parking in the car park and then walking across the main road to the shop could get you into a worse accident.

I'd agree with that if the road to be crossed was a four-lane dual carriageway, but it isn't.

There is a website where people can display pictures of idiotic parking and shame the idiot parkers. I can't link it here though because it has an extremely rude word in its name.

01-Dec-12, 13:47
I'd agree with that if the road to be crossed was a four-lane dual carriageway, but it isn't.

There is a website where people can display pictures of idiotic parking and shame the idiot parkers. I can't link it here though because it has an extremely rude word in its name.

Lots of pedestrians are killed crossing the road, within 30 mph limits.

I'm serious. The parking at the shop door is not really dangerous: has there even been a crash?

It is inconvenient to other road users who have to stop, or drive around the parked cars.

01-Dec-12, 15:00
Lots of pedestrians are killed crossing the road, within 30 mph limits.

I'm serious. The parking at the shop door is not really dangerous: has there even been a crash?

It is inconvenient to other road users who have to stop, or drive around the parked cars.

How many have been killed on the Main street? I agree with Hells Belle, not using the provided car park is just laziness.

01-Dec-12, 15:34
How many have been killed on the Main street? I agree with Hells Belle, not using the provided car park is just laziness.

Of course it's laziness.

I just don't believe it's all that dangerous and "sad sad state of affairs" is a comical exaggeration. Abuse in orphanages and civil war in Syria are sad sad states of affairs. Cars parked at the shop are not as bad as that, or at least that's what I think.

01-Dec-12, 16:53
one of the worst 'offenders' of parking outside the post office on the pavement is the wee red mini .... but she works in the post office so that's okay

01-Dec-12, 17:20
This is something i have been meaning to bring up. the car park is a great idea but no one uses it. Just because there hasn't been an accident yet doesn't mean their wont be. i have seen several near misses. you try taking a bus round a parked car and the turn right down the Bower road then meet something coming the other way. because of the parked car you are totally in the wrong postion to take that corner thus causing an obstruction to the on coming traffic.

01-Dec-12, 18:47
This is something i have been meaning to bring up. the car park is a great idea but no one uses it. Just because there hasn't been an accident yet doesn't mean their wont be. i have seen several near misses. you try taking a bus round a parked car and the turn right down the Bower road then meet something coming the other way. because of the parked car you are totally in the wrong postion to take that corner thus causing an obstruction to the on coming traffic.

Yes, it's inconvenient and annoying, but are you actually going to squash someone?

01-Dec-12, 19:27
Yes, it's inconvenient and annoying, but are you actually going to squash someone? Yes it could well happen cars come round from Dunnet round that corner at a rate of knots sometimes if your on the wrong side of the road because of a parked car they have nowhere to go. It doesn't take much of a knock from a 10 ton bus to kill or seriously injure some one. Don't well be more careful because we always are.

01-Dec-12, 21:13
Forget the shop parking what about the people that park on the road outside the houses on the left coming into Castle town from Thurso... they pose the same problem.

01-Dec-12, 21:40
If there isn't double yellows, then the powers that be obviously don't see it as an issue.

If there is double yellows, take pics and report them.

02-Dec-12, 13:02
It`s just the lazy folk who don`t want to walk a few steps,it happens all over the county.

02-Dec-12, 13:03
It`s just the lazy folk who don`t want to walk a few steps,it happens all over the county.

True. The same people who would park in a disabled bay at the supermarket.

04-Dec-12, 14:53
thanks for all your replys,its nice to know that there are some folk,with the same opinion as me:D

Birdie Wife
05-Dec-12, 12:33
This is a bugbear of mine too. It shows a total lack of consideration for other road users. For the convenience of the parker, they inconvenience everyone else - pure selfishness. It's also against the Highway Code to park opposite a junction but that's obviously passed most people by:

(see rule 243, but also 239 and 242)

Will the Community Council ask HC to put double yellow lines outside the shop or are they all parking there themselves??!

