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17-Dec-06, 17:21
hi there... sorry guys but i have to share these feelings with you. i cant believe how ignorant some people are.i am not an "average" size woman thus do not fit into the little lady mode. i was out doing my xmas shopping yesterday and a few people just stood and stared at me and started talking loudly about me being disgusting and i should be ashamed of myself being overweight. what business is it of theirs. i have feelings like everyone else so why judge me. i mind my own business so why cant they mind theirs.

sorry about this little rant but i had to get it off my chest.

17-Dec-06, 17:24
Some people just dont have manners any more!!!
Cannot believe that they would have the nerve to do this to someone!
Hope you are feeling better for getting it off your chest!
Hope you have a good Christmas!!! :Razz

17-Dec-06, 18:03
i am sorry to hear that... it hurts... i have put on a little weight but i consider myself to be alright but i still get very nervous if i see people looking at me... some days i can wave my hair and wiggle my eye brows, even wink at the ladies if they look like they are trying the intimidation thing... the reason why most people look is they see something they like it pleases the eye and thus giving pleasure.. i hope ..lol
as for people who are ignorant and makes fun of others or they don't have the sense to keep their mouths shut well thats just wrong...

17-Dec-06, 18:17
thats awful I am no size 12 myself and do consider myself overweight but I woud hate for anyone to say anything to me about being over weight. Chin up and try to ignore it. People like that feel so bad about themselves in some way that they have to make other people feel bad to make themselves feel better. xx

17-Dec-06, 18:42
People are so cruel.I know they say stick and stones.....
It still hurts.
My youngest once said that she wanted to be a big lady as they're so much happier.:lol: .Out of the mouths of babes...

17-Dec-06, 18:48
It speaks volumes about their own insecurities when people judge you for your looks, whether you're heavy or thin. It still hurts though.

17-Dec-06, 18:52
I think thats terrible the way people talk about others sometimes people can't help it being a little bigger than the rest of us. I know of someone who has tried real hard to lose the pounds ie with lots of exercise too and it just dosen't make a difference we are all the same how would they feel if it was them in question I'm sure they would be hurt.

mums angels
17-Dec-06, 19:01
People are so cruel.I know they say stick and stones.....
It still hurts.
My youngest once said that she wanted to be a big lady as they're so much happier.Out of the mouths of babes...

very true, when my mother started losing weight a few months ago my eldest said to me in private that she didn't want her Grandma to loose too much weight because she was much more cuddlier than me:~( It hurt my feelings a little but i knew what she meant when i was younger i always thought my mum was really cuddly.

People are so nasty about others.....I know people small,medium and large and most of the small ones aint that nice anyway so i agree "big ladys" are much nicer to know:D

17-Dec-06, 19:16
How hurtfull. People who talk like that are just ignorant. :mad:

17-Dec-06, 19:46
hi there... sorry guys but i have to share these feelings with you. i cant believe how ignorant some people are.i am not an "average" size woman thus do not fit into the little lady mode. i was out doing my xmas shopping yesterday and a few people just stood and stared at me and started talking loudly about me being disgusting and i should be ashamed of myself being overweight. what business is it of theirs. i have feelings like everyone else so why judge me. i mind my own business so why cant they mind theirs.

sorry about this little rant but i had to get it off my chest.

I totally agree with u but the best way to look on this is if someone is speaking about me it gives some one else a rest

17-Dec-06, 20:17
big is beautiful.

i prefer to be padded and happy not skinny and sour looking :p

17-Dec-06, 20:21
People's size and weight have been turned into a "Social Crime" by the Health Gestapo.

I heard a question, asked on the radio, addressed to a teenage girl about Marilyn Monroe and her figure.
Her reply was that no she wouldn't want a figure like that because she - wait for it - was too "fat"!

Much as I hate to disillusion the Storm Troupers of the Size Fanatics, human beings are not turned off a production line manufacturing identical products nor do they fit into the category of "One Size Fits All".

percy toboggan
17-Dec-06, 20:24
I had been decorating this morning in old olive combat pants and a paint spattered scruffy top. My wife demanded I take her to look at a new Christmas tree at Stockport Homebase. I did not get changed and turned up looking like a dosser. Despite pleas to 'stay in the car' I decided not to.Some people looked askance and I realised my pants were at half mast, I had light grey socks on and my trainers were full of paint! Nobody said much but I notice people staring at me and giving me a wide berth. Luckily I am not a sensitive soul and didn't care much. The christmas trees were all bobbins for the money so we've stuck with the auld 'un.

Nil illigitimi careborundum sub.

