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View Full Version : What to do with traitors post referendum

secrets in symmetry
26-Oct-12, 23:52
Our great nation will need to deal with a serious problem after the secessionist referendum has been lost by the secessionist traitors. History tells us that the best way to deal with the vanquished is to rid ourselves of the problem.

So, should we exclude them, or execute them? History suggests that the latter is the best solution (and perhaps the most logical one), and it might also be argued that it's the most rational and objective one. The problem with that solution is mainly ecological - what would we do with so many remains?

Where in Caithness would we create our "Patriotic Landfill" without increasing our Carbon Footprint?

27-Oct-12, 00:03
shoot em, recover the lead (heavy metals are nasty)
Incinerate them|(after removing metals like fillings, hip replacements etc)....no need for a grave and costly landfill...
And plant a couple of native trees on their ash scattering ground!..that will negate the carbon footprint

secrets in symmetry
27-Oct-12, 00:16
Incineration? Yes, good idea! A combined heat and power plant on the Gare Loch would be appropriate. :cool:

27-Oct-12, 00:24
heat generated from the incinerator could be used to generate power to the grid...
But it would be less than the heat the bodies produce...
But if only the hot air from politics could be harnessed, then the output might equal the intput, with a better outcome for most!

27-Oct-12, 00:26
You could always hang cages from the walls of Girnigoe Castle to keep us in like Edward did to the wife and sister of Robert the Bruce at Roxburgh i think.
Or how about that hang drawing and quartering thing - I know its been a little unfashionable of late but hey.... why not create a new wave of evisceration?

Of course - should we win the referendum then we will embrace those who voted No wholeheartedly and create an inclusive Independent Scotland.......

So.....................Forgive me if I dont flee just yet!:roll:

secrets in symmetry
27-Oct-12, 00:42
heat generated from the incinerator could be used to generate power to the grid...Yes, exactly - we could power the three-pronged peacekeepers with hot air from the traitors' remains.

27-Oct-12, 00:54
How about burning at the Stake? Although this might not be that popular as this week Lord Montcrieff commissioned a beech maze with a beautiful monument at its centre at Tullibole Castle. It is engraved with names to commemorate 3212 innocent people (mostly women) who were strangled and burned as witches after "trials" devoid of evidence but full of grudges, envy and paranoia..... (sounds a bit like this message board dont you think lol)

27-Oct-12, 03:15
Squidge, you really have done your hyperbole proud this time!
3212 innocent people?

"An open Invitation to the unveiling of the monument in the “The Witches Maze” at Tullibole Castle 14.00 for 14.30 on the 25TH October 2012if you are reading this you are invited to attend the unveiling of a monument in
“The Witches Maze” at Tullibole Castle, Kinross which commemorates 11 innocent people Strangled and burned after the Crook of Devon Witch Trials in 1662 – 350 years ago.The unveiling will be done by Lord Moncreiff who is responsible for the maze and Lesley Riddoch, a campaigning journalist, commentator and broadcaster."


27-Oct-12, 08:26
Serves me right posting when I was sleepy, full of a cold and sitting up waiting for my husband to arrive after driving up the road from Pitlochry. He has been a druid in the Enchanted forest there this last four weekends. My apologies Aaldtimer - I had read about this earlier and the 3212 stayed in my mind from Lesley Riddochs comments - of course you are right the memorial commemorates 11 specific cases.:roll:

27-Oct-12, 10:15
Why not herd them all towards the border into England ruin their economy leaving them broke then we invade thus having an even larger country. simples

27-Oct-12, 11:08
No I'm too much of a shrinking violet for all that killing business. How about deportation to New Zealand? They tell me that South island is more like Scotland than Scotland.

27-Oct-12, 12:13
No I'm too much of a shrinking violet for all that killing business. How about deportation to New Zealand? They tell me that South island is more like Scotland than Scotland.

Sounds like a plan, I'd definitely vote yes if those where the options....