07-Dec-12, 22:53
i was hoping that my thread might make a difference,but sadly the LAZY parking continues:~(

07-Dec-12, 23:26
Along with the building of the car park part of the response to the original issue was to install bollards, presumably to prevent drivers pulling up onto the kerb to abandon their cars while they visited the post office. This whole debacle epitomises the way the council works. No real research into the problem, I doubt any road traffic planner had ever been near Castletown. So a scribble on the back of a fag packet in some ivory tower in Inversnecky and a job is written off as done, badly.
Yellow lines wouldn’t make a blind bit of difference because there is no one there to police them.
Pedestrian railings should have been installed on both sides of the road to make it pointless parking. Then drivers would have to move further along the road, away from the corners before they could stop.
With any public project like this planners really need to consider the dumbest, inconsiderate, most intransigent numpties that unfortunately live among us.

14-Dec-12, 11:10
the LAZY parking continues,it really is sad,all for the sake of not walking 100 feet from CAR park.......,Gronnuck you are spot on with what you've said.your last sentence says it all.

14-Dec-12, 13:10
I am amazed no one has come up with the solution which is staring you all in the face. Move the shop into the carpark and make it a drive through.

14-Dec-12, 13:29
This kind of situation will continue to happen as long as there are selfish drivers and selfish pedestrians using the same routes.

Because so many of the selfish ones are still surviving they think it is ok to frighten the life out of those who do use the correct methods of moving through our towns, villages and the countryside.

The severe lack of traffic police to do the job they used to do, means more and more citizens misuse their privileges to the detriment of safety and straightforward good manners and thoughtfulness.

It's every man/woman/child's burden to be at the mercy of the selfish ones; of which there are far too many.......

14-Dec-12, 14:40
First rthing I learnt when

14-Dec-12, 14:41
First thing I realised when

14-Dec-12, 14:43
First thing I found out when I came to live in Caithness is that you park your car as near to the door of the premises you wish to visit without actually taking it inside.Nothing has cvhanged over the years

14-Dec-12, 20:07
First thing I realised when

Have you got a cat? :lol:

15-Dec-12, 16:50
This is a bugbear of mine too. It shows a total lack of consideration for other road users. For the convenience of the parker, they inconvenience everyone else - pure selfishness. It's also against the Highway Code to park opposite a junction but that's obviously passed most people by:

(see rule 243, but also 239 and 242)

Will the Community Council ask HC to put double yellow lines outside the shop or are they all parking there themselves??!

If you had ever read a report in the press of their meetings you would know this is raised on a regular basis and CC members have complained bitterly over the years to the Council and police but nothing gets done - there's always some excuse not to put yellow lines or to ticket offenders so the problem continues. It is dangerous as coming out of the side road by the shop it's impossible to see anything going towards Thurso and turning down from the other side (from car park or football pitch road) is also a problem. Anyone leaving the shop to cross the road has to walk some way into the road to see what is coming from the right. Seems selfish drivers either don't think or just don't care.

Birdie Wife
15-Dec-12, 18:06
If you had ever read a report in the press of their meetings you would know this is raised on a regular basis and CC members have complained bitterly over the years to the Council and police but nothing gets done - there's always some excuse not to put yellow lines or to ticket offenders so the problem continues. It is dangerous as coming out of the side road by the shop it's impossible to see anything going towards Thurso and turning down from the other side (from car park or football pitch road) is also a problem. Anyone leaving the shop to cross the road has to walk some way into the road to see what is coming from the right. Seems selfish drivers either don't think or just don't care.

Fair enough :) I was letting my ire get the better of me. It's good to know the CC are doing their job - please please keeping nagging the Council though, 'cos something really does need to be done.