17-Dec-06, 21:06
Gud on ye Percy I can remember once after having been doing some wall cutting to put in Electic cables I looked a little like a floured fish patted myself to get some of the dust off and was asked to go into the local HiFi store to buy the new hifi for Christmas so off we went after being in thew store for about half an hour I was wondering what had happened usually one gets attacked by some sales rep. so I went off to get one he was obviously not happy being seen with me and thougt I wasn`t going to buy anyway and with much distaste in his answers .... it makes one so annoyed that people judge on Clothing and size an deformity etc without even trying to find the real person inside... anyway we walked out. I went home got changed into a suit went back and sure enought all these young reps came running over when you stand in front of one of there most expensive pieces then just ask one of the thast you want to speak to the manager about their behaviour.. it works wonders and did I get a good rebate.....

17-Dec-06, 21:30
I am skinny but I am not sour but just think some of us "skinnies" get just as hard a time as bigger people too!!!

When I was in school there was a group of hung around together and one girl in particular used to make fun of me and one other for being skinny calling us all sorts of names which we were supposed to grin and bare because we were skinny. One day decided to call her some of the same names back but because she was a big girl she took offence!! I am a firm believer you are what you are and if you are happy then stuff everyone else. Life is for living so get on with it and enjoy, you are a long time dead!!!!

17-Dec-06, 21:36
i have fat hips but i like to think of it as having more to love [lol] i get really strange looks and people avoiding me in aberdeen when i go out in my scabbiest pair of jeans and a nice warm (old and dearly loved) padded shirt ...i'm sure i look fabulous.. but i'm not lashing out the mini skirts, hair straighteners and make up when i all i want is a pint of milk!!! so deal with it!

17-Dec-06, 21:45
I am skinny but I am not sour but just think some of us "skinnies" get just as hard a time as bigger people too!!!

When I was in school there was a group of hung around together and one girl in particular used to make fun of me and one other for being skinny calling us all sorts of names which we were supposed to grin and bare because we were skinny. One day decided to call her some of the same names back but because she was a big girl she took offence!! I am a firm believer you are what you are and if you are happy then stuff everyone else. Life is for living so get on with it and enjoy, you are a long time dead!!!!

This is so true, and you handled it well ;)

17-Dec-06, 21:47
Cheers, got to grin and bare it!!

17-Dec-06, 23:14
I always loved the idea a mate of mine had if he won the lottery. Head down to the Porsche dealership in Perth in shorts & a T-shirt with a bag slung over the shoulder.

Traipse around looking at the bonnie machines and ask how much they are, wait for the disdainful looks and sneers from the salesperson before opening the bag to a mound of cash!

Then having the cool to walk away as they grovel to try and get your custom..

Evil [evil] but fun [lol]

17-Dec-06, 23:33
The title of yer post says it all.... IGNORANT and obviously have never been taught manners.

17-Dec-06, 23:33
I always think that when people feel the need to put others down it demonstrates their own hang-ups and insecurities i.e; the only way they can feel good about themselves is to make other people feel bad.
I don't know what gives anyone the right to be deliberately rude and hurtful to other people - to quote my Gran "If you have nothing positive to say then keep quiet", what a wise woman she was.

Personally I would rather be a little overweight than have an ugly personality. The first can be sorted, the latter is for life.

18-Dec-06, 00:40
As a larger than average lady ......... although im only 4:11 my reply to the nasties is always the same........ i can change they way I look but a nasty will always be a nasty and so not worth worrying about

18-Dec-06, 18:29
thanks everyone for your kind words. you have given me the boost i needed. if they dont like me because of how i look then they are not worth knowing. thanks again.

18-Dec-06, 20:42
big is beautiful.

i prefer to be padded and happy not skinny and sour looking :p
I second that......jan x

18-Dec-06, 22:45
hi there... sorry guys but i have to share these feelings with you. i cant believe how ignorant some people are.i am not an "average" size woman thus do not fit into the little lady mode. i was out doing my xmas shopping yesterday and a few people just stood and stared at me and started talking loudly about me being disgusting and i should be ashamed of myself being overweight. what business is it of theirs. i have feelings like everyone else so why judge me. i mind my own business so why cant they mind theirs.

sorry about this little rant but i had to get it off my chest.
quite right too Gee, what right has any one to criticise you. i suppose most women would like to be a perfect size ten, well they cant all be that. i reckon that you more than make up for it on personality & honesty. i think its utterly disgusting for anyone to call somebody that specially if they have,nt even bothered to take the time to get to know that person.
so Gee dont let em get to you. have a nice xmas. Johno :D

19-Dec-06, 07:49
It's not just a matter of people keeping their thoughts to themselves, it's also about not thinking them in the first place.

It would be nice if everyone experienced a bit of "Shallow Hal", where they saw what the other person really looked like.

19-Dec-06, 10:51
I am a big girl but i smile a lot i swim a couple of times a week and im happy with myself. Thats the key guys attractive is about the person not the size or shape.