YES Win: Freedom from those tyrannical English overlords.
No Win: Freedom from those tyrannical English overlords by means of free passage out of this God Forsaken country.

secrets in symmetry
27-Oct-12, 12:47
No I'm too much of a shrinking violet for all that killing business. How about deportation to New Zealand? They tell me that South island is more like Scotland than Scotland.Yes, but you have to consider how much CO2 would be released by transporting them to far flung former colonies. Flying is far too polluting, and surface ships aren't carbon free. You could send them in sailing ships, but you'd have to build the ships and feed the traitors en route. This is too expensive both ecologically and financially. Besides, the New Zealanders wouldn't want them either.

Incarceration would be a waste of money and effort. We could restrict them to shanty towns, use them as slave labour, and save money with a tight curfew - they could be forced to wear kilts and See You Jimmy hats to identify them in public. The problem with this idea is that most of them won't be of much use to society. Termination is simpler.

27-Oct-12, 13:05
Sounds like a plan, I'd definitely vote yes if those where the options....

YES Win: Freedom from those tyrannical English overlords.
No Win: Freedom from those tyrannical English overlords by means of free passage out of this God Forsaken country.

Is Cameron an English name now then..?

27-Oct-12, 13:23
Let's be careful. Who is a traitor depends on who wins.

27-Oct-12, 13:30
Is Cameron an English name now then..?

A name is nothing more than a badge of identification... My surname can be traced back to the Norman conquest, am I French?

27-Oct-12, 13:32
Cameron is a Scottish name along with McDonald and that most famous of Scottish folk with a rich history in our great country Sir Trevor McDonald.

27-Oct-12, 13:43
And that great figure from the world of culinary excellence - let's hear it for Ronald MacDonald.

At least he's more Scottish than that Russian submarine Commander who can't even talk properly, lives in the USA, and claims to be even more Scottish than Donald MacTrump - yes, Commander James "Sean Connaway" Bond, the Scourge of the Sassenachs.

After the NO decision, the secessionists will be chased out of Scotland by hordes of chinless silver-spooned Lord Snooties who want a piece of the action, once they've torn down the windmills and put a few pukka nuclear power stations in place.

secrets in symmetry
27-Oct-12, 13:51
And that great figure from the world of culinary excellence - let's hear it for Ronald MacDonald.Interesting suggestion, but who would want to eat a Traitorburger?

Speaking of Lord Snooties, in my experience there are as many of them at St Andrews University as at Oxford - and we know who has a degree from St A's, don't we? :cool:

27-Oct-12, 14:00
A name is nothing more than a badge of identification... My surname can be traced back to the Norman conquest, am I French? So if a Scottish couple move to England and their children are born there, their children are English and not Scottish?

secrets in symmetry
27-Oct-12, 14:08
If, for some unfathomable reason, we decide not to terminate all traitors, I submit this as a draft design for the male slaves' uniform.


There's no need to waste money designing a different uniform for female slaves.

secrets in symmetry
27-Oct-12, 14:17
So if a Scottish couple move to England and their children are born there, their children are English and not Scottish?According to eligibility for the Eckerendum, not only are the children English - the parents are English too!

Eck won't give a vote to Scots who live in England - because they might vote against secession!

27-Oct-12, 14:29
So if a Scottish couple move to England and their children are born there, their children are English and not Scottish?

Yes... Though if & when it's 2 separate countries then they would probably be classed as having duel nationality... My parents where born in England, moved to Scotland & had me.... So, am I now Scottish, English or French? Though if you go far enough back in my family tree I suppose I could be classed as African also.

According to eligibility for the Eckerendum, not only are the children English - the parents are English too!

Eck won't give a vote to Scots who live in England - because they might vote against secession!

They shouldn't get a vote, not because they might vote "No" but because they chose not to live here so why should they get a say in how it is run. I never could understand why UK ex-pats living it up in the Mediterranean sun get to vote in the UK General election when it is the people who actually live here that have to live with the consequences of the result, not them.

27-Oct-12, 14:45
They shouldn't get a vote, not because they might vote "No" but because they chose not to live here so why should they get a say in how it is run.

Because it isn't a vote about 'how it is run', it is a vote on dismantling the UK. So I believe all residents of these islands should have a vote.

27-Oct-12, 15:30
Because it isn't a vote about 'how it is run', it is a vote on dismantling the UK. So I believe all residents of these islands should have a vote.

