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13-Dec-06, 00:54
Hi I've just started watching this show over here and I love it. Found this game to play online http://www.nbc.com/Deal_or_No_Deal/game/flash.shtml

I soooooo want to go on the show, just missed some auditions that were held for it, so guess I'll just have to keep on shouting at the tv when it's on. :lol:

Anyone else addicted to deal or no deal ?

13-Dec-06, 01:09
Its a wicked game, i love it... But i aint got the b***s to do something like that and go on the show..

Ahhh im sorry to hear you never got in, i wish you my best of luck next time...

13-Dec-06, 10:41
hi yes i love the show and i also was disapointed when the 22 year old lady carryed the 250 000 to the table and dealt at 21 000 poor lady she deserved alot more as it was for a good need. does anyone agree?

i would like to go in it but i would be to scared and i wouldnt have a clue where to stay or anything never mind that i wouldnt be able to sit there watching other people going up and loosing out in a lot off money. good luck for the next time and fingers crossed you get in.:D

13-Dec-06, 13:27
hi yes i love the show and i also was disapointed when the 22 year old lady carryed the 250 000 to the table and dealt at 21 000 poor lady she deserved alot more as it was for a good need. does anyone agree?

i would like to go in it but i would be to scared and i wouldnt have a clue where to stay or anything never mind that i wouldnt be able to sit there watching other people going up and loosing out in a lot off money. good luck for the next time and fingers crossed you get in.:D

funky - i noticed the lady got 21K and she was wild with boyfriend but children started to play very loud ! and i never heard what the crack was - did he want her to deal but she didn't or was it the other way around? what was the couples good cause?

with regards to staying somewhere i think the show puts all the contestants up in a hotel.

13-Dec-06, 16:36
Personally, I think she deserved to loose it. Did you see the way she totally ignored her boyfriend towards/at the end. Poor bloke (I bet he felt far worse than her) she asked what she should do, he said deal, she did, and lost - that's the gamble you take. All the tears at the end :roll:, feeling sorry for herself, it was just pure greed. The thing is she left with £21,000 more than she came with so wouldn't you be delighted. Some have left with only 1p!!
PS I wonder if he's still her boyfriend today!

13-Dec-06, 16:42
Personally, I think she deserved to loose it. Did you see the way she totally ignored her boyfriend towards/at the end. Poor bloke (I bet he felt far worse than her) she asked what she should do, he said deal, she did, and lost - that's the gamble you take. All the tears at the end :roll:, feeling sorry for herself, it was just pure greed. The thing is she left with £21,000 more than she came with so wouldn't you be delighted. Some have left with only 1p!!
PS I wonder if he's still her boyfriend today!

this is a very perfect repost on my one because yes some people can leave with one pence and i didnt see the end after she had the 250 000 so i never seen how she reacted around her boyfreind poor guy. he wasnt to know what she was going to get for all he knew she could have went home with the extra nothing.

is that the show when someone was meant to carry the 250 000 to the table or is that still going to be put on because i think the person takes it home dont they?

13-Dec-06, 18:38
well i heard that 2 people win before christmas - but think we running out of days now! maybe it was meant to say 2 people take the 250K to the table before christmas.

13-Dec-06, 21:48
Yes its true.Did anyone watch the Jonathan Ross show months ago where nole Edmonds was on..He said it live on Tele that there has been two winners of the £250,000 but they aint showing it incase people lose the interest in the show and stop watching it. Personally i think that stinks and i watch it coz i want to see them win the big bucks!!

13-Dec-06, 23:11
I love the show..& all work seems to stop on the rig when its on..Tea shack gets chock a block around 415pm!!haha

Cedric Farthsbottom III
13-Dec-06, 23:17
Good show,but it has the same effect as most TV programmes for me,keep me engrossed for a few months then start getting samey.The same happened wi me the windmill in the Teletubbies while watchin it wi ma kids.

14-Dec-06, 00:16
I never watched it when I was in Wick, but I get the feeling the show over here in Canada is different. It's on at 8pm and the top prize is 1 milllion. 26 models hold the cases and the contestant chooses a few at a time. Is this the same as your one ?

Cedric Farthsbottom III
14-Dec-06, 00:23
Top prize in the British version is £250,000.Widnae say no to it,although Noel Edmonds used to share a house wi Mr Blobby,so I widnae trust him.[lol]

15-Dec-06, 01:19
Yeh the jackpot in the Uk has been won but isnt being shown until after the New Year...

...Xmas and Boxing day i thin there is 2 shows and the later show has top prize of £500 000:lol::eek:

15-Dec-06, 15:23
Love watching Deal or No Deal, even the kids get into it with clapping, (they dont really understand apart from that the person doesnt want to open the red boxes), so they actually clap at the blue boxes and shout 'Oh No' at the red!! Prob learned that from their mum....lol.
Prefer watching this than The Weakest Link!! Some people just shouldnt go on these shows!!