19-Dec-06, 14:57
I am a big girl but i smile a lot i swim a couple of times a week and im happy with myself. Thats the key guys attractive is about the person not the size or shape.

Good on you Squidge; I'm on your side.

19-Dec-06, 15:17
As a larger than average lady ......... although im only 4:11 my reply to the nasties is always the same........ i can change they way I look but a nasty will always be a nasty and so not worth worrying about

It sure is better to be built for comfort rather than for speed (well that's my excuse anyway) and they can take our cakes but they can never take our FREEDOM!!

....er....am I in the right thread?

19-Dec-06, 15:37
It would be nice if everyone experienced a bit of "Shallow Hal", where they saw what the other person really looked like.

I'm not so sure - the wonderful inner person Hal saw was still portrayed as a thin, blonde hair, blue eyed beauty....

19-Dec-06, 20:56
I don't want to be accused of changing the topic on this thread, but some people are exactly the same when they see someone who has special needs, or a disfigurement. They also have feelings and can be mentally scarred also from the way they look, so people staring at them or making comments can be very hurtful indeed.

My sister some years ago, was a nurse in Edinburgh, and she was taking a little girl out for the day, who had special needs. They took a bus to where they were going, and while on the bus, the little girl was making a bit of noise (part of her condition). A lady on the bus made a very audible remark, something along the lines of, "animals like that shouldn't be allowed on the bus." My sister was very hurt and upset, but imagine if that had been her own daughter?

Some people are just pure IGNORANT.

Right, that's me had my little rant.

Carry on.............

19-Dec-06, 21:30
i have alopica, and wear a bandana. i can understand people looking, they are only human. but i REALLY hate it when you catch someone in the corner of your eye staring at you, you look at them and instead of looking away they keep STARING straight back!!!!
oooh it reallllly peeves me off, so rude!

20-Dec-06, 08:36
It sure is better to be built for comfort rather than for speed (well that's my excuse anyway) and they can take our cakes but they can never take our FREEDOM!!

....er....am I in the right thread?

<<< giggles >>> brings us to the lighter side of things ...ok ok ok .
What i noticed with women is say you have two or three of them in a group and another female walks by then they always and i mean always have something to say especially in some work places... I really don't think guys do this to other guys or do they??? Me if i see a anyone smiling then thats what takes my attention and yes if i see people laughing at me park in the coop I will shake my head and give the biggest smile xxx

20-Dec-06, 11:41
When I was a teenager I had two different older (ugly inside and out) women tell me that I was fat, I was about a size 10 - 12. And the other told me that I had lovely teeth, but was not pretty.
Such encouraging things to say to a sixteen year old. It shattered my confidence as you might imagine.
Now when I look back... I was gorgeous and tiny, I am nearly 6' 7", so at a size 10 and wieghing about 9 stone, get real.
Fortunately for me, I married a wonderful man who makes me feel a million bucks and now I am fat. He always tells me I am beautiful and is admiring my volupuous curves.

I was also told recently how obese Iwas, I thanked them for letting me know as I hadn't noticed. That pulled up the smart comments.

20-Dec-06, 16:01
When I was a teenager I had two different older (ugly inside and out) women tell me that I was fat, I was about a size 10 - 12. And the other told me that I had lovely teeth, but was not pretty.
Such encouraging things to say to a sixteen year old. It shattered my confidence as you might imagine.
Now when I look back... I was gorgeous and tiny, I am nearly 6' 7", so at a size 10 and wieghing about 9 stone, get real.
Fortunately for me, I married a wonderful man who makes me feel a million bucks and now I am fat. He always tells me I am beautiful and is admiring my volupuous curves.

I was also told recently how obese Iwas, I thanked them for letting me know as I hadn't noticed. That pulled up the smart comments.

when i was growing up i was ugly nothing could change me...But i wasna i was a beauty as a child... the inner self takes quite a bit to heal and then some days its goes back inside itself ... Why i so good at writing dark strange poetry unfit for the Org lol .. what bill i behaving ok [lol]

jim shoe
23-Dec-06, 20:31
Plimsole here

I have been saying for ages that you can say anything to a person carrying a wee bit excess weight and they:( are expected to laugh it off

go to the said authorities and they too will laugh in your face also

comment on someones colour religion or sexual orientation and you will be charged with discrimination

where is the political correctness in this

there is none

23-Dec-06, 21:06
People can be so thoughtless. Imagine telling a child "don't worry, maybe someday you'll be pretty like your sister" or "hugging you is like hugging a tangle of coathangers". Well I heard those comments, and was fortunate to have parents who helped me cope and I am OVER it ;)

23-Dec-06, 21:13
people can be cruel especially kids and some things that people say to you stick with you years later.