It is a vote on "how it is run" & more importantly "where it is run from"...
Technically it is not about dismantling the UK since by keeping the British Monarch as our head of state we would still be one Kingdom. Though personally I'd like to see an end to the Monarchy but that is a different issue for another day.

secrets in symmetry
27-Oct-12, 15:34
Technically it is not about dismantling the UK since by keeping the British Monarch as our head of state we would still be one Kingdom.Lol! So Scotland would be part of the Kingdom of England, Scotland, Canada, Australia, et al? I despair at secessionist "logic" at times....

The up side is that you'll all be diedied or walking about in kilts and carrying puddin' spoons soon. :cool:

27-Oct-12, 15:39
Lol! So Scotland would be part of the Kingdom of England, Scotland, Canada, Australia, et al? I despair at secessionist arguments at times....

That's not so much an argument, just an answer to a stupid question...

secrets in symmetry
27-Oct-12, 16:05
Here's another idea for dealing with Secessionist Traitors....

We could host a large-scale Caithness version of Running Man on the Causewaymire. Hundreds of Lord Snooties would pay vast sums to stay at Ackergill Tower and chase Traitors in kilts and See You Jimmy Hats. To give them a chance, the Traitors could use their pudding spoons as weapons of self defence.

27-Oct-12, 16:11
Here's another idea for dealing with Secessionist Traitors....

We could host a large-scale Caithness version of Running Man on the Causewaymire. Hundreds of Lord Snooties would pay vast sums to stay at Ackergill Tower and chase Traitors in kilts and See You Jimmy Hats. To give them a chance, the Traitors could use their pudding spoons as weapons of self defence.

Sounds nothing like "The Running Man" unless you are talking about that crappy film with Arnie based extremely loosely (just about the only similarity was the name) on the excellent book by Stephen King, well worth a read.

27-Oct-12, 16:38
How about just brain washing them and making them model Scottish folk?

secrets in symmetry
27-Oct-12, 21:20
We've had a few volunteers to go out and shoot Running Traitors. The first one looked vaguely familiar.


He says he's made mistakes in the past, and that he wants to make up for previous misdemeanours. He sounds plausible, but there's something very disturbing about him.

secrets in symmetry
30-Jan-13, 00:34
Our great nation will need to deal with a serious problem after the secessionist referendum has been lost by the secessionist traitors. History tells us that the best way to deal with the vanquished is to rid ourselves of the problem.

So, should we exclude them, or execute them? History suggests that the latter is the best solution (and perhaps the most logical one), and it might also be argued that it's the most rational and objective one. The problem with that solution is mainly ecological - what would we do with so many remains?

Where in Caithness would we create our "Patriotic Landfill" without increasing our Carbon Footprint?Evidently, the decision of where to locate the execution site has already been made, although there's some local opposition:

Dounreay firing range plan sparks new protest (http://www.johnogroat-journal.co.uk/News/Dounreay-firing-range-plan-sparks-new-protest-25012013.htm)

Less well known is where the remains will be dumped:

Dounreay nuclear waste to be stored in 'big holes' (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-18728165)

Does that big open hole look suitable for dumping nuclear waste? Lol, of course not! :cool:

30-Jan-13, 21:40

Don't you realise that what you all think is great fun is actually against the law? You are inciting violence and hatred and if someone were to make a complaint about it in this too politically correct world, you would all be in deep trouble!!
Just the other day a chap in the borders was arrested and charged under the Communications Act because he lost the rag and used the word "bitch" in an email communication with an unhelpful official. I suggest one of you asks the admin to close this thread asap before it all goes wrong.

30-Jan-13, 22:19
I will not be voting yes in the referendum, not enough information been released, i dont want wind turbines everywhere that will be switched off, we seem to think we have a claim to oil not far from our shores but the plots have been bought up by oil companies already. My question is what would you do if you voted yes for independence and did not achieve it?

30-Jan-13, 22:25
I will not be voting yes in the referendum, not enough information been released, i dont want wind turbines everywhere that will be switched off, we seem to think we have a claim to oil not far from our shores but the plots have been bought up by oil companies already. My question is what would you do if you voted yes for independence and did not achieve it?