16-Dec-12, 12:09
Fair enough :) I was letting my ire get the better of me. It's good to know the CC are doing their job - please please keeping nagging the Council though, 'cos something really does need to be done.
Sadly (also reported in the press) the councillor assigned to this community has not attended a single meeting since his election (probably because he doesn't live in the county) so direct route to the Council has been lost. Not sure what will happen since his arrest but as far as people in his ward are concerned it won't make much difference as he frequently missed advertised surgeries as well. Councillors have to spend a lot of time in Inverness these days which doesn't help.

19-Dec-12, 22:41
dont know if its just the time of year,christmas etc,but people are LAZY parking more than ever,its an utter DISGRACE,some people really dont have any thought at all..SAD SAD SAD

19-Dec-12, 23:02
I always use the carpark on my frequent trips between Wick & Thurso.

It makes the visit to the Castletown Butcher much easier when I've forgotten to take something out of the freezer for dinner.

Please don't get over-wrought about the folk who are lazy and don't care. They're not worth it. :)

21-Dec-12, 15:25
indeed there not worth it,just wish folk would have some consideration,instead of suiting them selves,regardless of the danger etc there causing,:(

22-Dec-12, 08:41
Has anyone actually confronted someone parking in this location to ask them to not park there ? It seems there's a lot of huffing and puffing over the subject, but not a lot of action on the part of those with an issue. For example, it's reported here that the owner of the Mini works in the shop - has anyone approached that person ? Not likely. It's like people sitting in a restaurant having an awful meal, but when the waiter comes by and asks how it is, they smile at him and say who lovely it is.

If you feel that strongly, boycott the shop. But if there are no parking restriction markings on the road, then you're all on a hiding to nothing anyway.

22-Dec-12, 10:41
the person who owns mini,owns post office and house built next to it,and when mini is there,its behind two bollards that were paid for by the owner of mini.there car is causing no obstruction,and as for having it out with people about there parking,i have done,but got nothing but abuse.will be getting a petition drawn up at start of 2013,and see if that helps.

22-Dec-12, 11:09
the person who owns mini,owns post office and house built next to it,and when mini is there,its behind two bollards that were paid for by the owner of mini.there car is causing no obstructionAh, now we're getting to the facts. And it therefore appears the root of a lot of this is envy.
,and as for having it out with people about there parking,i have done,but got nothing but abuse.Well what do you expect if they are not doing anything illegal.
thereIf you do set up a petition then get someone to check the spelling - it will add credibility.

22-Dec-12, 12:36
id get your sentences rite,the bit about the waiter,they smile at him and say WHO lovely it is,:D

22-Dec-12, 12:44
"Your" absolutely "rite". How careless am I ?

22-Dec-12, 13:28
Has anyone actually confronted someone parking in this location to ask them to not park there ? It seems there's a lot of huffing and puffing over the subject, but not a lot of action on the part of those with an issue. For example, it's reported here that the owner of the Mini works in the shop - has anyone approached that person ? Not likely. It's like people sitting in a restaurant having an awful meal, but when the waiter comes by and asks how it is, they smile at him and say who lovely it is.

If you feel that strongly, boycott the shop. But if there are no parking restriction markings on the road, then you're all on a hiding to nothing anyway.

Why assume one side of the story when you obviously don't know the facts or anything about the situation? Parking outside the PO and shop in this village is dangerous both to other drivers and pedestrians as well as being against the Highway Code but according to you so long as it's not actually illegal that's fine. Do we need rules all the time to tell us the difference between right and wrong?

22-Dec-12, 16:09
we need rules all the time to tell us the difference between right and wrong?Without rules, the definition of right and wrong is purely subjective.The rules here seem very clear, simple and adhered to: yellow lines, you can't park; no yellow lines, you can park.It strikes me that those bleating most about this would themselves rather park in front of the shop, but can't because someone has always got there before them.

