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View Full Version : Hedgehog Rescue

04-Nov-12, 15:22
Anyone know if there is a Hedgehog Rescue in Caithness? I've taken in one that had fallen in the cattle grid, it's underweight and really could do with someone
who knows what they are doing to look after it.

04-Nov-12, 17:49
Feed meaty catfood (no fish flavour), cat biscuits, water (no milk)Try SSPCA, Balmore for advice 03000 999 999

04-Nov-12, 18:24
agree with Bailey foodwise, the one i had eventually got up to weight but was too late for it to go out so it hibernated in a shed with lots of bedding and some dry cat food in case it woke up. was released the following spring

04-Nov-12, 18:42
rehydrated mealworms are good too(for hedgehogs).
You can buy big bags of them for birds....(we have some at the moment).
Just soak them in water for about 15 mins and serve....fattening and full of liquid!
Pop it in a box with some heat...we have a microwavable heat pad...feed it as much as it will eat wet food and leave water for it in a shallow heavy bowl with dry food for overnight (less messy).
Weigh it in the morning and if over 600grammes it should be ok to go back to near where you found it.
If under then either keep and feed or put it to the SSPCA or phone them to collect.

04-Nov-12, 19:13
Many thanks for your replies! I weighed it this morning and it was 332g so took it in from the cold and put it in box with a hot water bottle and towels along with
some cat food and water. Am changing the hot water bottle every couple of hours (it's just a small bottle) as I figured it wouldn't do for it to be lying beside a cold
bottle. It didn't move for a few hours but then changed from being in a ball on its side to round on it's front and snuffling. It's eaten a saucer of cat food and has
curled up in a ball beside the hot water bottle again.

04-Nov-12, 19:55
At that weight you are unlikely to have it up in weight in time for release before the weather gets bad, depending on where you have it you could use a reptile heat mat or similar. Live mealworms are also good (monkfield nutrition is where I got mine). Suggest the SSPCA would be the best long term route. Don't be surprised if it starts licking itself and making a lather - that's normal.

05-Nov-12, 14:54
I have sent you a PM. Contact 01847861386 to contact local SSPCA x

05-Nov-12, 18:12
Good for you for trying to help this wee chap! On behalf of the hedgehog - Thank-you! :D

06-Nov-12, 12:36
Thanks everyone for your help! The little hoggy has gone off to Balmore where it'll be cared for over the Winter and released in the Spring. Managed to get it's
weight up from 332g to 399g in the couple of nights it was here indoors so hopefully it will continue to go from strength to strength. Thanks mirandarainbow for your kind words!