I don't think the independence vote will have any bearing on how many wind farms will be in Scotland. Pretty much all parties have the same renewable energy targets. Yes, the tories have been umming and arring about them but the bottom line is that they will need to follow the best scientific and energy advice in the face of rising fuel costs and climate change.

30-Jan-13, 22:29
So why not stay together with the rest of the UK work with them and find the best possible solution for these small islands

31-Jan-13, 12:42
Secretsinsimmetry, this is a funny thread lolWhere did you find that pic of Salmond hahaI am voting for the independence of Caithness from Scotland, is that possible? :pAn Orcadian friend of mine said the Orkney population will stick to Uk no matter what (or maybe they are planning a revolution and we will see a Republic of Orkney?)

31-Jan-13, 13:36
Get a life

Don't you realise that what you all think is great fun is actually against the law? You are inciting violence and hatred and if someone were to make a complaint about it in this too politically correct world, you would all be in deep trouble!!
Just the other day a chap in the borders was arrested and charged under the Communications Act because he lost the rag and used the word "bitch" in an email communication with an unhelpful official. I suggest one of you asks the admin to close this thread asap before it all goes wrong.

secrets in symmetry
31-Jan-13, 22:40
Secretsinsimmetry, this is a funny thread lolWhere did you find that pic of Salmond hahaI am voting for the independence of Caithness from Scotland, is that possible? :pAn Orcadian friend of mine said the Orkney population will stick to Uk no matter what (or maybe they are planning a revolution and we will see a Republic of Orkney?)I took the photo of the Ugly One when he applied for a job shooting his former followers.

31-Jan-13, 23:49
I took the photo of the Ugly One when he applied for a job shooting his former followers.Ouch!! Is he still shooting his followers?

secrets in symmetry
01-Feb-13, 01:21
Ouch!! Is he still shooting his followers?The job doesn't start until next year - when his eckology party loses the eckerendum.

01-Feb-13, 01:27
So Am I going to be branded a traitor for not wanting to follow some cod eyed idiot`s idealism of utopia ???

Im NOT voting for fat Alex s pipedream , be warned 50% tax for the lot of you, reap what you sow is what they say , well ecky boy & your lick spittles , you can dream & will always be the bridesmaid, your constant make it up as we go along(they wont notice) isnt fooling us any more.

Im not a traitor, Im entitled to my opinion & I am a bit fed up of snp people trying to belittle me & people like me with genuine concern over how they do business.

Windmills,I think the SNP could power scotland for the next 10 years with all the wind they talk

01-Feb-13, 18:34
The job doesn't start until next year - when his eckology party loses the eckerendum.Haha fair enough! So traitors not voting for his party's 'eckerendum' have a wee spare time to try and build a bunker :D

01-Feb-13, 19:12
This thread got me thinking.
Scottish traitors to be burned (no guillotined) :) after we achieve independence:
Alistair Darling, Willie Rennie, Tavish Scott, Johann Lamont, Jim Murphy, the heads of the BBC..... Need I go on. ;)

01-Feb-13, 22:42
This thread got me thinking.
Scottish traitors to be burned (no guillotined) :) after we achieve independence:
Alistair Darling, Willie Rennie, Tavish Scott, Johann Lamont, Jim Murphy, the heads of the BBC..... Need I go on. ;)

Dude, you missed the point of the thread by about 3000 miles. :lol:

01-Feb-13, 22:53
You know there is an underlying nastiness about this particular thread. Its like all the kids in the playground calling one names and then when they are remonstrated with, the hold their hands open, gasp widen their eyes and say 'but it was only a JOKE Miss!' Its a shame really cos you can be such nice people.

secrets in symmetry
02-Feb-13, 01:31
Dude, you missed the point of the thread by about 3000 miles. :lol:There are always a few. They're mostly eck fanboys, and therefore missing a bit of the old grey matter.

secrets in symmetry
02-Feb-13, 02:22
Ouch!! Is he still shooting his followers?He tries, but he's a lousy shot, so he didn't get the job.