22-Dec-12, 18:24
According to the Road Traffic Act 1988, section 22, drivers must not leave their vehicle or trailer in a dangerous position or where it causes any unnecessary obstruction of the road. Among the positions listed is “opposite or within 10 metres (32 feet) of a junction, except in an authorised parking space.”
Although the Highway Code is mainly advisory most of the rules and regulations are covered by various laws. Such rules are clearly identified by the use of the term, "must not."
So in the case of the road outside the Castletown Post Office there is no law forbidding parking, but there are laws forbidding the 'causing of an obstruction' which is a criminal offence.
Now all we need is for someone to police the area, gather photographic evidence and press for a prosecution.
We all know that's never going to happen; we're all aware of the problem. So why don't we just take a little more care when negotiating the junction and try not to get too annoyed by the ignorant, selfish, numpties in our midst.
At the end of the day I doubt anyone will be travelling so fast as to cause a major catastrophe. However should that day ever come the numptie causing the obstruction will get their just deserts.

22-Dec-12, 20:58
Even if yellow lines were painted, you'd still have the same situation because then the 'disabled' badge brigade would occupy the spot in their droves - they're attracted to yellow lines like a moth to light.

22-Dec-12, 21:55
Even if yellow lines were painted, you'd still have the same situation because then the 'disabled' badge brigade would occupy the spot in their droves - they're attracted to yellow lines like a moth to light.

Disabled drivers are subject to the same laws as every other drivers. If they cause an obstruction they can be prosecuted the same way as anyone else and lose their Blue Badge.

22-Dec-12, 22:05
Disabled drivers are subject to the same laws as every other drivers. Firstly, considering that a 'disabled' badge allows them to abandon their vehicles on double yellow lines, that statement is factually incorrect since as an 'other driver' I can't in law do that. Secondly, empirically, 'disabled' badge holders appear to have a divine right to park on yellow lines outside a supermarket for example in the name of 'unable to walk any distance', but also have miraculous powers to overcome that problem when they then spend an hour walking around said supermarket.

22-Dec-12, 23:08
Firstly, considering that a 'disabled' badge allows them to abandon their vehicles on double yellow lines, that statement is factually incorrect since as an 'other driver' I can't in law do that. Secondly, empirically, 'disabled' badge holders appear to have a divine right to park on yellow lines outside a supermarket for example in the name of 'unable to walk any distance', but also have miraculous powers to overcome that problem when they then spend an hour walking around said supermarket.
The driver of the car and the holderof the badge, does not have to be disabled to hold a "disabled badge", it may be a member of the driver's family that is disabled.

22-Dec-12, 23:10
Firstly, considering that a 'disabled' badge allows them to abandon their vehicles on double yellow lines, that statement is factually incorrect since as an 'other driver' I can't in law do that. Secondly, empirically, 'disabled' badge holders appear to have a divine right to park on yellow lines outside a supermarket for example in the name of 'unable to walk any distance', but also have miraculous powers to overcome that problem when they then spend an hour walking around said supermarket.

I’m not going to get fixated on yellow lines. There aren’t any near the junction everyone had been discussing.
The Road Traffic Act applies equally to both disabled and able drivers regarding obstruction.

23-Dec-12, 00:18
The driver of the car and the holderof the badge, does not have to be disabled to hold a "disabled badge", it may be a member of the driver's family that is disabled. But they're supposed to have the 'disabled' person with them when using it, which is rarely the case.

23-Dec-12, 00:41
Even if yellow lines were painted, you'd still have the same situation because then the 'disabled' badge brigade would occupy the spot in their droves - they're attracted to yellow lines like a moth to light.

i'd take issue with your sweeping (and oh-so controversial) generalisation, but if this does occasionally happen, then it's probably because all the disabled spaces are occupied by lazy able bodied drivers

23-Dec-12, 09:47
i'd take issue with your sweeping (and oh-so controversial) generalisation, but if this does occasionally happen, then it's probably because all the disabled spaces are occupied by lazy able bodied drivers

While I agree Slickly is wrong to make such a broad generalisation, it is fair to say that the community of disabled drivers has its equal share of ignorant, selfish, numpties behind the steering wheel.

