View Full Version : HELP msn

04-Feb-05, 16:42
i can,t access my msn site keeps telling me page cannot be shown,can,t get emails either found somewhere internal server error, HTTP500.100-ASP bad paramater in ini ? help computer illiterate!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

04-Feb-05, 18:33
Call your MSN Helpdesk asking if your account has any billing problems first.

04-Feb-05, 21:35
Why don't you use something decent MSN is total trash.

04-Feb-05, 22:30
msn is free and free emails so no billing :confused

05-Feb-05, 13:16
well..................all I can say is....................you get what you pay for.

06-Feb-05, 12:37
Here are a few suggestions: 1- Reinstall your internet connection
2- Check your firewall and make sure it is on normal setting
3- Check your internet security settings
4- you may need to buy a new pc to fix this problem.
If you suppy me with the following information, it will put me in a better position to help you fix the problem:- Operating system, Your Random Access Memory capacity, Your ROM capacity, Is the problem just with MSN and Your IP address so that I can pass your information onto The MicroSoft Network Technical Dept.

For security, I cannot Log your IP address.
Email the above info to- [email protected]

06-Feb-05, 13:03
4- you may need to buy a new pc to fix this problem.

[lol] [lol] [lol]

06-Feb-05, 13:32
4- you may need to buy a new pc to fix this problem.


ROLF .. you can not be seriouse.. ok come on pray tell how you you figure that one out????? :eyes :eyes :eyes

that's almost as bad as saying it could be an eletrical problem.. you need to get your house re wired... [lol]

I'd have thought a questions such as : can you access the internet at all?
would have been more approprate to start with.
If you really are a company, I'd hope you dont come out with that bullsh*t every time you are asked for help.

06-Feb-05, 13:34
And for that remark of mine I got this PM:


Not a very good pic but it says, "Ok then, I am goin to subscribe you to Teens By Mail"

Thanks Wick_Boy, you are so thoughful.

1 Week Ban
This short term ban will now be used where a user is getting a bit out of hand, for example attacking certain users or basically making a bit a nuisance of themselves, Perhaps?

06-Feb-05, 14:33
Apologies. My message is not frazed properly. I meant that if you are having the problem with all Websites, you may need to buy a new PC. If it is an internal server error that you have it is unlikely that it can be fixed easily.

06-Feb-05, 14:39
i havent looked for the answers to your questions yet ,but yes i can access the internet by internet explorer and surf the net ,my automatic updates wouldnt all go in and when i try to access anything to do with msn it just says sorry cannot be displayed :eek:

06-Feb-05, 14:47
Yes. I think that it is a internal server error you have or a DNS error. It may eventualluy affect more sites in the future.

All I can advise you to do is to visit the Microsoft website and type- ERROR MESSAGES INTO THE SEARCH BOX. look for the error message you are receiving and follow the instructions.

Please note that I am not a company and I have a fair amount of knowledge of computers and I am just advising you.[/quote]

06-Feb-05, 14:56
rule of thumb: if they tell you they think you should buy a new PC, they do not know the first thing about fixing them.

Depending on why the "internal server error" is occuring, this is a minor configuration problem, which at worst will require your operating system to be reinstalled, and I mean the very worst (possibly after wick_bot has paid your pc a visit). Ask the Gurus in caithness.org land, what possible difference would the ROM size (rofl) have to do with anything these days (lololololol) wow what a stupid question. lololol.

Just for the record, "500 : Internal Server Error" is a standard error produced by the SERVER, not by your PC. and it occurs when something is wrong with the SERVER. Its is on the same lines as "404 : File Not Found" which is what a SERVER will tell you when IT cant find the page you are looking for. If your pc is sending something to the server which is causing it to produce this error, then its a software configuration problem that most of the PC techs in the county that I know will fix for you in about 10 miniutes for a small fee.

If anyone has ever used the services of wick_bot and are happy, please pm me and I can sell you a pc that never gives any errors at all, has no operating system to worry about, does not connect to the net and doesnt even need to be plugged in (uses NO electricity). £199.00 inc warranty and guarantee. :)

Muts, easiest way to tell if this is anything to do with your PC at all, is to go to a friends house and log into your msn account from there, if you still get the problem then its nothing at all to do with your pc and something to do with either your account with msn or the server itself, most likely your account.

06-Feb-05, 15:07



06-Feb-05, 16:55

You just trying to give this company a bad name then??? [lol] [lol]

06-Feb-05, 17:21
have gone to friends house still cant get in msn err i dont want to cause any arguments just a little help :confused thanks everyone

06-Feb-05, 17:27
If your friends house is in the same street as you, then all the houses might be faulty. I thourally recommend bulldozing your street and moving to a new planet, far far away...

(I can recommend a builder if you like)

06-Feb-05, 17:42
:eyes yes my friends house is in the same street and i agree stroma is a much better place :D

06-Feb-05, 20:12
Could it be the Bropia.F worm which targets MSN and is doing the rounds?

Grab a copy of AVG from www.grisoft.com and see if that helps :)

07-Feb-05, 20:53
Well did you get it sorted????

was it a virus???

Did we have to re build caithness to fix it???

we need to know :D :D

BTW can the admin please answer my email so I can get back in as Davy Holt :roll:

07-Feb-05, 21:12
well,havent quite found the problem but stil looking , one crowd told me i have 492 files missing? other crowd didnt find a worm,am 87% downloading something else and if the wind keeps up i won,t need a builder to knock my house down!!!!!!! think i will give up and put in my recovery disc and start again :confused :confused :confused in despair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-Feb-05, 02:01
muts [mad] I am having the same problem as you this evening, I cannot get through to MSM or my e-mails, most annoying.

08-Feb-05, 11:36
AVG is a great anti virus as has been suggested.

Might also be worth looking at your "hosts" file to see if there is a IP number entered for the MSN web site (or anything else for that matter). This is sometimes attacked by spyware or virus. What operating system are u using (win98, 2000, XP etc)?

08-Feb-05, 17:58
muts [mad] I am having the same problem as you this evening, I cannot get through to MSM or my e-mails, most annoying.

MSN is like that though, some nights I cant get in and theres nothing I can do about it.

08-Feb-05, 19:50
have compaq xp,have installed anti virus , not quite sure what you mean by 'host' :eek:

Mr P Cannop
08-Feb-05, 20:03
as of 7pm tonight msn messenger is not working

09-Feb-05, 16:08
Your hosts file, can hold the IP number of a website to save your computer connecting to your ISPs DNS server to look up the IP number of a website.

For example:

You type in www.microsoft.com and the first thing your computer does is requests the ip number for that site from your ISPs DNS (domain name server) and when it receives the IP number from there, it uses that number to contact the website and request the pages, pictures etc.

so you see http://www.microsoft.com

your computer is actually using

both links will give you the same page.

Your computer always looks in the "hosts" file before checking with the DNS server allowing you to speed up the process by manually adding IP numbers for sites you frequently visit.

If your "hosts" file has been compromised then an alternate IP number could have been set for MSN.

From what has been said, this might not be the case, but worth knowing where the file is just for checking purposes.

on windows xp it is located at c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc

double click the file and as it has no file extension you will have to select a program from the given list to open it, notepad is the best program to use, although any text editor will do fine.

once open it should look like this:

# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
# rhino.acme.com # source server
# x.acme.com # x client host localhost

if there is anything else below what I have here, and you didnt add it, then your file has been tampered with.

I've also seen it suggested that if you are having problems with the MSN site you should try logging into the passport site directly to see if your account is working properly:


click the "sign in" button on the top right and see how you get on.