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View Full Version : Searching for Charles Swanson

M Swanson
17-Oct-12, 10:15
Hi. I'm trying to trace my GGGrandfather, Charles Swanson, who was born in Latheron, Caithness, about 1822. He shows in the 1841 Census as marrying 'Frank,' whose mother was Catherine Sutherland. I believe this name should have read, Frances Ann, nee Young, but on succeeding Census's it's given as Frank, Fanny or Francis. I have obtained a copy of their marriage certificate, but it doesn't give the name of the parish they were married in, but the name Achastle appears several times. I cannot trace who Charles's parents were and would be so grateful if anyone could help in anyway, please. It's a long shot I know, but I thought well worth a try. Many thanks.

18-Oct-12, 20:21

Not surprised you are having problems with Charles Swanson.

He married Frances Ann Young 23 February 1848 in Latheron. In the 1841 census he is the only Swanson in Achastle, but Margaret Sutherland, aged 95 and Catherine Sutherland, aged 45, are in the same household. In 1851 he, Frank and daughter Catherine are in Achastle along with Catherine Sutherland, aged 40 (obviously wrong), who is described as his mother.

There is no entry in Latheron c1822 for a Charles Swanson, but a Charles Sutherland is baptised 7 June 1821 in Latheron, father William. Is that him, and if so, why has he adopted the surname Swanson?

You may have a big problem to solve.


PS Have done some more work - all census returns for 1851 to 1901 indicate that Charles was illegitimate and Catherine Sutherland, aged 80 in 1871, unmarried, was his mother. It also looks as if Margaret Sutherland, aged 95 in 1841, was his grandmother. Charles was alive in April 1901, aged about 80, so you could try ScotlandsPeople to get his death certificate.

18-Oct-12, 22:52
According to Scotland's People,there is a Charles Swanson death in Latheron Parish in 1903, but the birth is given as c1826. You would need to look up the death certificate for further details.

M Swanson
18-Oct-12, 23:03
Thank you so much for your efforts on my behalf, John. I very much appreciate it.

I've had a day off from researching, because I couldn't reconcile the information, or even verify it, with the different reference points. I'm very new to this kind of project, but all went relatively smoothly, until Charles Swanson's name was mentioned, as the father of my GGrandfather Robert of Banffshire. I have a copy of Robert and Isabella Jane Winchester's marriage, in which Charles is given as the father and 'Frank' nee Young, is his mother. I cross referenced with Ancestry and noted that 'Frank's name changed in the 1841, 1851 & 1861 Censuses. She was shown to be 'Frank,' 'Fanny,' or 'Francis.' I obtained a copy of their marriage certificate from Scotlands'People, in which her name shows as Frances Ann Young, of Achastle, on 23rd February, 1848, but the Parish is not shown.

I can't, as yet, trace a birth certificate for Charles, but I'm reasonably confident, that your references from the Census's, in which Catherine Sutherland is given as his mother, is the ancestor I'm researching. The 1861 Census shows Charles and Fanny had a son Robert and on checking the dates this points to him being my GGrandfather. I was wondering myself if Charles was illegitimate. I found a reference to Charles dying a pauper in 1903, but haven't been able to find his death certificate, or his birth certificate which would be so helpful.

I'll check Charles Sutherland and see if anything strikes a chord. I can't imagine how his surname would have changed and it's very baffling. Thank you for the pointer. I've certainly found my first brick wall, but will carry on regardless.

M Swanson
18-Oct-12, 23:11
Thank you Spittallhill. I too, found his date of death as being 1903, but unfortunately, I haven't been able to trace Charles's birth certificate. I began to wonder, if perhaps, some records have been lost, or destroyed for Latheron at some time. Scotland's People and FREEREG have been so useful, but even they have little on Charles. I'll certainly heed your advice and see if c1826 is more fruitful. Thanks again.

M Swanson
18-Oct-12, 23:40
Just popped back to tell you, that I have obtained a copy of Charles' (who died at Achastle), death certificate. I'm so pleased. His father was also Charles Swanson, a ploughman and his mother is given as Catherine Sutherland, agricultural labourer. There is not a maiden name shown, which supports John's theory that he was illegitimate?

19-Oct-12, 08:09
If you can get access to the Kirk Session records, you may find that the couple had to appear before the Session to confess their adultery, if that was the case. Unless they are still held locally, Kirk Session records are held in Edinburgh and are currently being digitised for viewing via Scotland's People. This project is now behind schedule.

M Swanson
19-Oct-12, 09:58
Thanks again Spittalhill. I was unaware of Kirk Sessions and will research this later. I wonder if anyone can recommend a book I can purchase, relating to the history of Caithness, with references to Swiney, Achastle and Latheron, please? I would love to read of the lives of folks who lived, worked and raised families in the 18th and 19th Centuries.

I've now had the chance to decipher some of the writing on Charles Swanson's death certificate and discover that the witness to Charles's death was 'John Young, Brother-in-Law.' This should help with my search. I hope. :)

19-Oct-12, 13:16
The Book of Lybster(2 volumes) by Donald Young is the most recent authorative book on the area. Donald Young died a few years ago so it is out of print but copies may still be available at local booksellers in Wick.

19-Oct-12, 13:50
In Donald Young's book, there is a copy of a very old photo of a lady, Mary Ann Sutherland , standing outside her cottage in Achastle. Would this be a relative? I can email you a copy of the photo if you PM me with your email address.

M Swanson
19-Oct-12, 15:11
I would be so grateful to receive a copy of Margaret, please Spittalhill. I have not been lucky, so far, in finding any information on my GGGMother Catherine Sutherland, but it may be that she was related to the lady shown in Achastle. As I only knew of the Bannfshire side of the family, until recently, I'm very interested in Caithness now. I Googled Amazon and discovered both volumes of 'The Book of Lybster,' (signed), but they cost £350, which I can't afford. I'll keep trying however.

Charles Swanson Senior, is still proving elusive and I'm beginning to wonder if the Kirk Session records may be my only hope for tracing him. At the moment, I haven't been able to access any information.

As soon as I discover how to PM you, I'll send my email address and once again, thank you so much for your kind offer.

19-Oct-12, 16:49
I think my copy cost about £60.00 from DR Simpson, 88-90 High Street, Wick, Tel 01955 603304. That was a few years ago. If you are interested, they would be worth trying. If Charles's birth does not appear in the OPRs which were usually maintained by the Church of Scotland, it may be because his mother was a member of the Free Church. I believe their records are only accessible via Wick Library.

M Swanson
19-Oct-12, 19:07
Thank you Spittalhill, for the attachment and additional information regarding Achastle. PM sent. I still haven't quite found my way round the records held by the Church of Scotland, but I'll keep trying.

M Swanson
27-Oct-12, 16:14

Although I've managed, with help, to find many of my ancestors, I'm still unable to trace Charles Swanson. I think the only way I may be able to overcome this problem is via the Kirk Sessions records, as suggested by Spittal. Despite trying hard, I can't find a way of accessing these records and wonder if anyone can suggest how I may be able to, please?

27-Oct-12, 23:24
The Kirk Session Records of Latheron Church of Scotland are held in the National Archives of Scotland and at present can only be viewed in Edinburgh. I understand all Kirk Session Records held there, are currently being digitised and will in due course be accessible via the Scotlands People website. However if Charles was baptised in the Church Of Scotland this should already be in the OPRs on Scotlands People. What do not appear in the OPRs are baptisms in the Free Church, of which there was a branch in Achastle, according to Donald Young's book. I think I recall being told that the Free Church baptisms are available at the North Highland Archive Centre in Wick Library. Even if you do find a birth/baptism record for him, it may be seriously lacking in detail and may give nothing more than the name of the father or mother. If he was illegitimate, either or both of the parents would likely have been called before the Kirk Session to account for their transgressions and rebuked, and this will be recorded in the Kirk Session minutes!

M Swanson
28-Oct-12, 23:51
Many thanks again for the clarification, Spittalhill. I wrote to Scotlands People and they hope to make the Kirk Session records available for viewing, either at the end of this year, or sometime in the New Year. I know now, that it is my only chance of being able to find anything further on Charles. Should I have any success, I'll post to let anyone interested know the outcome. You have been most generous with your help and advice. Much appreciated.

25-Dec-13, 09:26
I was interested in reading your posts about your search for Charles Swanson. I've done a bit of trying to trace my family tree and Charles is also my Great,great grandfather. I have him as marrying Frances 23-2-1848 and dying 24-5-1903. My great grandmother was his daughter, Hannah. I have Charles parents as Catherine Sutherland and Charles Swanson. Catherine died 9-2-1872.
Frances (Fanny, Franky, Francis, Francisina, Frank!) was born 1825 but I couldn't find a date of death. She disappeared off the census between 1881 and 1891 when Charles was then described as a widow. Does that mean we're related? Cheers.