23-Dec-12, 10:05
it is fair to say that the community of disabled drivers has its equal share of ignorant, selfish, numpties behind the steering wheel. My empirical evidence would suggest that should read "disproportionately larger share". Of course that is then met with, "oh but you can't always see the disability." Too right you can't as it isn't there.

23-Dec-12, 12:27
Without rules, the definition of right and wrong is purely subjective.The rules here seem very clear, simple and adhered to: yellow lines, you can't park; no yellow lines, you can park.It strikes me that those bleating most about this would themselves rather park in front of the shop, but can't because someone has always got there before them.

Yet again you are making assumptions without any foundation for them. Those who complain about the parking are concerned about safety and have no wish to park in these places themselves. Do you really need rules to tell you the difference between right and wrong? Most of the financial fiddling that goes on these days is apparently within the rules, that doesn't stop it being plain wrong. You have now had the Highway Code explained to you but if drivers can't see they are parking selfishly and dangerously without needing yellow lines to tell them there's something seriously wrong somewhere.

23-Dec-12, 13:27
well said badger:),i started this post,as i was worried about everyones safety,id disregard the last post,not worth a responce.

23-Dec-12, 13:38
Do you really need rules to tell you the difference between right and wrong? I'll say it again - without some form of rule or definition, right and wrong is entirely subjective. There's a difference between 'dislike' and 'wrong'. Just because hells_bells nose is out of joint over a car legally parked does not suddenly make it technically 'wrong'. For example, I dislike seeing tattoos on people as I think it makes them look cheap and ignorant, but that doesn't make it technically 'wrong' - it would be a bit much for me to expect a law to get passed just because my sensibilities are upset. And if the Highway Code is suddenly the law of the land, then I seem to remember that it tells pedestrians to move along the road to an area free of parked cars before crossing the road. So who's lazy now?

23-Dec-12, 13:49
There doesn't need to be yellow lines, am sure somewhere in the highway code it tells you not to park within a certain distance of a junction. Both the post office and the local shop are at junctions.

There is your rule SIS, not subjective at all.

23-Dec-12, 15:15
There doesn't need to be yellow lines, am sure somewhere in the highway code it tells you not to park within a certain distance of a junction. Both the post office and the local shop are at junctions.There is your rule SIS, not subjective at all. If those who believe there is a law being broken were to contact the Police, EVERY time a car parked there, then one of two things will happen. Either the Police will deal with it appropriately, or the moaners will be charged with Police harassment. Either way, you get a result. But since the Police already believe there is no issue, then trust them first before believing me or any other nutter on here.

secrets in symmetry
23-Dec-12, 16:21
If those who believe there is a law being broken were to contact the Police, EVERY time a car parked there, then one of two things will happen. Either the Police will deal with it appropriately, or the moaners will be charged with Police harassment. Either way, you get a result. But since the Police already believe there is no issue, then trust them first before believing me or any other nutter on here.Lol!

Great suggestion! :cool:

23-Dec-12, 17:19
If those who believe there is a law being broken were to contact the Police, EVERY time a car parked there, then one of two things will happen. Either the Police will deal with it appropriately, or the moaners will be charged with Police harassment. Either way, you get a result. But since the Police already believe there is no issue, then trust them first before believing me or any other nutter on here.

Well as a driver I always carry a small digital camera in the car and as I occasionally use Castletown Post Office I might just photograph any vehicle causing an obstruction and email it with my complaint to [email protected]

23-Dec-12, 18:35
Well as a driver I always carry a small digital camera in the car Cheezo! That's a bit Orwellian. As a driver I carry a spare headlight bulb and a window duster. I think if you're spotted driving around outside sweetie shops taking pictures of the public with a small digital camera then you're running the biggest risk of anyone of having your collar felt. Castletown clearly has more to fear from the nosey parker than the dodgy parker.

23-Dec-12, 19:26
Cheezo! That's a bit Orwellian. As a driver I carry a spare headlight bulb and a window duster. I think if you're spotted driving around outside sweetie shops taking pictures of the public with a small digital camera then you're running the biggest risk of anyone of having your collar felt. Castletown clearly has more to fear from the nosey parker than the dodgy parker.