02-Feb-13, 02:39
You know there is an underlying nastiness about this particular thread. Its like all the kids in the playground calling one names and then when they are remonstrated with, the hold their hands open, gasp widen their eyes and say 'but it was only a JOKE Miss!' Its a shame really cos you can be such nice people.

Thanks squidge, see post#33

02-Feb-13, 08:34
I saw it ywindy. I wouldnt agree that this thread is 'inciting hatred' but it is a nasty mean minded sneering thread.

02-Feb-13, 09:58
I saw it ywindy. I wouldnt agree that this thread is 'inciting hatred' but it is a nasty mean minded sneering thread.

It would only take one person to complain and it would have to be investigated. They don't mean it, they think it is just fun and I had hoped that the thread would close before anyone got into trouble. Loved the way you squashed Reggy on the QT question thread by the way.

02-Feb-13, 10:14
When I started joining in with this wonderful window on the world I noticed that people have a pop at each other from time to time. Occasionally, a person's opinion would be taken to be the person himself/herself. This, I found out, is called "ad hominem" and is naughty in the field of proper logical debate.

So, I could say "Your opinion is daft", but not "You hold that opinion. So you are a swivel-eyed baboon with the IQ of a lamp post".

Then I thought - if a person embraces an opinion against all reasonable argument, does that person become an embodiment of the message?

In other words - if a person says the moon is made of green cheese, and can't be persuaded otherwise, is he/she THEN allowed to be called a swivel-eyed baboon with the IQ of a lamp post?

And a final thought - if the person so called is indeed a swivel-eyed baboon with the IQ of a lamp post, then is he/she likely to be at all bothered about being called that name?

And a very final thought - In the scheme of things, do the posturings of us little ants renting space on this planet for a minute amount of time really amount to anything more than the square root of diddley squat?

And a totally terminal honest guv just this one and I'll shut the doings up: remember the formula

a) I am always right

b) You try very hard but you just don't get it

c) He/she is a swivel-eyed baboon with the IQ of a lamp post

secrets in symmetry
02-Feb-13, 13:19
When I started joining in with this wonderful window on the world I noticed that people have a pop at each other from time to time. Occasionally, a person's opinion would be taken to be the person himself/herself. This, I found out, is called "ad hominem" and is naughty in the field of proper logical debate.These are the people who spend too much time on too many forums - with too many other people who spend too much time on too many forums. Paradoxically, they're useless at forums and their posts are boring - so they invent rules to protect themselves, and to attack others. They've created a false world, which they think is real, and they think they run.

You could tell them to go out and discover the real world that's passed them by - but they've already failed at that....

02-Feb-13, 13:41
And a totally terminal honest guv just this one and I'll shut the doings up: remember the formula

a) I am always right

b) You try very hard but you just don't get it

c) He/she is a swivel-eyed baboon with the IQ of a lamp post

Funny post, I had wondered that too. Anyway, the part "I'm always right" is highly debatable, because nobody is right all the time. The part "you try hard but you just don't get it", if the environment is the web... it is the daily comment you receive in every thread about everything in every forum.
Part C isn't politically correct hahaha :D

@secretsinsimmetry, I found lots of people have no humour nowadays, especially online. They have to take anything seriously, I don't know if that makes them feeling better or what else. I like the sneering threads, so to make them happy.... should we create one about Cameron?

secrets in symmetry
02-Feb-13, 13:42
The Nut is always right. I'm always right. We're both always right - especially when we disagree on something. :cool:

PS "The Nut" is a term of endearment.

02-Feb-13, 13:55
PS "The Nut" is a term of endearment.

Ok then, politically correct ;)

secrets in symmetry
02-Feb-13, 13:58
@secretsinsimmetry, I found lots of people have no humour nowadays, especially online. They have to take anything seriously, I don't know if that makes them feeling better or what else. I like the sneering threads, so to make them happy.... should we create one about Cameron?I would never sneer at Carmen. She might set her toreador on me!

secrets in symmetry
29-Mar-13, 23:35
Let's give the failed secessionists a year's free membership of the SDA. That'll cure most of them of their insanity. :cool: