View Full Version : McDonald/MacDonald

11-Oct-12, 15:44
McDonald at Watten and Clyth
1770's - early 1800's at Watten then to Bardfellister, Clyth.
Alexander McDonald m Jean/Jane Geddes May 1776 at Watten.
Son Alexander McDonald m Ann Adamson 10 Jan 1823 Latheron Parish.
Son Alexander McDonald m Catherine Ryrie 23 Nov 1862 Wick.
Son Alexander McDonald (born at Bardfellister) m Annie McRae (also from Caithness) in Edinburgh 6 Nov 1896.
Son Alexander McDonald m Lucy Cook 4 Mar 1926 Glendive, MT USA.

Anyone connected to any part of the above families, I'd love to hear from you.
The family came up from Kildonan apparently prior to 1776. There were supposed to be 7 or 8 McDonald boys.
Originally supposed to be from Glencoe.

I have a question as to the spelling of Bardfellister. I have seen it spelled as Badfellister. My Grandfathers birth certificate says Bardfellister. Does anyone know? I have visited the old croft. It is very run down.

I was registered many years ago on this forum as Siobhan and posted then, but didn't receive any answers. Hopefully, someone can shed some light.


12-Oct-12, 13:14
Have sent you a message.

30-Oct-12, 23:44
I think I sent you a reply to your message. Let me know!