As a driver, I always hold onto the steering wheel and would be unable to photograph miscreants, unless I first parked outside the post office of course. :eek:

04-Jan-13, 22:56
and the ignorant lazy parking goes on.

05-Jan-13, 00:19
Well as a driver I always carry a small digital camera in the car and as I occasionally use Castletown Post Office I might just photograph any vehicle causing an obstruction and email it with my complaint to [email protected]

As innocent as it may seem you taking pics of inappropriately parked cars, all it takes is one person to see you taking the pic and then phoning the police claiming you are a perv or such like. I say this as it happened in the street i used to live in. One nosy neighbour was out taking pics of the young lads fixing their cars and one of the lads took offence as his daughter was in the car and he claimed it looked like he was taking a pic of her. One call to the cops later and mr nosy was arrested and given a police caution and had the camera confiscated and his house searched and PC taken to check for any inappropriate content. Caused a big riot in the street though and it was war for a while with cars being scratched and tyres cut until mr nosy was caught in the act and done over....

05-Jan-13, 01:01
and the ignorant lazy parking goes on. And I notice lazy irresponsible pedestrians still crossing the road between cars rather than moving to a point with a clear view before crossing the road.

05-Jan-13, 17:58
And I notice lazy irresponsible pedestrians still crossing the road between cars rather than moving to a point with a clear view before crossing the road.

What is your problem? It's the cars that are parking selfishly and completely ignoring the Highway Code. They are also making life much more difficult for other drivers.

As to the police, I remember some time ago they told us that they had tried ticketing people parking there and they received so many complaints that they gave up! They are regularly told about the problem and are sympathetic but seem unable to do anything, probably because there are so few of them.

05-Jan-13, 20:55
What is your problem? It's the cars that are....ignoring the Highway Code.As to the police...they gave up!Pedestrians aren't sticking to the Highway Code either. And if the Police can't uphold what they believe is the Law, then what chance does a local busybody ?

05-Jan-13, 21:21
OK.... So far we seem to be in agreement that building the carpark was yet another pointless waste of taxpayers money.... So.... Who on the council was to blame for yet another ill-conceived idea?

06-Jan-13, 11:39
I wouldn't call the car park a pointless waste of taxpayers money, plenty folk use it and are greatful for it. If your looking for a pointless waste of taxpayers money then you will find it inside many houses in Castletown sitting on the sofa doing naff all.

06-Jan-13, 22:48
So far we seem to be in agreement that building the carpark was yet another pointless waste of taxpayers moneyNot at all. I find it very useful on the odd occasion when I can't get parked right in front of the shop.

10-Jan-13, 16:55
alot of lorrys passing through castletown today,loaded with logs.must of counted atleast 8 thoughtless muppets,who were causing traffic jams because of there parking infront of post office and other side of road.thanks to them the lorrys,had a hell of a job at the junction.as did other cars,etc.sad,sad,sad

14-Jan-13, 15:22
and same today:(

03-Feb-13, 18:42
i hope that this coming week LAZY THOUGHTLESS drivers use the carpark.Instead of parking where they choose,seems to be the same muppets time and time again.

11-Mar-13, 15:15
some folk really are pathetic,lovely day today,but still theyre unable to walk the distance of the carpark,wonder what theyd do without there cars,prob expect the bus to drop them at there front door incase they over exercise.

11-Mar-13, 15:52
Take photos of the illegally parked cars and post them on the bad parking website. I can't post the link here because the site has a swear word in it's name but if people PM me I'll give them the link. ;)

11-Mar-13, 20:18
Well i was up in castletown earlier and there was 2 cars parked at the bank and a car abandoned opposite i would say parked but that would be pushing it. how ever there was no room to get the bus though when person came out they just looked at me with distain like it was my fault :lol:

29-May-13, 09:58
the problem continues,THOUGHTLESS,LAZY,IDIOTS,parking where they want,they"d rather park in front of post office than walk from the carpark,theres no helping some people and going by the shape of half of them,they could do with a high life card for the gym,then again that wouldnt suit them either,as carpark is further away down there,no win situation!!!!!!!!

29-May-13, 10:35
You're getting a bit tiresome now

29-May-13, 12:27

01-Jun-13, 12:50
lovely weather today,nice day for a walk,shame the idiots parking where they want,are to lazy and thoughtless to do so!!!!,you"d think the carpark was miles away!!!

01-Jun-13, 13:20
We're definitely getting somewhere with this debate now.

What about cyclists?

01-Jun-13, 18:08
the debate is not about cyclists,its about idiots in motors parking where they want!!,with no thought for anybody other than there selves!!

01-Jun-13, 19:05
It's more of a daily rant than a debate

01-Jun-13, 19:22
the debate is not about cyclists,its about idiots in motors parking where they want!!,with no thought for anybody other than there selves!!

What I do'nt understand is, if it bothers you that much, which clearly it does, why do you not speak to these people ? As you yourself pointed out on another thread, somebody else (if memory serves, the lady in the PO) is getting grief for this thread, and that, to be honest, is hardly fair.

Just found the post -

hells_belle (http://forum.caithness.org/member.php?11443-hells_belle)
http://forum.caithness.org/images/statusicon/user-offline.png .Orger http://forum.caithness.org/images/reputation/reputation_pos.png

Join DateMar 2009LocationCastletownPosts84

to many muppets going about the county,i placed a thread up about lazy idiots not using the carpark across fron castletown post office,as a result the woman who runs post office has had muppets in blaiming her for thread,some folk are better ignored!!,there not worth a second thought!!

secrets in symmetry
01-Jun-13, 21:09
You're getting a bit tiresome nowI rather enjoy hells_belle's occasional rants. :cool:

01-Jun-13, 21:50
How do you know they are lazy? Perhaps they can't walk far? Just because they don't look disabled doesn't mean they aren't x

01-Jun-13, 22:00
maybe there are a few less fortunate folk that cant use carpark ,but the vast majority are folk who are just lazy,dont see what im doing as ranting,just trying to make the junction safer,only a matter of time before sombody either smashes into another car,or god forbid a bairn!!

01-Jun-13, 23:39
When you're driving a car, it is your responsibility to avoid collisions, even with bairns. Parked cars and other obstacles are just things that you negotiate carefully.

Just try blaming someone's "careless parking" when you're in court after crashing your car!

02-Jun-13, 08:33
I don't think there is a lot of parking in front of the shop. Anytime I'm passing I always manage to get parked right in front of the shop - never had to use the car park yet.

02-Jun-13, 10:27
id buy contact lenses if thats the case!!

02-Jun-13, 10:40
Weel said, I too never have trouble parking outside the shop, maybe hells_belle should organize a picket line or something, shop owner will be delighted i'm sure

02-Jun-13, 12:16
Weel said, I too never have trouble parking outside the shop, maybe hells_belle should organize a picket line or something, shop owner will be delighted i'm sure

I hope hells_belle doesn't organise the picket outside the shop - that would be inconvenient and lazy - they should organise it across the street down near the football pitch - much less selfish.

02-Jun-13, 13:10
Every time I go to the Castletown Fish & Chip Shop I always park outside the Post Office. I find the Long walk to the Chippy gives a an appetite and usually the PO is closed so no other cars parked there. :roll:

02-Jun-13, 19:09
Clearly hells-belle is getting rattled by the stupidity of a minority of inconsiderate drivers. The junction at Castleton Post Office can get obstructed by abandoned cars but I’ve yet to hear of any kind of collision there. I’m fortunate I don’t have to be anywhere at any particular time. I just take my time so I’m a driving dawdler and I’ll approach all our know congestion areas with caution.
Perhaps if hells_belle was to spend some time tootling around Edinburgh or Glasgow they would appreciate the traffic chaos he/she thinks we have hereabouts.

02-Jun-13, 21:16
Ignorant muppets!!!!!!!

02-Jun-13, 21:39
The Muppets?

Should be a new thread.

06-Jan-14, 20:39
we are half way to sorting the parking in castletown,the sooner we get double yellow lines in front of post office the better,seems to have worked further up main street:)

06-Jan-14, 22:27
JingsI thought this thread had died

Mrs Bradey
06-Jan-14, 22:58
could always start a petition to get the post office shut down. that would sort the parking problem!!

06-Jan-14, 23:22
could always start a petition to get the post office shut down. that would sort the parking problem!!

Might as well. The punters will go to Thurso, where you can park at the P.O.

Big Gaz
06-Jan-14, 23:31
we are half way to sorting the parking in castletown,the sooner we get double yellow lines in front of post office the better,seems to have worked further up main street:)

So i guess you are quite happy to see anyone with a large or heavy parcel to post, struggle to cross the road to get to the PO if theres yellow lines painted outside it? Why not just complain a bit more and get cars banned from Castletown altogether, it would save you a lot of trouble! Just exactly where is it that you live that the parking outside the shop and the post office affects your daily life?

07-Jan-14, 07:11
So i guess you are quite happy to see anyone with a large or heavy parcel to post, struggle to cross the road to get to the PO if theres yellow lines painted outside it? Why not just complain a bit more and get cars banned from Castletown altogether, it would save you a lot of trouble! Just exactly where is it that you live that the parking outside the shop and the post office affects your daily life?I didn't think there was anyone left who could afford to send a large heavy parcel anywhere using Royal Mail/Parcelforce!

07-Jan-14, 13:24
Along with the building of the car park part of the response to the original issue was to install bollards, presumably to prevent drivers pulling up onto the kerb to abandon their cars while they visited the post office. This whole debacle epitomises the way the council works. No real research into the problem, I doubt any road traffic planner had ever been near Castletown. So a scribble on the back of a fag packet in some ivory tower in Inversnecky and a job is written off as done, badly.
Yellow lines wouldn’t make a blind bit of difference because there is no one there to police them.
Pedestrian railings should have been installed on both sides of the road to make it pointless parking. Then drivers would have to move further along the road, away from the corners before they could stop.
With any public project like this planners really need to consider the dumbest, inconsiderate, most intransigent numpties that unfortunately live among us.
You hit the nail onthe head well said.

08-Jan-14, 01:22
Parking in the car park and then walking across the main road to the shop could get you into a worse accident.
Of course Dog Walkers would park in the car park then walk into Thurso, back to the car park and say that was CROSSING the road LOL
sorry, couldn't resist!

08-Jan-14, 09:40
I know the junction and to be very honest if a car parked there creates such a problem you can't negotiate it without having a meltdown maybe you should consider whether your personality makes you fit to drive. The volume of traffic up here is minimal the occasional car parked in the wrong place doesn't really present a major problem, you should try living in a larger town where traffic is a major problem.

08-Jan-14, 10:16
I don't think it has alleviated the problem at all! All they do now is park round the side,or across the street beside the hairdresser,people just seem incapable of using the carpark!some just ignore the lines and park anyway,the other day there were 2 young mums chatting while one had parked up on the corner of the pavement. I dont mind people who genuinely can't walk far,but sheer laziness isn't an excuse! It's seems to be a case of pointless yellow lines more than pointless car parks! Money would gave been better Spent getting a lollipop person to patrol the school crossings x

Better Out Than In
16-Jan-14, 16:43
Accident studies show that general lackadaisical behaviour does lead to accidents. For every accident there may be 100 near misses or more pointing the way. So just because this has not caused an accident does not mean it is not leading to one. By the way if there is an accident due to inconsiderate parking the driver of the parked vehicle could be liable. So make sure if you take photos and get the numbers of badly parked cars.